The Crystal Palace of 1851
Recent papers in The Crystal Palace of 1851
Préface La société des objets PatriciaFalguières Pour PaolaBarocchi, qui, itPise, dansle dernier tiers duXXe siècle, r é anim a I es Ch amb r es de m eru eille s paraît, en r9o8, chez ICinkhardt & Biermann à Leipzig, Les Cabinets el de... more
Eusebio Zuloaga y González, último arcabucero de la Casa Real española, es conocido y muy valorado a nivel internacional en el mundo de las armas y armerías reales. Con este artículo pretendemos rescatarlo del olvido que sufre en su... more
Öz Sanayi devrimi sonrası Avrupa Devletleri'nde üretimin artması, yeni pazar ve hammadde ihtiyacını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu ihtiyacın giderilebil-mesi için sanayi ürünlerinin ve üretim araçlarının tanıtılması amacı ile... more
At just after six in the evening on 16 June 1851, a balloon carrying two passengers narrowly avoided crashing into the transept of the Crystal Palace. This near-disastrous balloon ascent was the result of just one of the popular... more
About a vase in malachite mosaic, presented at the First World Faire of London in 1851 by Demidoff and given to prince Esterhazy (a part of results of Demidoff malachite study)
One of the architectural typologies that the 19th century gave birth is, without a doubt, the greenhouse. The Crystal Palace epitomizes a function in which nature and art cooperate, a relationship that in the eyes of two of the most... more
A Contemporary Archaeology of London’s Mega Events explores the traces of London’s most significant modern ‘mega events’. Though only open for a few weeks or months, mega events permanently and disruptively reshape their host cities and... more
Richard Rogers cimenta sus planteamientos en un conocimiento profundo de la arquitectura: desde las lecciones de Paul Rudolph, las visitas a la obra de Kahn, el conocimiento de la arquitectura medieval inglesa y, como no, Archigram. El... more
Parue à Londres en 1856, la Grammar of Ornament de l’architecte, décorateur et théoricien Owen Jones (1809-1874) constitue l’une des plus importantes publications sur l’ornement du 19e siècle et l’un des ouvrages les plus influents de la... more
«Дворцы промышленности» европейских Всемирных выставок в памятниках медальерного искусства (1851-1889 гг.) Изображение патронируемой правителем особо значимой сакральной или светской постройки на памятных медалях встречается уже на ранних... more
Parue à Londres en 1856, la Grammar of Ornament de l’architecte, décorateur et théoricien Owen Jones (1809-1874) constitue l’une des plus importantes publications sur l’ornement du 19e siècle et l’un des ouvrages les plus influents de la... more
O passado não é um lugar inerte, sem vitalidade. Permanece vital, reapropriado pelos pósteros. Não se resume a uma nostalgia gloriosa. O que há de ser preservado – por que, para que, por quem, para quem? O que merece fazer parte do... more
To reduce the misfit dislocation density is a great challenge for semiconductor devices. Misfit dislocation generation is harmful for device performance. In this paper, we have used different techniques to reduce misfit dislocation. We... more