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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringComputer Science
There has been very little phonetic study of mimicry. Considering how interested the general public is in the phenomenon, this is really unexpected. However, there is curiosity in the phenomenon that extends well beyond the realm of... more
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    • Rehabilitation
LAPAN IPB/LAPAN-A3 satellite’s payloads consist of many electronic, mechanical, and optical parts or components. In terms of durability, these components are quite sensitive to vibration. To avoid failure due to the vibration, things we... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringVibrations
The Swedish cattle call song, kulning, is an example of very marked and far-reaching sound propagation of vocal communication. While earlier studies have investigated the acoustic characteristics o ...
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      Computer ScienceMusicologySingingKulning
Predicting how the fingertip will mechanically respond to different stimuli can help explain human haptic perception and enable improvements to actuation approaches such as ultrasonic mid-air haptics. This study addresses this goal using... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisVibrationsSoft Tissue MechanicsFinite Element Analysis
A rt u ro M a rt ín e z R od rí g ue z 2 y Oscar Llanes Guerra 3 RESUMEN. La Cosecha de café con el auxilio de medios mecánicos se hace impracticable para la inmensa mayoría de los productores de café en el mundo, debido fundamentalmente... more
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• Multi-objective optimization of composite plates is performed using lamination parameters. • Fundamental frequency, buckling load and effective stiffness metrics are maximized. • Pareto-optimal solutions are determined considering... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceComputational Mechanics
Due to the nonlocal Euler–Bernoulli elastic beam theory, the effects of rippling deformation on the bending modulus and the structural bending instability of a single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) are investigated. The nonlinear... more
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      Materials ScienceBiomaterialsVibrationsNonlinear dynamics
The solid particle erosion (SPE) performance of three different transparent materials, polycarbonate solid sheet, plexiglass (Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), and laminated glass was investigated. Erosion tests were performed under... more
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An operating mechanic system can experience excessive vibrations if the forces acting in this system close to the natural frequency. Excessive vibration can cause damage, so it needs to be reduced. One of the ways to reduce excessive... more
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    • Physics
Ethanol blended petrol is one of the alternate fuel proved to be used for petrol engines. The ethanol blending will help the energy economy of the country and reduce vehicle emissions.present research in India has tested ethanol blended... more
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We hypothesized that short-term exposure of mice to vibration within a frequency range thought to be near the resonant frequency range of mouse tissue and at an acceleration of 0 to 1 m/s(2) would alter heart rate (HR) and mean arterial... more
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      VibrationsVibrationMedicineBiological Sciences
A new electromagnetic rotary mechanism utilizing a friction drive is proposed. An electromagnetic vibration excited on a permanent magnet is converted to a rotary movement through a frictional force. A trial motor, composed of a magnet... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsMaterials ScienceVibrations
Rotationally periodic structures are commonly employed in many technological applications, e.g. satellite antennae, rotors and turbine bladed-disks. The periodic arrangement of identical substructures implies that, for any eigenmode, all... more
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      EngineeringNonlinear ElasticityVibrationsVibration Control
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      Computer ScienceStructural EngineeringReinforcementCrash
This work presents the development of a magnetic levitation system with a ferrite core, designed for electromagnetic energy harvesting from mechanical vibrations. The system consists of a fixed enamel-coated copper coil and five... more
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      ElectromagnetismRenewable EnergyBiomechanicsVibrations
It was suggested earlier (2005) that it is possible that in the brain occur sets of mobile charge carriers which may undergo phase transitions between the plasma (classical or quantum) and the state where they interact individually. This... more
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      Plasma PhysicsPhase TransformationsVibrationsBrain
Abstrak - Getaran atau vibrasi yang terjadi pada sebuah kendaraan yang sering kita gunakan akan menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan. Tidak hanya itu, getaran yang ditimbulkan secara berlebihan pada kendaraan cepat atau lambat akan menyebabkan... more
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    • Physics
Abstrak -Getaran atau vibrasi yang terjadi pada sebuah kendaraan yang sering kita gunakan akan menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan. Tidak hanya itu, getaran yang ditimbulkan secara berlebihan pada kendaraan cepat atau lambat akan menyebabkan... more
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    • Physics
This study focuses on leveraging CNC technology to enhance the face milling procedures' surface quality. Determining the success of machining outputs depends heavily on measuring surface roughness. In order to create an intelligent model... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceVibrationsSurface RoughnessCNC Machining
CNC Machining stands as a pivotal process for attaining precise dimensions and surface roughness in component manufacturing. Within this realm, the vibration of CNC machine spindle bearings significantly impacts the quality of machined... more
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      Machine LearningVibrationsSurface RoughnessBearings
The three building blocks of nature are mass, energy and information. All of reality exists both as particles and waves and everything is interconnected metaphorically as partners dancing to music within a universal quantum field of... more
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This paper presents a methodology for the reduction of Dynamic Mixed Finite Element Models (DM-FEMs) based on the use of a sub-structuring primal methods adapted to such models. We implement a DM-FEM for Kirchhoff-Love (KL) thin plates... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMathematicsApplied MathematicsVibrations
This paper presents a methodology for the reduction of Dynamic Mixed Finite Element Models (DM-FEMs) based on the use of a sub-structuring primal methods adapted to such models. We implement a DM-FEM for Kirchhoff-Love (KL) thin plates... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMathematicsApplied MathematicsVibrations
Theoretical investigations into the capabilities of a coaxial inertial drive with various operating modes for vibratory conveyors and screens are conducted in the paper. The coaxial inertial exciter is designed with one asynchronous... more
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      PhysicsVibrationsVibration ControlVibration
