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The initial intent of this paper was dedicated to the task of presenting very simple methods to determine meteorites as well as tektites that could be easily performed by anyone. As this paper developed, it now also describes a new method... more
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      ElectromagnetismOpticsQuantum GravityPlanetary Science
Has an extraterrestrial intelligence visited Earth? My new paper proposes that the vast Australasian tektite strewn field represents the first strong alien technosignature.
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      Artificial IntelligenceMeteoriticsArtificial LifeSpace and Time (Philosophy)
In this paper we explore Aboriginal oral traditions that relate to Australian meteorite craters. Using the literature, first-hand ethnographic records and fieldtrip data, we identify oral traditions and artworks associated with four... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyCultural History
В книге рассмотрены вопросы исследования земных кратеров и происхождения тектитов на нашей планете. Новые данные, связанные с необычными регистрациями на Тасмании в период Тунгусского феномена в 1908 г., с большой вероятностью позволяют... more
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      VolcanologyClimate ChangeMeteoriticsAsteroids
Australasian tektites (AAT) occur across Southeast Asia, Australia, the Indian Ocean, and southwest Pacific Ocean. AAT form the youngest and most extensive major tektite strewn field, yet they have no known source crater. Review of the... more
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      Impact cratersTektitesMeteorite Impact Craters, Impact Strewn FieldsTektite Strewn Fields
Arguing from a critical reading of the text, and scientific evidence on the ground, the authors show that the myth of Phaethon – the delinquent celestial charioteer – remembers the impact of a massive meteorite that hit the Chiemgau... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreArchaeologyMythologyCeltic Studies
Sangad Bunopas published extensively on the geology of Thailand and left a legacy of maps, reports, stratigraphic nomenclature and insightful papers covering most of the kingdom. His 1981 PhD thesis published in 1982 laid the foundation... more
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      BiographyThailandTectonicsGeomorphology and Active tectonics
Avalanches and debris flows caused by catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions can be seen as huge granular flows. Due to the impossibility ofprediction and danger of such events, given the high temperatures and the moving masses... more
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      Observational AstronomyPlanetary ScienceSurfaces (Planetary Science)Planetary Geophysics
Sangad Bunopas published extensively on the geology of Thailand and left a legacy of maps, reports, stratigraphic nomenclature and insightful papers covering most of the kingdom. His 1981 PhD thesis published in 1982 laid the foundation... more
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      BiographyThailandTectonicsGeomorphology and Active tectonics
Although a crater is not yet identified, the Australasian tektite strewn field provides evidence that a major impact cratering event took place in the Southeast Asian region at f 0.8 Ma, just prior to the Brunhes/Matuyama geomagnetic... more
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      ThailandPalaeomagnetismMeteorite ImpactsTektites
A presentation given to the Philippine Astronomical Society on Australasian tektites.
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      TektitesTektite Strewn Fields
Tektites are formed from silica-rich terrestrial deposits that are melted and ejected by cosmic impacts. The tektites re-enter the atmosphere minutes later. It takes special circumstances to form tektites. The target rock must be... more
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      Impact cratersTektitesTektite Strewn FieldsThe Origins Tektites
Tektites exhibit many different surface sculptures. A distinction is made between primary and secondary surface sculptures (although differentiation may sometimes be difficult). One common secondary surface feature is pitting caused by... more
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      Impact cratersTektitesTektite Strewn FieldsThe Origins Tektites
Introduction: Tektites exhibit many different surface sculptures. A distinction is made between primary and secondary surface sculptures (although differentiation may sometimes be difficult). One common secondary surface feature is... more
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    • Tektites
Carbonados are aggregate polycrystalline diamonds and are found in placer deposits of the Central African Republic (CAR) and the Bahia Province of Brazil. Their origin is uncertain, but several mutually exclusive hypotheses have been... more
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      PhasesIsotopesCretaceous-Tertiary boundaryChicxulub Crater
Mineral inclusions: We report the occurrence of microscopic inclusions of shocked quartz plus a Zr-phase and traces of Fe-oxide crystallites in Australasian microtektites recovered from deep-sea sediment cores within 2000 km of Indochina... more
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    • Tektites
