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Hunian yang nyaman merupakan dambaan setiap manusia. Pada kota besar dengan penduduk yang mayoritas memiliki mobilitas yang tinggi, cenderung lebih menyukai hunian dengan desain minimalis. Selain karena lahan yang terbatas, hunian... more
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      Civil EngineeringRencana Anggaran BiayaCost Planning and Cost Controlling of BuildingsUtp
Pembahasan yang ada:
- PACKET TRACER (PKA) with source code.
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      Packet TracerCliVLSMTwisted Pair cabling
This symposium followed on the success of the first one, held at Walworth Castle (Durham, UK) in 2006, and the second, held at Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland) in 2008. Based on the pioneering work of C.A.R. Hoare, He Jifeng, and others... more
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      Virtual MachineUnifying Theories of ProgrammingUtpfixed point
Abstract. We investigate, within the UTP framework of designs, the effect of seeing computation as an essentially reversible process. We describe the theoretical link between reversibility and the minimum power requirements of a... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentVirtual MachineProspective
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      Technical AnalysisUnifying Theories of ProgrammingUtp
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      Unifying Theories of ProgrammingUtp
Platelets express two ADP receptors namely P2Y1 and P2Y12 that regulate ADP and other agonists-induced platelet aggregation. P2Y1 receptor activation causes platelet shape change while P2Y12 receptor activation induces platelet... more
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      Platelet aggregationEpinephrineCollagenPlatelets