Truth pluralism
Recent papers in Truth pluralism
Truth pluralism, as I understand it, is the view that there is more than one property propositions can possess that makes them true when they are lucky enough to be so. In this essay, I aim to clarify pluralism by concentrating on three... more
This paper offers a critical appraisal of moderate truth pluralism through metaphysics. The appraisal is offered in the context of the ongoing debate between strong and moderate truth pluralists. Both kinds of pluralist endorse conceptual... more
Some philosophers have argued that truth is a norm of judgement.1 This thesis has been given in a variety of formulations—that true judgements are the correct ones; that it is better to judge truly than to judge falsely; and that the... more
In this paper I investigate how differences in approach to truth and logic (in particular, a deflationist vs. a substantivist approach to these fields) affect philosophers’ views concerning pluralism and normativity in these fields. My... more
Truth pluralism is the view that there are different ways of being true. The most prominent form of truth pluralism ties the plurality of truth to domains. Thus, propositions about riverbanks might be true because they correspond with... more
Note: This paper has now been split into two: "On moderate pluralism about truth and logic" and "On the normative variability of truth and logic". Abstract: According to moderate truth pluralism, truth is both One and Many. There... more
Introductory remark Pascal Engel is an inspiration. For those of us who have toiled in the rough fields of the truth literature, his work is celebrated for, among other things, having established the question of the value of truth as... more
In this paper, we offer a brief, critical survey of contemporary work on truth. We begin by reflecting on the distinction between substantivist and deflationary truth theories. We then turn to three new kinds of truth theory—Kevin... more
This paper offers a discussion of metaphysical pluralism, alethic pluralism, and logical pluralism. According to the metaphysical pluralist, there are several ways of being. According to the alethic pluralist, there are several ways of... more
Survey of recent work on alethic pluralism.
The papers in this special issue investigate a range of topics that pertain to the distinction between the concept and the property of truth. The distinction between property concepts and the properties that they pick out is a mainstay... more
In The Metaphysics of Truth, Doug Edwards offers a sustained case against deflationism about truth and in favour of his preferred pluralist theory of truth. Here, I take up three of the main components of that case. The first is... more
We should reconcile ourselves with the fact that we are confronted, not with one concept, but with several different concepts [.] [W]e should try to make these concepts as clear as possible (by means of definition, or of an axiomatic... more
Two arguments against a pluralism of truth-predicates as advocated by Michael Lynch: 1. Pluralism cannot explain how 'mixed sentences' consisting of predicates from different areas of discourse can be true (e.g. '2 is the most... more
I. THE HEROES OF OLD At first glance, Mark Richard's recent book When Truth Gives Out appears, in the most commendable sense of the word, 'old-fashioned'. Its central thesis is that truth is sometimes the wrong standard to use when... more
The primary focus of this paper is an investigation into the alethic norms governing judgment. In particular, I am interested in the structural issue concerning the judgement-truth norms—i.e. in the question what are the normative... more
Contemporary expressivists typically deny that all true judgments must represent reality. Many instead adopt truth minimalism, according to which there is no substantive property of judgments in virtue of which they are true. In this... more
In this paper I investigate how differences in approach to truth and logic (in particular, a deflationist vs. a substantivist approach to these fields) affect philosophers' views concerning pluralism and normativity in these fields. My... more
Alethic bromidism and alethic functionalism share a common starting point in the view that a theory of truth ought to be compatible with our ordinary or endoxic conception of truth. Trouble is that there is no evidential support testing... more
The central thesis of Mark Richard's important book, When Truth Gives Out, is that truth is sometimes the wrong standard to use when assessing the judgments we make about the world. Not all correct judgments are true, and not all... more
""In this paper, I discuss two concerns for pluralist truth theories: a concern about a key detail of these theories and a concern about their viability. The detailed-related concern is that pluralists have relied heavily upon the notion... more
Pluralism, no less than traditional inflationism and deflationism, is consistent with all four main approaches to the alethic paradoxes: the truth-value gluts (dialethism) and gaps (analethism) solutions, the hierarchical gambit... more
Alethic pluralism is the view that the nature of truth is not uniform across domains.
A set of three overlapping answers are proposed to two initial questions (about what and how do leftists and rightists disagree with each other?) (1) Intensional rigidity: Yes, left and right are rigid designators, but provided that these... more
Truth pluralism offers the latest extension in the tradition of substantive theorizing about truth. While various forms of this thesis are available, most frameworks commit to domain reliance. According to domain reliance, various ways of... more
This paper was inspired by criticism of pluralism and relativism about truth, offered by Pascal Engel in (Engel 2011). We discuss the main points of his talk in terms of our understanding of the later Wittgenstein. We share the essence of... more