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In this paper we study the mathematical and mechanical properties of the double- helix structure of DNA in 3dimensional space. Many of the mechanical quantities in the DNA can be described explicitly, which is not the case for the latter... more
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      Mathematical BiologyDNA StructureDimensionalVector-Valued Function Algebras
Let L θ be the circular cone in R n which includes a second-order cone as a special case. For any function f from R to R, one can define a corresponding vector-valued function f c (x) on R n by applying f to the spectral values of the... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsNonlinear AnalysisComplementarity
The concepts of cone extreme points, cone saddle points, and cone saddle values are introduced. The relation of inclusion among the sets minix~x maxy~yf(x, y), maxiy~y minx~x f(x, y), and the set of all weak cone saddle values is... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimizationNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsVector-Valued Function Algebras
[2] to the case of an arbitrary σ-finite outer regular quasi-Radon measure space. We present an alternate approach to the Fremlin integral for a non-atomic, finite quasi-Radon space.
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    • Vector-Valued Function Algebras