Tooth Discoloration
Recent papers in Tooth Discoloration
Objectives: To compare the clinical performance of four commercial ultraviolet light-cured composite materials, and to evaluate curing-system effects on long-term wear resistance of Class I and I1 restorations.
The dentist is faced with a daunting task in application of clinical skills to achieve maximum cosmetic results when it comes to the management of discoloured and/or hypoplastic dentition. In this paper, an overview is made of the... more
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2010; 20: 293-304
Clinical RelevanceChlorhexidine rinses should not be recommended for use in caries prevention due to the current lack of evidence for their effectiveness.
This article reviews the efficacy of a new 6.5% hydrogen peroxide tooth-whitening gel strip for bleaching teeth that have been intrinsically stained from tetracycline. Given the severity of staining in the cases presented during a... more
Rapid innovation in vital bleaching continues to expand the number of treatment options available to patients, particularly in the area of at-home whitening. The development of bleaching strips represented a new paradigm in the delivery... more
This clinical trial tested the efficacy and safety of a professional strip-based whitening system (Crest Whitestrips Supreme) using the manufacturer's recommended 3-week treatment regimen. These strips have a higher concentration, but... more
Tooth discoloration varies in etiology, appearance, localization, severity, and adhesion to tooth structure. It can be defined as being extrinsic or intrinsic on the basis of localization and etiology. In this review of the literature,... more
To evaluate, using conventional in vitro procedures, the abrasivity, enamel polishing properties, and stain removal effectiveness of various commercial dentifrices that have a variety of compositions and are marketed for cleaning,... more
alcilic metamorphosis (CM) is seen commonly in the dental pulp after traumatic tooth injuries and is recognized clinically as early as 3 months atter injury Calcitic metamorphosis is characterized by deposition ot hard tissue within the... more
The purpose of this article is to identify the incidence of complications and the most common complications associated with single crowns, fixed partial dentures, all-ceramic crowns, resin-bonded prostheses, and posts and cores. A Medline... more
Several statistical methods have been proposed for estimation of age from teeth in human adults. Due to the smallness of the material or statistical shortcomings in previous reports, improvements of the methods were desirable and seemed... more
The studies described in this paper aimed to assess the stain removal efficacy, fluoride efficacy and abrasivity to enamel and dentine of a new whitening toothpaste containing calcium carbonate and perlite, using appropriate in vitro... more
Several tooth whiteners are available on the market, and the ideal choice should be determined by efficacy and optimal clinical results. The purpose of this study was to compare the reported clinical success rates of different tooth... more
Introduction: True regeneration of the dental pulpdentin complex in immature teeth with necrotic pulps has not been shown histologically. It is not known to what extent this true tissue regeneration is necessary to achieve clinically... more
The esthetic treatment of darkened anterior teeth represents a great challenge to dentists, because dental materials ideally should match the natural teeth. The optical behavior of the final restoration is determined by the color of the... more
A wide spectrum of drugs can sometimes give rise to numerous adverse orofacial manifestations, particularly dry mouth, taste disturbances, oral mucosal ulceration, and/or gingival swelling. There are few relevant randomized double-blind... more
Ahmed HMA, Abbott PV. Discolouration potential of endodontic procedures and materials: a review. International Journal, 45, 883-897, 2012. Advances in endodontic materials and techniques are at the forefront of endodontic research.... more
of ''one-stage, full-mouth disinfection'' is explained by disinfection and root planing within 24 hours: a randomized controlled trial.
Invasive cervical resorption (ICR) is a relatively uncommon form of external resorption, which may occur in any tooth in the permanent dentition. Characterized by its cervical location and invasive nature, this resorptive process leads to... more
Background: Adhesive systems, resin composites, and light curing systems underwent continuous improvement in the past decade. The number of patients asking for ultraconservative treatments is increasing; clinicians are starting to... more
Parents increasingly request esthetic restorations for their children's teeth. This split mouth, randomized controlled trial compared primary molars treated with white MTA pulpotomies and restored with either multi-surface composites... more
Dental fluorosis manifests itself as white stains on the enamel of teeth exposed to excessive doses of fluoride during their formation. Fluorosis usually occurs as a result of the ingestion of dentifrices, gels and fluoridated solutions.... more
Systemic disorders in pediatric patients, such as congenital biliary atresia, acute liver failure, and biliary hypoplasia, may be the indications for a need of liver transplantation. One of the manifestations of these disorders is the... more
This clinical report describes the oral rehabilitation of a 19-year-old woman diagnosed with hypoplastic-type amelogenesis imperfecta (AI). She presented with discolored and mutilated teeth, missing teeth, anterior open bite, and... more
Tetracyclines (TCN) were introduced in 1948 as broad-spectrum antibiotics that may be used in the treatment of many common infections in children and adults. One of the side-effects of tetracyclines is incorporation into tissues that are... more
This study assessed the efficacy of a 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) rinse on the enhancement and maintenance of gingival health in patients receiving fixed prosthodontic treatment. Thirty patient participants in this examiner blind... more
The most common esthetic challenge associated with endodontics is the discoloration of natural tooth structure. Also in fixed prosthesis, discolorations represent an esthetic limit, particularly in the case of all-ceramic restorations. In... more
Purpose: To evaluate the tooth whitening benefit through stain removal delivered by a marketed whitening dentifrice (Crest Vivid White) used twice a day or a combination regimen of two marketed dentifrices (Crest Vivid White Night used at... more
available to reconstruct nonvital abutment teeth. The traditionally used metal posts exhibit excellent material stability and have rendered good clinical long-term results. 1 Because of their color and inadequate light transmission,... more
The survey had a response rate of 70%. Most practitioners (93%) routinely recommended dental prophylaxis for their recall patients. The proportion of practitioners who considered the following indications for recommending dental... more
To date, no continuous scale exists for measuring the severity of dental fluorosis (DF). Objectives. The authors developed and validated a visual analog scale (VAS) for DF. They tested the scale in clinical (DFendemic area) and laboratory... more