The paper concerns the wide range of strategies used to protect structures against man-made dynamic excitation. The most popular approaches applied worldwide are compared, and the main differences and similarities are summarized. The... more
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      Computer ScienceVibrationExcitation
The limitations of thermal, vibration, or electrical monitoring of electric machines such as false indications, low sensitivity, and difficulty of fault interpretation have recently been exposed. This has led to a shift in the direction... more
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      VibrationsCondition MonitoringReliability EngineeringElectric machines
Oil seals are commonly used in high speed multistage compressors. If the oil seal ring becomes locked up against the fixed portion of the seal, high oil film crosscoupled stiffnesses can result. A method of analysis for determining if the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemistryMarine EngineeringVibration
Rotating machinery acceptance parameters in terms of vibration and protection is one of the key considerations in detailed engineering and design process. For these activities, API standards are used normally in oil and gas industries.... more
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    • Turbo Machinery (Rotor Dynamics)
ANCRP or Artificial Noise convertor and reducer panel is a device that may be helpful in reducing the noise of the urban areas that mainly contains the voices and vibrations generated due to the artificial sources as result of human... more
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This thesis deals with the optimization of the laundry load distribution within front loaded washing machines in order to avoid vibration noise and, in consequence, increase the performance and duration of such systems. The washing... more
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      Computer ScienceEvolutionary algorithmsStochastic OptimizationHardware In The Loop
The paper presents the natural frequencies shift of a Warren truss with seven elements in the case that members of the structure are weakened by considering that the modulus of elasticity with a lower value. Taking into consideration that... more
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      Structural EngineeringVibrationModalTruss
This paper proposes an analytic relation for the deflection of a cantilever beam with a transverse crack subjected to dead load. The mathematical relation is deduced involving the decreased capacity of the beam to store energy, which is... more
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      Materials ScienceStructural EngineeringFinite element methodStructural Health Monitoring
This paper presents a method to find the severity of a crack for cantilever beams that can be used to estimate the frequency drop due to the crack. The severity is found for the crack located at the location where the biggest curvature... more
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      Materials ScienceStructural EngineeringDamage detectionCurvature
This paper compare two methods to determine the severity of a damage occurring in cantilever; the first method is well-known in the literature and base on an approach from fracture mechanics, while the second is contrived by the authors... more
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      EngineeringStructural EngineeringStiffnessCantilever
Abstract:-This paper presents the researches made by the authors in order to develop an algorithm and method to localize damages in beams using vibration measurement. The chosen type of beam was the cantilever one, for which a database... more
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We introduce in this paper an intelligent system that automatically detects the damage in cantilever beams called AgentMec. This agent is creating its knowledge using a database with the first ten natural frequencies of the beam damaged... more
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    • Damages
Systematic, well-designed research provides the most effective approach to the solution of many problems facing highway administrators and engineers. Often, highway problems are of local interest and can best be studied by highway... more
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      EngineeringStructural EngineeringVibrationsVibration Control
Cet exposé présente les résultats de l'article [3] au sujet des ondes progressives pour l'équation de Gross-Pitaevskii : la construction d'une branche d'ondes progressives non constantes d'énergie finie en dimensions deux et trois par un... more
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    • Physics
The structure and dynamics of atomic oxygen adsorbed on Ag(410) and Ag(210) surfaces has been investigated using density functional theory. Our results show that the adsorption configuration in which O adatoms decorate the upper side of... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceVibrationsDensity-functional theory
The paper presents problems related to road safety in terms of the development of the concrete barriers system, dispersing energy of car collision on the roads with high traffic and high accident risk. Particular attention was paid to... more
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    • Engineering
Military vehicles are used less intensively than the civil ones, and many types of the vehicles used by the army are stored for a long time. Therefore, this type of vehicles can be used even for a dozens of years. Due to the constant... more
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    • Engineering
The paper presents problems related to road safety in terms of the development of the concrete barriers system, dispersing energy of car collision on the roads with high traffic and high accident risk. Particular attention was paid to... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
The paper presents problems related to dynamic loads of armoured personnel carriers design as well as soldiers located inside them. In order to assess the exposure of soldiers while overcoming terrain and engineering obstacles... more
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The results of the experimental research on the influence of the special vehicle movement conditions on the body shell and the vehicle crew dynamic load will be presented in the paper. ROSOMAK Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier (Wheeled... more
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      EngineeringVibrationsExperimental ResearchKinematics
We present a new architecture for wideband vibration-based micro-power generators (MPGs). It replaces a linear oscillator with a piecewise-linear oscillator as the energy harvesting element of the MPG. A prototype of an electromagnetic... more
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Automotive clutches are prone to rigid body torsional vibrations during engagement, a phenomenon referred to as take-up judder. This is also accompanied by fore and aft vehicle motions. Aside from driver behaviour in sudden release of... more
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      EngineeringVibrationsAutomotive IndustryAutomobile
Take-up judder is the first rigid body torsional mode of the clutch system, which occurs during clutch engagement. This phenomenon is induced by stick-slip oscillations at the friction lining interfaces between the clutch disc and... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringThermal EngineeringMaterials Science
Rolling bearings are one of the most important noise and vibration generator into mechanical constructions. Therefore, it is very important to have knowledge of the rolling element bearings influence on the level of noise and vibration in... more
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      VibrationsNoiseRolling Element Bearing