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Private law theory plays a role (for better or worse) in the practice of law, whether that be in education or providing criticism, or contextualizing within a broader frame what private law does and why it does what it does. Yet some say... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPrivate lawLegal MethodologyEuropean private law
from Suffolk University Law Review, vol. 45 (2012)
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      Contract LawHarm PrincipleTheory of Contract Law
1.-La question de la loyauté en droit des contrats est une question qui s'impose en pratique et qui divise la doctrine depuis la fin des années 1980. Aucun texte ne prévoit en effet une quelconque exigence claire et déterminée d'une... more
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    • Theory of Contract Law
There is an ongoing debate in the philosophical and jurisprudential literature regarding the nature and possibility of Contract theory. On one hand, are those who argue (or assume) that there is, or should be, a single, general, universal... more
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      Contract LawTheory of Contract Law
This paper was presented at the North American Workshop in Private Law Theory Conference at Fordham University, November 2016.
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      JurisprudenceTheory of Contract Law
The high numbers of over-indebtedness and of evictions in Europe since the financial crisis have highlighted the need to rethink the role that mortgage credit plays for societies. This contribution examines the social function of contract... more
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      Contract LawConsumer LawMortgagesConsumer Debt
from Mark D. White (ed.), Theoretical Foundations of Law and Economics (Cambridge U Pr, 2009)
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      Contract LawLaw and EconomicsTheory of Contract Law
Published at William and Mary Business Law Review, vol. 9, p. 373 (2018): In The Dignity of Commerce, Nathan Oman offers a theory of contract law that is largely descriptive, but also strongly normative. His theory presents contract... more
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      Contract LawTheory of Contract Law
from Cambridge Law Journal, vol 74(3) (2015)
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      JurisprudenceContract LawLegal PhilosophyTheory of Contract Law
The article is devoted to the study of the structure of the normative element of the mechanism of legal regulation of social relations. The mechanism of legal regulation of relations is considered as a system of legal means, methods and... more
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      Theory of LawLaw of ContractAgreementCourt decisions
Co-authored with A. Clare Cutler.
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityContract LawHuman RightsPolitical Science
Юридичний вчинок може бути визначено як дія, що тягне за собою юридичний наслідок, незалежно від того, чи були ці дії спрямовані на наслідки що ними (в силу норм права) називаються чи ні. Вчинки викликають правові наслідки незалежно від... more
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      Theory of LawPure Theory of LawGeneral Theory of LawLegal Relations
A question of the features of fixing of legal models of right-depriving jural facts in the conditions of civil legal agreement is explored, the order of fixing of such models in the conditions of civil agreement and the order of fixing of... more
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      Contract LawContractTheory of LawLaw of Contract
from Franklin G. Miller & Alan Wertheimer (eds.), The Ethics of Consent (Oxford U Pr, 2010); Subsection "Domains of Consent"
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      Contract LawConsentTheory of Contract Law