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In right lobe (RL) living donor liver transplantation (LDLT), portal vein (PV) variations are of immense clinical significance. In this study, we describe in detail our PV reconstruction techniques in RL grafts with variant PV anatomy and... more
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      LiverLiver TransplantationClinical SciencesTransplant
Renal transplant recipients have a well-recognized increased risk of de novo neoplasia. In this study, we investigated whether lymphocyte subset count could predict the risk of developing noncutaneous neoplasia (NCSC) in renal transplant... more
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      RiskKidney transplantationRenal transplantationClinical Sciences
Hepatocyte transplantation is a conceptually attractive alternative to whole organ grafting for some inborn metabolic errors and for fulminant liver failure. However, studies of the immunogenicity of transplanted allogeneic hepatocytes... more
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      Flow CytometryCryopreservationCell separationLiver
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      Follow-up studiesHepatitisLiver TransplantationClinical Sciences
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      RoboticsKidney transplantationYoung AdultClinical Sciences
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      Kidney transplantationRetroperitoneal FibrosisClinical SciencesTransplant
Background. BK virus-associated nephropathy (BKVAN) can be diagnosed only with renal graft biopsy. De¢nitive diagnosis of BKVAN requires demonstration of BK virus (BKV) replication in renal allograft tissues. Non-invasive analysis of... more
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      Kidney transplantationBK virusImmunosuppressionYoung Adult
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      Cell DivisionMiceG protein-coupled receptorsClinical Sciences
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      ReligionEducationPublic OpinionOrgan Donation
Porcine and human pancreatic islets were microencapsulated in an alginate-polylysine biomembrane and put in a chamber of a new vascular prosthesis composed of an inner tubing of Dacron mesh and an outer tubing of expanded... more
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      AdolescentDogsClinical SciencesTransplant
BackgroundGraft-versus-host disease (GVHD), a common complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplant, is generally regarded to develop through cell-mediated immune response following activation of helper T cells. Since production of... more
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      AntibodiesClinical PracticeLiverChronic Disease
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      Kidney transplantationErythropoietinKidneyClinical Sciences
The influence of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) on acute liver allograft rejection was investigated in 48 adult patients. The diagnosis of rejection was always based on the full triad of histological findings, clinical signs, and the... more
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      Liver TransplantationClinical SciencesTime FactorsTransplant
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      Treatment OutcomeCase ReportMothersClinical Sciences
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      PsychologyTreatment OutcomeAlcoholismHepatocellular Carcinoma
A survey of the public attitudes towards organ donation in a Turkish community and of the changes that have taken place in the last 12 years Abstract In 1990 we carried out a survey on public attitudes toward organ donation in a Turkish... more
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      PharmacologyNephrologyOrgan DonationTurkey
We tested if Quilty (endocardial infiltration of lymphocytes) in routinely processed endomyocardial biopsy is associated with poor outcome after heart transplantation (HTx). Biopsies (n = 9829) harvested within the first post-transplant... more
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      Survival AnalysisHistologyBiopsyCox Regression
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      Kidney transplantationPolymerase Chain ReactionFollow-up studiesDifferential Diagnosis
The direct interaction between antigen specific CD8 CD28 T suppressor cells (T ) with dendritic cells (DC) results in the q y S tolerization of DC by inducing the upregulation of immunologlobulin like transcript 3 (ILT3) and ILT4. We show... more
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      Immune responseCytokinesDendritic CellsTransplant Immunology
Terminal heart disease affects not only the patient, but also members of the patient's family, and especially the spouse. The aim of this prospective study of 26 couples was to collect information about the impact of heart transplantation... more
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      CommunicationEmotionsAffectProspective studies
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      CommerceClinical SciencesTransplantOrgan Trafficking
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      DeathElectroencephalographyBrain DeathTouch
The worldwide shortage of liver grafts causes medical, social and ethical problems. Although this situation requires intensive efforts to develop alternative grafts using regenerative biotechnology, they are still far away from the... more
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      TransplantationVascular endotheliumClinical SciencesTransplant
Purpose: Intraportally transplanted islets provoke an instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction (IBMIR), resulting in acute islet destruction. In a simplified in vitro model, we compared the mechanisms of IBMIR induced by human... more
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      FamilyKidney transplantationDrug interactionsTacrolimus
LB, JF and TB wrote the manuscript. LB and TB collected data. TB performed the temperature measurements. All authors contributed to the manuscript critical review. ; Tel = (33) 383 157823 -fax = (33) 383 154563
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      Clinical SciencesTransplant
