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We consider the recently introduced monochromatic reverse top-k queries which ask for, given a new tuple q and a dataset D, all possible top-k queries on D union {q} for which q is in the result. Towards this problem, we focus on... more
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      Computational GeometryDatabase SystemsIndexing (Information Organisation)Top-K Queries
Abstract: Regret minimizing sets are a very recent approach to representing a dataset D with a small subset S of representative tuples. The set S is chosen such that executing any top-1 query on S rather than D is minimally perceptible to... more
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      Top-K QueriesSkyline queriesRegret minimization
The way that we interact with databases has changed. The ubiquitous textbook example of finding employees with salaries over 60K and ages under 30 no longer reflects a typical use case in modern applications; instead, users are interested... more
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      Indexing (Information Organisation)Top-K Queries