Jewish bioethics
Recent papers in Jewish bioethics
This dissertation investigates the ways scientific and biotechnological advancement impact and change Jewish law and ethics. It analyzes the contemporary Jewish bioethical debate concerning the identification of maternity and paternity in... more
Newman argues that "the meaning of a text lies less in the words themselves than in the interpretive framework which the exegete brings to them." 9 Jewish ethicists, therefore, should beware of speaking in the name of "Judaism," as in... more
Welcome to the 24th World Congress of the World Association for Medical Law (WAML). The WAML encompasses academics and practicing professionals in the Medico-Legal specialties. Since 1967, it has convened international gatherings allowing... more
As technological advances increase, the frameworks of our existence become further called into question. Contemporary bioethics still tirelessly grapple with issues regarding the end and beginning of life. However there is great need to... more
Judaism, Science and Medicine Group Annual Conference
March 27, 2022
9 a.m.–6:15 p.m. (MST)
March 27, 2022
9 a.m.–6:15 p.m. (MST)
Dr. Viktor Frankl’s abiding belief was that distress about the meaning of life is the proper domain of the physician's practice. He identified three syndromes of neurosis in the Age of Anxiety: fatalism, tranquilization, and fanaticism.... more
המאמר דן באופיה של פסיקת ההלכה כמושפעת ממערך של שיקולים ערכיים ותפיסות עולם סובייקטיביות של פוסקי ההלכה, בניגוד לתפיסה הפורמליסטית שלה. הטענה מודגמת באמצעות ניתוח משווה בין פסיקתם של הרב ולדנברג והרב גורן באשר לסוגיה שהסעירה את גדולי... more
Bogactwo prokreacyjnych odniesień w Piśmie Świętym skłania do postawienia pytań o znaczenie tekstu biblijnego jako materiału wyjściowego w rozważaniach nad statusem istoty ludzkiej w łonie matki. W czasach biblijnych nie dysponowano... more
Some Reform Jews urge that, as a "non-halachic movement," Reform Judaism develop an approach to bioethical theory based in aggadah, the non-legal sections of traditional Rabbinic literature. The present article offers a counter-argument.... more
РЕЗЮМЕ: Специфика иудейского подхода к решению биоэтических проблем вытекает из общей приверженности этой религии строгому следованию закону, изложенному в Торе и Талмуде. В любых спорных и неоднозначных вопросах, требующих выбора,... more
The issue of the sanctity of human life, beginning with its development in the prenatal phase, is a constant topic of both Christian and Jewish theological reflection. In Judaism, it is closely related to the duty of procreation,... more
In June 2010, the Halakha Committee (Va’ad Halacha) of the Rabbinical Council of America released an educational paper regarding the halakhic recognition of brainstem death, bringing the long-simmering debate over this issue to a boil... more
החוק אמנם מאפשר חיסון בכפייה, אך פעולה זו נראית כפגיעה קיצונית בזכויות האדם. עם זאת, לנוכח המגיפה נראה שראוי להשתמש באמצעים לא שגרתיים. ומה בהלכה? יש שרואים בחיסון מצווה של ממש... more
I suggest that Levinas anticipated that when we teach empathy, without the virtuous and habituated practice of relation with a vulnerable, naked, pleading Other who shames us into acknowledging that we can and do “kill” them, we cannot... more
Samuel Golubchuk was unwittingly at the center of a medical controversy with important ethical ramifications. Mr. Golubchuk, an 84-year-old patient whose precise neurological level of function was open to debate, was being artificially... more
En este artículo, el cual es una adaptación del mismo ya publicado por el Rab. Dr. Szlajen, se develan las contribuciones del judaísmo a la problemática bioética del aborto a demanda. Dicho artículo fue el más comentado del día y uno de... more
This paper is an attempt to present the attitude of Jewish bioethics broadly understood with regards to in vitro fertilisation. The general attitude of the majority of Rabbis of the main denominations of Judaism towards artificial methods... more