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We consider a scheduling problem in which a bounded number of jobs can be processed simultaneously by a single machine. The input is a set of n jobs J = {J 1 , . . . , J n }. Each job, J j , is associated with an interval [s j , c j ]... more
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      Approximation AlgorithmsSchedulingTheoretical Computer ScienceSwitching
We propose an economic model based on user utility to study the adoption of new network architectures such as IPv6. We use mathematical analysis and simulation studies to understand the role of various factors such as user and network... more
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      Computer ScienceDeep Packet InspectionMathematical AnalysisRegular Expressions
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognition
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDecision MakingCognition
Given that e-tailing service failure is inevitable, a better understanding of how service failure and recovery affect customer loyalty represents an important topic for academics and practitioners. This study explores the relationship of... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingInformation ManagementDistributive Justice
The management of customer switching costs has been hampered by the lack of a comprehensive typology for conceptualizing, categorizing, and measuring consumers' perceptions of these costs. This research develops a switching cost typology... more
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      MarketingCustomer SatisfactionCustomer LoyaltyCustomer Relationship Management
We present a finite control set model predictive controller for closed loop control of an active front-end rectifier. Our method operates in discrete-time and does not require additional modulators. The key novelty of the control... more
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      Model Predictive ControlReactive PowerPower ControlProtein Function Prediction
The conventional wisdom in economic theory holds that switching costs make markets less competitive. This paper challenges this claim. We formulate an empirically realistic model of dynamic price competition that allows for differentiated... more
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      MarketingEconomic TheoryDynamic PricingDifferentiated Products
Customer retention is an important element of any banking strategy in today’s increasingly competitive environment. This study examined the impact of retention factors that influence consumers ’ decisions to stay with Ghana Commercial... more
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      Relationship MarketingCustomer RetentionCustomer CommitmentSwitching Cost
Stressful life situations can impair or facilitate various cognitive functions. In the present study, the effect of examination stress on students was examined using two executive function tasks, task-switching and the Stroop task, in a... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionPerformance
The task-switching paradigm is being increasingly used as a tool for studying cognitive control and task coordination. Different procedural variations have been developed. They have in common that a comparison is made between transitions... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Sciences
Although switching costs are increasingly finding their way into models of customer loyalty, a lack of consistency and clarity exists regarding the appropriate conceptualization and measurement of this critical strategic construct. To... more
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      BusinessServicesMultidimensional ScalingCustomer Loyalty
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      Video GameTechnology AdoptionSwitching CostNetwork effect
The current study moves beyond satisfaction and proposes that switching barriers are important factors impacting a customer's decision to remain with a service provider. Switching barriers make customer defection difficult or costly and... more
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      MarketingInterpersonal RelationshipRetailingService Provider
The purpose of this study is to explore the financial effect of four types of team name changes, three of which have not been previously studied. We do so in the context of development leagues where rebranding occurs with considerable... more
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      EconomicsBrand ManagementRebrandingSwitching Costs
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: First received in 13, December 2008 and was under review for 8 ½ months Area editor: Aradhna Krishna
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      MarketingSurvey ResearchMarketing StrategyFirm Performance
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      PsychologyAutism Spectrum DisordersCognitive FlexibilityTask Switching
Research question: The purpose of this study is to explore the financial effect of four types of team name changes, three of which have not been previously studied. We do so in the context of development leagues where rebranding occurs... more
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      Brand ManagementRebrandingSwitching CostsName Changes
Taking an operational perspective on the relations between employee loyalty and business performance, we examine the relationships among employee loyalty, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and firm profitability,... more
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      Service QualityCustomer SatisfactionCustomer LoyaltyMultidisciplinary
Oliver (1997) suggests a four-stage loyalty model proposing that loyalty consists of belief, affect, intentions, and action. Although this model has recently been subject to empirical examination, the issue of moderator variables has been... more
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      Do It YourselfSwitching Cost
This paper studies the location choices of Japanese manufacturing and service firms in Europe between 1970 and 1995. We examine whether the presence of Japanese manufacturing (service) firms attracts other Japanese manufacturers (service... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentApplied EconomicsLocation ChoiceSwitching Cost
The competitive market environment has evolved from a physical market environment (PME) to an Internetenabled market environment (IME) encompassing the physical and electronic marketplaces. At the same time, an increasing number of... more
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      MarketingTourismCompetitive strategyBusiness and Management
