Since more than 35 years, the Bavarian Society for Underwaterarchaeology (BGfU) is working in the field of documentation and preservation of underwater cultural heritage in Bavaria. Due to an ongoing change in techniques and methods, also...
moreSince more than 35 years, the Bavarian Society for Underwaterarchaeology (BGfU) is working in the field of
documentation and preservation of underwater cultural heritage in Bavaria. Due to an ongoing change in techniques
and methods, also the operational areas and duties of the BGfU extended. Underwaterarchaeological work moved
more and more towards observational tasks, as represented by one of the most important underwaterarchaeological
issues in Bavaria, the monitoring of the UNESCO site of Rose Island in Lake Starnberg. Furthermore, monitoring of
potential threads and damaging potentials is also carried out on the so-called “Schindelwrack”, a modern shipwreck
also situated in Lake Starnberg. Outside Bavaria, the BGfU has implemented an own underwaterarchaeological
group in Hesse. In Croatia and Romania, further and generative cooperation have become established with local
archaeological authorities and groups.