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The aim of this research is to outline a brief panel on the theatrical work of the writer and playwright Ben Jonson (1572-1637) and his place in the production of the Elizabethan, Jacobin and Carolinian theatre. The research, of a... more
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      Ben JonsonTeatro elisabetano
Palestra proferida durante Ciclo sobre Teatro - UNESP/ FCLAR em parceria com o Núcleo de Artes cênicas do SESI Araraquara
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    • Teatro elisabetano
O seguinte texto trata sobre a visão do feminino dentro da dramaturgia de dois períodos históricos diversos, de modo a ilustrar quais os papéis sociais e perfis idealizados para a figura da mulher, dentro do recorte temporal estabelecido... more
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      História ModernaFeminismoDramaturgiaTeatro
The aim of this research is to outline a brief panel on the theatrical work of the writer and playwright Ben Jonson (1572-1637) and his place in the production of the Elizabethan, Jacobin and Carolinian theatre. The research, of a... more
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      Ben JonsonTeatro elisabetano
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      ShakespeareEspaço teatralCenografiaarquitetura teatral