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John Muir's writings portray total personality engagement leading to the liberating unification of the following components of aesthetic experience: keen perception, scientific understanding, empathy and a sense of the expressiveness of... more
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      The Meaning of LifeTruth, Beauty, GoodnessTruth, Goodness and Beauty
The life in the golden rule is seen in its tendency to disclose multiple levels of meaning when seriously applied over time by a culture or an academic discipline. This paper presents a path of reasoning that unfolds a sequence of six... more
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      PhenomenologyPhilosophy and the Art of LivingTruth, Beauty, GoodnessComparative Philosophy and Religion
I this article I tackle a series of questions related to beauty and aesthetic perception in Aquinas. Many of these questions orbit what we should make of Aquinas's claim "Pulchra enim dicuntur quae visa placent" (ST I.5.4ad1) In the... more
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      AestheticsMedieval PhilosophyPerceptionAristotle
The book presents a philosophy of living which is organized around the categories of truth, beauty, and goodness. These categories are specified in terms of the truths of science, philosophy, and spiritual experience; beauty in nature and... more
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      Truth, Beauty, GoodnessTruth, Goodness and Beauty
Current teleology in Western biology, philosophy, and theology draws on resources from four main Western philosophers. (1) Plato's Timaeus shows how to interpret the universe as the handiwork of a purposive Creator who subordinates... more
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      Truth, Beauty, GoodnessTruth, Goodness and Beauty
The problem of evil didn’t use by Hume (and also not by three speakers, Demea, Cleanthes and Philo in Dialogues) as an argument against the existence of God. He only tries to reconcile the existence of God and the existence of the evil in... more
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      David HumeProblem of EvilTheismTruth, Beauty, Goodness
This fifth chapter of The Golden Rule (Oxford University Press, 1996) begins with the following paragraph. Jesus is a controversial figure partly because the records of his teachings juxtapose intuitively appealing statements with... more
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      Religious EthicsComparative Religious EthicsThe Meaning of LifeTruth, Beauty, Goodness
Confucius used the golden rule as a social-ethical rule in a path that leads from self-examination and self-control to the virtue of ren (love, co-humanity--the person-to-person virtue par excellence). The rule of living is anchored in... more
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      PhenomenologyReligious PhilosophyPhilosophy and the Art of LivingTruth, Beauty, Goodness
Realm of Beauty and Truth is my latest collection of poems that can be enjoyed travelling through the world of beauty, truth, love, spirituality, patriotism, peace and universal brotherhood, and sometimes halting for having some glimpses... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsAestheticsEnglish Literature
This article shows the important features of good humanity in our life and history and depicts how these basic and good qualities can ensure honour and greatness for us.
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My father taught me to value the good guy and in Oliver Twist Dickens does this beautifully and boldly, allowing the orphan several special chances to stay safe and protect his goodness. Though novelistic tastes now usually run to more... more
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      Child DevelopmentProblem of EvilCharles DickensTruth, Beauty, Goodness
The practice of theurgy in Late antiquity and Middle Ages can be understood correctly and comprehensively only if we take into account the basic principles of Neoplatonist philosophy and theology as the basis of medieval mysticism. In... more
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      Pseudo-DionysiusSymbolism (Art History)IamblichusMystical Theology
Philosophy as metanoetics is dialectic inaugurated and informed and sustained by religious experience. Tanabe Hajime's book lays the groundwork for a philosophy of living for scholars and non-scholars alike. From this complex book one may... more
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      Meaning of LifeTruth, Beauty, GoodnessTruth, Goodness and Beauty
The struggle between good and evil is one of the main subjects of the Epistle of Pseudo-Barnabas, which originated between 70 and 130, thus, in the period when apocalyptic literature was flourishing. The latter’s impact on the Epistle... more
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      JudaismEvilMillenarianismTruth, Beauty, Goodness
A discussion, on the basis of waking realism, of the real existence of goodness and of a supreme eternal being that would fittingly be identified as and called God. Goodness is not reducible to an attitude or a projection or a... more
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      Realism (Philosophy)Proof of GodTheismFacts and Values
An attempt to improve on the theme of clouds in Greek literature. Ostensibly, a conversation between Socrates and a young boy.
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      Mythology And FolklorePsychologySocial PsychologyComparative Literature