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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsArt HistoryMexico History
Préface La société des objets PatriciaFalguières Pour PaolaBarocchi, qui, itPise, dansle dernier tiers duXXe siècle, r é anim a I es Ch amb r es de m eru eille s paraît, en r9o8, chez ICinkhardt & Biermann à Leipzig, Les Cabinets el de... more
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      Museum StudiesDesign History and TheoryWunderkammerVienna School of Art History
Eusebio Zuloaga y González, último arcabucero de la Casa Real española, es conocido y muy valorado a nivel internacional en el mundo de las armas y armerías reales. Con este artículo pretendemos rescatarlo del olvido que sufre en su... more
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      Arms and Armor StudiesCrystal PalaceArtes DecorativasGreat Exhibition
Öz Sanayi devrimi sonrası Avrupa Devletleri'nde üretimin artması, yeni pazar ve hammadde ihtiyacını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu ihtiyacın giderilebil-mesi için sanayi ürünlerinin ve üretim araçlarının tanıtılması amacı ile... more
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      Ottoman StudiesNineteenth-century National ExhibitionsExhibition Design (Architecture)Exhibition
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      Walter BenjaminSergei EisensteinBruno TautThe Crystal Palace of 1851
At just after six in the evening on 16 June 1851, a balloon carrying two passengers narrowly avoided crashing into the transept of the Crystal Palace. This near-disastrous balloon ascent was the result of just one of the popular... more
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      Punch and the Great Exhibition of 1851The Crystal Palace of 1851The Great Exhibition 1851
About a vase in malachite mosaic, presented at the First World Faire of London in 1851 by Demidoff and given to prince Esterhazy (a part of results of Demidoff malachite study)
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      International RelationsDecorative ArtsAustrian HistoryXIX century art & architecture
One of the architectural typologies that the 19th century gave birth is, without a doubt, the greenhouse. The Crystal Palace epitomizes a function in which nature and art cooperate, a relationship that in the eyes of two of the most... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesLandscape ArchitectureNineteenth-century ArtLandscape
A Contemporary Archaeology of London’s Mega Events explores the traces of London’s most significant modern ‘mega events’. Though only open for a few weeks or months, mega events permanently and disruptively reshape their host cities and... more
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      ArchaeologyMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationHistory Of LondonContemporary Archaeology
Richard Rogers cimenta sus planteamientos en un conocimiento profundo de la arquitectura: desde las lecciones de Paul Rudolph, las visitas a la obra de Kahn, el conocimiento de la arquitectura medieval inglesa y, como no, Archigram. El... more
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      Sustainable ArchitectureArchigramNorman FosterDesign and Technological Planning of Architecture
Parue à Londres en 1856, la Grammar of Ornament de l’architecte, décorateur et théoricien Owen Jones (1809-1874) constitue l’une des plus importantes publications sur l’ornement du 19e siècle et l’un des ouvrages les plus influents de la... more
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      Decorative ArtsTheory of ornamentHistory of OrnamentChromolithography
«Дворцы промышленности» европейских Всемирных выставок в памятниках медальерного искусства (1851-1889 гг.) Изображение патронируемой правителем особо значимой сакральной или светской постройки на памятных медалях встречается уже на ранних... more
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      Art NouveauCommemorative MedalsMedallic ArtNapoléon III
Parue à Londres en 1856, la Grammar of Ornament de l’architecte, décorateur et théoricien Owen Jones (1809-1874) constitue l’une des plus importantes publications sur l’ornement du 19e siècle et l’un des ouvrages les plus influents de la... more
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      Decorative ArtsTheory of ornamentHistory of OrnamentChromolithography
O passado não é um lugar inerte, sem vitalidade. Permanece vital, reapropriado pelos pósteros. Não se resume a uma nostalgia gloriosa. O que há de ser preservado – por que, para que, por quem, para quem? O que merece fazer parte do... more
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      HistoryMuseum StudiesBrazilian StudiesBrazilian History
To reduce the misfit dislocation density is a great challenge for semiconductor devices. Misfit dislocation generation is harmful for device performance. In this paper, we have used different techniques to reduce misfit dislocation. We... more
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      CrystallographyCrystal GrowthPhotonic CrystalsMacromolecular crystallography