Australasian tektites (AAT) occur across Southeast Asia, Australia, the Indian Ocean, and southwest Pacific Ocean. AAT form the youngest and most extensive major tektite strewn field. Unlike other tektite strewn fields, AAT have no known... more
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      Impact cratersTektitesMeteorite Impact Craters
The Australasian tektite strewn field is the youngest of the major strewn fields. Tektites fell over 16-18 percent of the Earth's surface. The distal ejecta has a strongly down-range distribution pattern, indicative of an oblique impact... more
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      Impact cratersTektitesMeteorite Impact Craters, Impact Strewn FieldsGeophysics of Impact Craters
The circa 14 km diameter Pantasma circular structure in Oligocene volcanic rocks in Nicaragua is here studied for the first time to understand its origin. Geomorphology, field mapping, petrographic and geochemical investigations all are... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyPopulation Dynamics
In 2010 the primary author (1) purchased an unusual tektite (Fig. 1) from an online seller in China. The specimen is reportedly from Guangdong Province, China. Precise locality details are not known. The tektite is the only indisputably... more
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      Impact cratersTektitesMeteorite Impact Craters, Impact Strewn FieldsTektite Strewn Fields
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      TektitesMeteorite impact and shock metamorphismChiemgau ImpactMicrotektites
Avalanches and debris flows caused by catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions can be seen as huge granular flows. Due to the impossibility ofprediction and danger of such events, given the high temperatures and the moving masses... more
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      Observational AstronomyPlanetary SciencePlanetary GeophysicsAstrophysics
The witness and cultural impact of meteorite falls and cosmic impacts has been studied extensively in some world cultures, including cultures of Europe, China, and the Middle East. However, ethnographic records and oral traditions of... more
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      MeteoriticsMeteor astronomyOral TraditionsGeomythology
There is increasing evidence that confirms the existence of the Acheulean or Acheulean-like technology at sites in Southeast and East Asia, especially for its earliest appearance at ~0.8 Ma, and two competing hypotheses have been proposed... more
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      Population DynamicsPleistoceneAcheuleanTektites
Map Overlay Project. Unpublished supplementary data for Whymark A. 2021. Constraints on the Location of the Australasian Tektite Impact Crater.
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      Impact cratersTektitesImpact EjectaTektite Strewn Fields
Impact craters on geologically inactive worlds such as the Moon or Mercury, clearly exhibit crater ray systems. The pattern of the rays is principally determined by the obliquity of the impact. The Earth has an atmosphere which, to some... more
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      Impact cratersTektitesTektite Strewn FieldsThe Origins Tektites
Primary tektite morphologies are de-rived through rotation. This was recognized as early as 1934 [1]. Historically, primary forms are spheres, variably prolate spheroids, spheroidal dumbbells and spheroidal apioids. Almost all tektites... more
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      Impact cratersTektitesTektite Strewn FieldsThe Origins Tektites
We report the occurrence of microscopic inclusions of shocked quartz plus a Zr phase and trace of Fe oxides crystallites in Australasian microtektites recovered from deep-sea sediment cores within 2000 km of Indochina. The shocked quartz... more
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    • Tektites
Avalanches and debris flows caused by catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions can be seen as huge granular flows. Due to the impossibility ofprediction and danger of such events, given the high temperatures and the moving masses... more
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      Observational AstronomyPlanetary ScienceSurfaces (Planetary Science)Planetary Geophysics
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The australite fall sites in S. Australia at 10 km/s require loft times of 7.5 hrs from Indochina and 112.5 deg Earth spin, inconsistent with a launch from that same hemisphere. Alternative AA source regions must explain these imprint... more
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      Planetary SciencePlanetary GeophysicsEarth and Planetary ScienceOrbital Mechanics
Introduction: In the early phase of investigations in the northern part of the proposed Chiemgau meteorite impact strewn field in southeast Germany [1] the strong magnetic signature of smaller crater-like structures [2, 3] raised... more
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      MeteoritesImpact cratersTektitesMeteorite impact and shock metamorphism
Estudio de flujos granulares de tipo geológico por medio del simulador multisensor
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      Observational AstronomyPlanetary ScienceSurfaces (Planetary Science)Planetary Geophysics