Tourism, religion and spiritual journeys
Recent papers in Tourism, religion and spiritual journeys
In this paper, the phenomenon of “Places of Power” is discussed from a cultural, cognitive and psychophysical perspective in order to understand the specific mental state of people who sense the existence of "places of power" as well as... more
مفاهیم و تعاریف مهمترین ابزار ارسال پیام برای برقراری ارتباط بین انسان های هستند و این موضوع زمانی مهمتر جلوه می کند که وجه ی علمی و توسعه ی دانش در میان باشد. ذهنیت های متفاوت گاه از واژگان مشابه، کاربردهای متناقضی می سازند که در دنیای... more
RESUMEN El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar la experiencia de la región de los Altos de Jalisco, con respecto al imaginario difundido para su promoción turística y el impacto que ha tenido en sus visitantes. Para ello, se hizo una... more
Научно-спортивный отчёт о том, как наше велопутешествие 2015 года по Укоку, Западной Монголии и Тыве вывело нас прямо под благословение Шаджин-Ламы Калмыкии))) Велопутешествие посвящено 170-летию Русского Географического общества,... more
Joannes Leo Africanus, (c. 1494 – c. 1554?) (or al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi, Arabic:حسن ابن محمد الوزان الفاسي) was an Andalusian Amazigh Moorish diplomat and author who is best known for his book Descrittione dell’Africa... more
Отчёт о велопутешествии 2016 г. к Тянь-Шаню, посвящённом 160-летию путешествия П. П. Семёнова на Тянь-Шань и 190-летию со дня его рождения. На ежегодном всероссийском конкурсе велопоходов "Велопуть-2916" отчёт был удостоен 1 места в... more
Santurismo (Santeria + Turismo) refers to the popular formula of Afro-Cuban religions and tourism and initially served the Cuban government in the 1960s to promote Santeria as a folkloric product of Cuban identity through staged... more
Gerek antik çağ medeniyetlerinin Anadolu'da gelişmesi gerekse Hıristiyanlığın ilk dönemlerinde havarilerin ve Hz. İsa’ya inananların Anadolu’yu güvenli topraklar olarak görmesi; yeniçağda ise Yahudilerin bulundukları yerlerde... more
Совершенно ненаучный, но живенький отчёт о нашей велоэкспедиции 2014 г. по Горному Алтаю, Укоку, Тыве и Хакасии)))
Отчёт написан Андреем Басалаевым в соавторстве с Ириной Басалаевой
Отчёт написан Андреем Басалаевым в соавторстве с Ириной Басалаевой
Spiritüel turizm; kişinin inançlarına ya da inancına olanak sağlayan kutsal bir mekâna veya türbeye, tapınağa ya da mabede yapılan bir seyahat olmasının yanı sıra kendi özünü bulma arayışı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Temelinde, turistin... more
My right ear began to ring. It wasn’t a normal ringing noise, but more of a binarual beat sound. It was so loud that is vibrated the whole right side of my head.
Gap years are a popular rite of passage amongst school-leavers who opt to take a year out from education in order to travel around the world. Volunteer organizations became one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry,... more
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en español, traducción del alemán).
Ibn Baṭūṭah (Arabic: أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله اللواتي الطنجي بن بطوطة, ʾAbū ʿAbd al-Lāh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Lāh l-Lawātī ṭ-Ṭanǧī ibn Baṭūṭah), or simply Ibn Battuta (ابن بطوطة) (February 25, 1304 – 1368 or 1369), was a Moroccan... more
mobility and journeys were an integral part of the life of intellectual elites, including the clergy, in the early modern Period. taking to the road was often the outcome of the functions they performed: arrival at the destination was the... more
Toplum karakteristiklerini, toplumların bakış açılarını yansıtan ve büyük ölçüde bir toplumu diğerinden ayıran bir yapı taşı olarak bilinen kültür kavramı, aynı dili konuşan, aynı dine inanan ve aynı yakın coğrafyada yaşayan topluluklarda... more
Il dottissimo e influente cardinal Egidio da Viterbo nel 1518-1520 viene inviato in Spagna da Leone X per convincere Carlo d'Asburgo allora re di Spagna, a partecipare alla crociata contro i Turchi. La missione diplomatica fallì, ma il... more
This paper attempts to broaden the subject of sacred site experience by presenting the findings of a study on the experiences of an exclusive male sacred shrine in Greece, Mount Athos, also known as the Holy Mountain. The study involved a... more
Archaeologists, attracted by beautiful things and by real knowledge, are transforming the remains into elements of historical significance tracing the nature of man. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the movement of protohistoric... more
O presente artigo mostra o trabalho desenvolvido na cidade de Florença tendo como pontos de partida a narrativa bíblica do lava-pés e o sentido etimológico da palavra escrúpulos. Será apresentado um enquadramento sobre estes pressupostos,... more
RESUMEN El turismo religioso es una opción estratégica de desarrollo para muchos destinos. Requiere orientación al turismo, importante inversión de capital privado y público, y pre-disposición de las autoridades eclesiásticas para... more
From books to movies, the media is now flush with spiritual and wellness tourist-related images, films, and fiction (which are primarily produced in the West) about Southeast Asia. Combined with the positive effects of spiritual... more
This PowerPoint presentation (Part B) accompanied the oral presentation (Part A). It discusses the changing concept of spirituality in post modern society; the decline of allegiance to religious doctrine; the movement toward development... more
Güzel F.Ö., Köksal G. , Şahin İ. , "İnanç Turu Rehberliği Alanında Uzmanlaşma", Turist Rehberliğinde Uzmanlaşma: Özel İlgi Turlarından Özel Konulara, Güzel Ö. Köroğlu Ö. , Ed., Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara , 2019
Es en el año de 1954, que se lleva a cabo por primera vez una procesión del silencio en la ciudad de San Luis Potosí, tratando de imitar a la realizada en Sevilla, España, donde nazarenos, damas y penitentes llevando a hombros imágenes... more
This oral presentation (Part A) accompanied the PowerPoint presentation (Part B). It discusses the changing concept of spirituality in postmodern society; the decline of allegiance to religious doctrine; the movement toward development... more
El turismo en destinos religiosos está incrementando en todo el mundo en lugares asociados a casi todas las religiones, convirtiéndose en un importante motor del desarrollo económico local. Sin embargo, las investigaciones en esta materia... more
Resumen: La región de los Altos de Jalisco es una zona turística basada en la religiosidad y principalmente en la devoción hacia la Virgen de la Inmaculada Concepción más conocida como "Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos". Debido a la... more
Domestic tourism is an important segment of tourism business of any nation. It is grossly underestimated in developing nations because of absence of a proper information management system on tourist movements. Indian tourism market show... more
The study discusses experiences of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade symbolically represented in Ghana by the Cape Coast Castle. It considers the themes of emotions, transcendence, differentiated voices, and resistances that characterise... more