Urban Water Crisis
Recent papers in Urban Water Crisis
Year 1995, Republic Act no. 8041 was enacted by the Senate and House of Representative entitled the National Water Crisis Act of 1995 in order to address the nationwide water crisis which adversely affects the health and well-being of the... more
ABSTRACT: Brazil is known for it´s enormous potential of freshwater. Despite Brazil’s apparent abundance of fresh water - 12% of the world’s fresh water - these supplies are not evenly distributed across the country. Besides, overuse and... more
From 2015 to 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, was marked by fears of a water crisis in which the city's taps threatened to run dry. We argue in this article that Cape Town's crisis of water scarcity was a product of the convergence of... more
Si le secteur de l’eau est devenu, depuis les années 1990, l’un des principaux domaines de contestation des politiques néolibérales, avec une multiplicité de luttes pour la remunicipalisation du service, le devenir des entreprises... more
From 2015 to 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, was marked by fears of a water crisis in which the city's taps threatened to run dry. We argue in this article that Cape Town's crisis of water scarcity was a product of the convergence of... more
La provisión de agua a las ciudades presenta un continuo desafío. Con la propagación del nuevo coronavirus se impone la necesidad de un exhaustivo y constante lavado de manos. Surgen entonces las preguntas: ¿Cómo podrán las ciudades, São... more
-- South Asia and China account for nearly half of the world’s groundwater use
-- Per capita water availability in South Asia has been dropping dramatically
-- Continued groundwater extraction will deepen the water crisis in South Asia
-- Per capita water availability in South Asia has been dropping dramatically
-- Continued groundwater extraction will deepen the water crisis in South Asia
Unprecedented urban growth makes sustainability in cities a crucial issue for policy makers, scholars and business leaders. This emerging urban crisis challenges environment-based and economic-based approaches to sustainability, and... more