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This article uses Homi K. Bhabha's concept of hybridity to study Tayeb Salih's 1966 novel Season of Migration to the North. For Bhabha, hybridity is a condition born out of cultural difference; it defies notions of origin, possibilities... more
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      HybridityTayeb SalihAgency
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      Postcolonial TheoryTayeb SalihDany Laferière
Sufi characters – saints, dervishes, wanderers – occur regularly in modern Arabic literature. A select group of novelists interrogates Sufism as a system of thought and language. In the work of writers like Naguib Mahfouz, Gamal... more
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      Arabic LiteratureMysticismSufismNovel
al-Tayyib Salih (Tayeb Salih) was one of Sudan's greatest authors of the twentieth century. In 1966, Salih published his novel Mawsim al-Hijrah ilâ al-Shamâl (Season of Migration to the North), the one for which he is best known. It was... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Prose LiteratureModern Arabic LiteratureTayeb Salih
This book uniquely analyzes two novels from very different contexts, Guatemala and Sudan, to illustrate that there is a profoundly problematic area within the ‘ethical purchase’ of postcolonial studies. It relates this problem to the... more
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      Latin American StudiesComparative LiteratureArabic LiteraturePostcolonial Studies
Yazdıklarımızın bizden uzun yaşadığı bu devirde hikâyemizin duyulması ve insanların hikayemizle yakınlık kurulması belki de her zamankinden daha kolay. Kitaplar dünyayı önümüze getiren araçlar olmuşken aynı zamanda kendi dünyalarını kuran... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePostcolonial LiteratureModern Arabic LiteratureEdward Said
In his two-part “The literary history of world-systems” Matthew Eatough utilizes world systems theory to examine literary studies. He makes use of Baucom’s “speculative epistemologies” to explore the connection between the global economy... more
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      Comparative LiteratureIndigenous StudiesMagical RealismWorld Literature
Immigration has emerged as a prevailing political issue throughout history and it has had numerous consequences particularly on literature. Advancing into a new country may be to some individuals like advancing into the unknown, into an... more
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      Franz KafkaSpace and Time (Philosophy)Tayeb SalihAlbert Camus
What happens when a novelist inserts a text considered to be the divinely-revealed discourse of Truth into a human composition? What does the voice of the divine do to our reading of the fictional text? Shawkat Toorawa's recent article on... more
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      Modern Arabic LiteratureTayeb SalihNaguib MahfouzQur'an
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureArabic LiteraturePostcolonial Studies