Theories of Migration
Recent papers in Theories of Migration
This paper proposes a theory explaining ‘forced migration’. It deals with the causes of forced migration, and acknowledges ‘forced migrants’, as a vulnerable population. It identifies the shortcomings of other migration theories, and... more
Since the existing research on migration from Turkey to Western Europe does not employ multiple theoretical perspectives, this article, based on two field studies, focuses on the changing phases and forms of this human mobility by... more
The concepts of migration and mobility clearly intersect, but they are not synonyms. While migration by definition entails mobility, migration studies has privileged studying other aspects of the migratory process. This article analyzes... more
This study deals with a highly topical research issue – migrations and integration processes which are intrinsically connected with them. At the same time it strives to present a basic overview of the most important migration theories.... more
1st Kurdish Migration Conference 2016: From Subordination to Transnational Mobilization May 27, 2016, Middlesex University, London, UK Call for abstracts – Deadline: February 1st Conference Aims and Objectives The lack of a home... more
İnsan niye göç eder? İlk göç teorisinin ortaya çıktığı 19. yüzyıldan günümüze kadar birçok teorisyen bu soruya cevap aramıştır. göçmenin göç etme sebebini anlamak ve göçü sınıflandırabilmek adına birçok göç ve göçmen davranışı incelenmiş... more
Several research and studies have been carried out about the Syrians resettled in Turkey due to the war in Syria since 2011. These studies mostly focus on the Syrians’ position in economy, legal status, humanitarian living conditions as... more
Immigrant America: A Portrait. 4th ed., 2014. Chapter 2 - Theoretical Overview. There is no comprehensive theory of international migration. Those that exist tend to focus on manual labor migrants and then extend, haphazardly, to the... more