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The scenes tell the story of the founding of Pella/Apamea and further development of this city on the Orontes river. Three main groups of scenes can be distinguished: (1) the foundation of Pella-on-the-Orontes by the legendary Archippos,... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Do you remember when you thought that you would never know just who many of the people that you heard about in history really were? Well, now that is about to come to an end. The reason why? Because ancient history was an "inside job"-as... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
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      YemenYemen (History)Nabataean PetraHimyarites
In the paper the mythopoetic image of Syria in O.I. Senkovsky's works is analysed. Senkovsky is a famous founder and promoter of the genre of ''Oriental tales'' in the Russian literature of the 19th century, and the analysis of oriental... more
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      Russian LiteratureTravel WritingRomanticismSyria
Per ricostruire il volto di una città i monumenti non bastano. Bisogna leggere dentro di essi e al di là di essi. Bisogna decifrare i modi economici e sociali che ne sono alla base.
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyArchitectureRoman Syria (Archaeology)Archeologia
Lo straordinario sito archeologico siriano, patrimonio dell’Unesco, è stato occupato a maggio. Da allora lo Stato islamico ha iniziato un’opera calcolata di distruzione. Perché Palmira è città simbolo di incrocio di civiltà.
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      SyriaGreek ArchaeologyHellenismHellenistic and Roman Asia Minor
: L’Histoire Auguste, qui considère généralement les intrusions féminines sur la scène politique comme catastrophiques, trace un portrait étrangement positif de la reine Zénobie. Celui-ci n’a pas uniquement pour but de rabaisser le... more
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      Roman HistoriographyLater Roman EmpireRoman WomenTadmor, Zenobia, Rome and Syria
Diverse voorgaande artikelen over de situatie van de Christelijke Arameeërs van Irak hebben geleid tot E-mails en discussies over de nationale identiteit en de naam van de Arameeërs.... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMiddle East StudiesCultural Heritage
Siria. Dopo la demolizione del Leone di Allat salta in aria anche il Tempio di Baalshamin. Un gesto che potrebbe svelare la vera strategia dello Stato islamico, che da un lato distrugge e dall’altro risparmia tutto ciò che può essere... more
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      ArchaeologyTerrorismCultural HeritageCultural Heritage Conservation
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      Roman EastZenobia of PalmyraModern Greek PoetryTadmor, Zenobia, Rome and Syria
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      Women's HistoryEastern Roman provinces (Archaeology)Sassanian PersiaPalmyra