Syriac Chritianity
Recent papers in Syriac Chritianity
For orders and subscriptions write to [email protected] The Testing Ground for Jesuit Accommodation in Early Modern India: Francisco Ros SJ in Malabar (16th–17th Centuries), explores the underlying dynamics of the... more
Since late antiquity, northern Mesopotamia had been the cradle of two main Christian communities, namely, the Church of the East and the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch. From the late Middle Ages onwards, however, their newly-created... more
Prueba Escritural y de los Padres de la Iglesia.
In the liturgical literature of the Church of East (the so-called Nestorian), the Wardā collection, meant for the liturgical performance at night services on the festival days and Sundays of the whole liturgical year, holds a special... more
The Syriac poetry of the 11th–14th centuries (so-called Syriac Renaissance) was studied very purely until quite recently. One of the reasons for such indifference is a traditional approach of the scholars, who treated this poetry as a... more
No tempo do governo eclesiástico do Papa Simão de Alexandria (689-701), um "sacerdote do povo das Índias" apresentou-se em sua corte pedindo que lhe ordenasse um bispo para sua comunidade de origem. O fato de o patriarca estar submetido... more
Through Nicholas Al-Jeloo's exhibition, the general Fairfield community is able to witness the immense pride of the Assyrian people and the celebration of Persistence & Existence. The Assyrians are a key community in Fairfield. This... more
A review of George Anton Kiraz's short yet thorough history of the Syriac Orthodox community in North America, focusing on the period between first Sayfo and the repose of Mor Athanasius.
The edition includes a study on the East Syriac hymnological collection Warda (13th-16th cent.)+ 35 hymns in the Syriac original and Russian translation.
Выпуск 44 Р е д а к ц и о н н а я к о л л е г и я Главный редактор чл.-корр. РАН И.Ф. Попова (ИВР РАН) Заместитель главного редактора к.и.н. Т.А. Пан (ИВР РАН) Секретарь к.ф.н. Е.В. Танонова (ИВР РАН) д.и.н. А.К. Аликберов (ИВ РАН) акад.... more
Bozza di programma del Laboratorio «Testi cristiani antichi (II-VII sec.)» – Università Roma Tre (primo semestre 2021-2022) The draft program of the Laboratory «Ancient Christian Texts (II-VII sec.)» – Roma Tre University (first Semester... more
The earliest Syriac writers interpreted in a particular manner the various strands of the biblical and apostolic traditions regarding divine indwelling. In this article I demonstrate that Aphrahat, by building upon this foundation,... more