Tropical TImber
Recent papers in Tropical TImber
Timber knots recognition is of prime importance to further determine the timber grade. The recognition is normally based on the human expert's eyes in which can lead to some flaws based on human limitations and weaknesses. The use of... more
Disclaimer: This study has been prepared by CATIE, as a request from ECOS, as an exploratory study on teak prices, contracted on the base of time worked and expertise. This report has been elaborated using only information available from... more
In dieser Diplomarbeit soll anhand eines kleinen regionalen Beispieles die Problematik der "Regenwald-Zerstörung" untersucht werden. Dabei soll es nicht darum gehen, weitere Argumente für oder gegen die Vernichtung weiterer... more
Cedrela odorata (Spanish cedar) is a neotropical broadleaf tree species that is in high demand for furniture and interior fittings. In 1998, seed collections were made from Spanish cedar in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, for genetic... more