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Much recent Christian theology has sought to reconsider the significance of the body in theological reflection. At the same time, a number of areas of suffering traditionally associated with the experience of sin have come to be... more
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      EmbodimentTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureAugustineAugustine of Hippo
The rising number of non-communicable disease (NCDs) is a global health challenge. According to WHO, non-communicable diseases account for 38 million of the 56 million deaths each year. That is more than half of the cause. This includes... more
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      Health PromotionNon-communicable diseasesFamily MedicineOccupational Health & Safety
One of the issues that have divided the contemporary society is the estimation of the methods, procedures and means connected with creating a human by the extracorporeal fertilization with an embryo transfer (FIVET). Since on the one hand... more
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      BioethicsOrthodox TheologyBioetykaBioethics and Moral Theology
לחומרים ומידע נוספים על המאמר - היכנסו לקישור: For more materials and information on this item - go to the link:... more
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      Comparative ReligionMedical AnthropologyPhilosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy Of Religion
Bogactwo prokreacyjnych odniesień w Piśmie Świętym skłania do postawienia pytań o znaczenie tekstu biblijnego jako materiału wyjściowego w rozważaniach nad statusem istoty ludzkiej w łonie matki. W czasach biblijnych nie dysponowano... more
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      BioethicsJewish EthicsTheology and MedicineJewish bioethics
Review of Anne Kirkham and Cordelia Warr, eds. Wounds in the Middle Ages. Series: The History of Medicine in Context (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2014), published online in "The Medieval Review" 2015.06.24.
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      Military HistoryChretien de TroyesWound HealingReligion and medicine
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      Health PromotionPublic HealthSpirituality and HealthTheology and Medicine
"Around the age of five, I met the Devil. The Black Devil, to be precise... He began to appear in my room as a huge gorilla-like creature, and he scared the shit out of me. I experienced his presence as terrifying and even (the way I... more
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      PharmacologyPersonal Narrative (Social and Cultural Anthropology)DemonologyPentecostal Theology
Doctor work is connected with the whole history of man. During the Old Testament we see the services of physicians in the persons of prophets who carried out the ministry from God's will and without the necessary training. In the New... more
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      cultural world of the Bible; medical anthropology; psychological anthropologyBioethics and Moral TheologyTheology and Medicine
Die lange Tradition des Gebrauchs philosophischer und theologischer Sprache in der Medizin reicht zurück bis in die Antike. Trotz des Sieges des Szientismus in der Wissenschaft im 20. Jahrhundert erfahren einige Begriffe eine Übertragung... more
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      Medical Humanities (Theology)History of PsychiatryMedical HumanitiesHistory Of Madness And Psychiatry
A Biblio-theological understanding of HIV and AIDS in relation to the ministry of the church.
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      Health PromotionHIV/AIDSMissiology and Mission TheologyTheology and Medicine