The goal of steroid minimization trials has been to minimize or eliminate steroid-related side-effects while simultaneously not increasing the rate of acute rejection (AR) and chronic graft loss. Early trials of late steroid withdrawal (... more
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      Kidney transplantationSTEROIDSChildMonoclonal Antibodies
For reducing the corticosteroid (CS)-related side-effects, especially cardiovascular events, CS-sparing protocols have become increasingly common in pancreas transplantation (PT). Lympho-depleting induction antibodies, such as rabbit... more
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      Side EffectsToxicityIslet TransplantationImmunosuppression
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      Kidney transplantationRisk factorsClinical SciencesCadaver
Context and Aim: Low therapeutical adherence (TA) to immunosuppressive drugs is one of the main factors that determine the survival of heart transplant recipients (HTx). The aim of this study is to measure the TA improvement by means of a... more
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      Clinical SciencesIndian PsychiatryTransplant
The global challenge for solid organ transplantation programs is to distribute organs to the highly sensitized recipients. The purpose of this work is to describe and test the functionality of the EpHLA software, a program that automates... more
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      AlgorithmsPolymorphismKidney transplantationSoftware Design
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      ChildLiver CirrhosisLiver TransplantationClinical Sciences
Delayed graft function (DGF) in renal transplantation using non-heart-beating donors (NHBDs) usually exceeds 80%. There is debate whether DGF in this subgroup is associated with poor long-term outcome. Between 1 January1988 and 3 1... more
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      Kidney transplantationSurvival AnalysisTreatment OutcomeRenal transplantation
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      Natural Killer cellsTransplant ImmunologyLiver TransplantationClinical Sciences
Deceased donor organ programme is still in infancy in India. Assessing deceased donation potential and identifying barriers to its utilization are required to meet needs of patients with organ failure. Over a 6-month period, we identified... more
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      Risk assessmentIndiaBrain DeathTransplantation
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      OncologyTreatment OutcomeLiterature ReviewLiver Transplantation
Various factors determine the graft-and patient survival after transplantation. HLA-matching and immunological factors are of importance for the short-and long-term survival. Apart from these obvious determinants, nonimmunological factors... more
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      Brain DeathIschemiaInfectionRisk factors
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      Clinical SciencesTransplantLegHeart Transplantation
In living kidney donation, a distinction can be made between direct donation and directed donation.
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      Kidney transplantationMedical EthicsClinical SciencesTransplant
The critical pathway of deceased donation provides a systematic approach to the organ donation process, considering both donation after cardiac death than donation after brain death. The pathway provides a tool for assessing the potential... more
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      DeathKidney transplantationBrain DeathInfection Control
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibition is potentially a less nephrotoxic form of immunosuppression. Compared with calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs), mTOR inhibition has been extensively studied for more than two decades in recipients... more
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      Kidney transplantationMiceImmunosuppressionClinical Sciences
A 39-year-old male patient, with end stage renal failure caused by focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, underwent
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      Kidney transplantationToxoplasmaAdolescentToxoplasmosis
For evaluation of triple-phase multislice computed tomography (CT) for assessment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) before liver transplantation. All HCC patients who underwent liver transplantation at our institution between 2001 and... more
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      Computed TomographyHepatocellular CarcinomaLiver TransplantationClinical Sciences
To assess the significance of antibodies detected by complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), solid phase (SPA) and flow cytometry (FC) assays we compared their predictive value in 354 consecutive cases of deceased-donor kidney... more
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      Flow CytometryKidney transplantationTacrolimusRenal transplantation
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      Kidney transplantationOrgan TransplantationImmunosuppressionClinical Sciences
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      ChildLiver TransplantationClinical SciencesTime Factors
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      BioengineeringTissue EngineeringRegenerationStem Cells
This paper proposes a low complex forward adaptive loss compression algorithm that works on the frame by frame basis. Particularly, the algorithm we propose performs frame by frame analysis of the input speech signal, estimates and... more
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      AtherosclerosisKidney transplantationAdolescentChild
Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is a well-established strategy to decrease the mortality in the waiting list and recent studies have demonstrated its value even in patients with low MELD score. However, LDLT is still under a... more
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      Hepatitis CHepatocellular CarcinomaLiver TransplantationClinical Sciences