Purpose -To investigate the determinants of behavioural brand loyalty amongst dissatisfied customers in the business-to-business (B2B) services sector. Design/methodology/approach -A qualitative study was conducted, with 28 personal... more
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      ServicesBrand LoyaltyQualitative ResearchCustomer Satisfaction
Using two languages on an everyday basis appears to have a positive effect on general-purpose executive control in bilinguals. However, the neural correlates of this effect remain poorly understood. To investigate the brain bases of the... more
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      MultilingualismCognitive ControlCognitionAnterior Cingulate
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical framework of the factors that potentially influence dissatisfied customers to continue purchasing from their existing service provider in the business-to-business (B2B)... more
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      Consumer BehaviorCustomer SatisfactionCustomer Relationship ManagementInterpersonal Relationship
While commitment is an important antecedent to customer retention, a broad consensus has yet to emerge on the impacts of constituent dimensions of commitment on loyalty in service relationships. This study explores the impacts of... more
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      BusinessRelationship MarketingMultidisciplinaryCustomer Retention
Fokus penelitian ini adalah menganalisis loyalitas konsumen internet service provider dengan menggunakan mobile access dengan mengambil studi kasus pada pelanggan internet broadband di Jabodetabek. Variabel yang digunakan untuk mengukur... more
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      Service QualityCorporate ImageCustomer SatisfactionSwitching Cost
Although researchers and managers pay increasing attention to customer value, satisfaction, loyalty, and switching costs, not much is known about their interrelationships. Prior research has examined the relationships within subsets of... more
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      MarketingCustomer SatisfactionCustomer LoyaltyTourism
We study whether bank ownership is related to bank efficiency in Russia. We find that foreign banks are more efficient than domestic private banks and -surprisingly -that domestic private banks are not more efficient than domestic public... more
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      Transition EconomicsApplied EconomicsMoral HazardBank Efficiency
This paper examines the consequences of introducing mobile number portability (MNP). We show that if the sole effect of introducing MNP is the abolishment of switching costs, MNP unambiguously benefits mobile customers. However, if MNP... more
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      EconomicsNetwork MobilityMobile number portabilitySwitching Cost
This study, set in a credit card context, examines the impact of loyalty programs on share of wallet and explores the moderating role of attitudinal loyalty on this relationship. The authors are particularly interested in two... more
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      MarketingCustomer LoyaltyServiceCredit Cards
This study extends the body of literature concerning service switching, complaint handling, dependence and commitment by investigating why dissatisfied B2B customers do not switch service providers. Specifically, it develops and tests a... more
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      BusinessServicesMultidisciplinaryInterpersonal Relationship
In the present study, we examined whether there is a symmetrical masked translation priming effect for non-cognate words in a group of highly proficient (nativelike) Basque-Spanish simultaneous bilinguals using event-related brain... more
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      Cognitive ScienceElectrophysiologyMultilingualismCognition
This paper contributes towards a conceptual understanding of the role of the different aspects of relational benefits (confidence, social and economic benefits) and switching costs (evaluation, learning, and setup costs) in the context of... more
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      Electronic MarketsEmpirical ResearchConceptual UnderstandingEconomic Benefit
& Using event-related potentials (ERPs), we investigated the neural response associated with preparing to switch from one task to another. We used a cued task-switching paradigm in which the interval between the cue and the imperative... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAttentionCognitive Neuroscience
This research focuses attention upon three related issues: the persistence of technological progress over time, multiple adoption decisions over a long horizon, and the impact of production based learning on those decisions. We develop a... more
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      ManufacturingTechnology ManagementDynamic programmingMultidisciplinary
The present study examined age differences in executive functioning, using an externally cued task-switching paradigm. Two components of task switching were assessed: the ability to maintain and select among task sets (general switch... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionAttention
Customer retention is an important element of any banking strategy in today’s increasingly competitive environment. This study examined the impact of retention factors that influence consumers ’ decisions to stay with Ghana Commercial... more
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      Relationship MarketingCustomer RetentionCustomer CommitmentSwitching Cost
This paper generalizes the standard habit formation model to an environment in which agents form habits over individual varieties of goods as opposed to over a composite consumption good. We refer to this preference specification as 'deep... more
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      EconomicsHabit FormationBusiness CycleEmpirical evidence
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      EconomicsLatin American Economic HistoryRational ExpectationSwitching Cost
T he ability to retain and lock in customers in the face of competition is a major concern for online businesses, especially those that invest heavily in advertising and customer acquisition. In this paper, we develop and implement an... more
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      BusinessMarketingBehavioral EconomicsElectronic Markets
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to measure consumer‐based brand equity in the supermarket industry and to identify the strategy drivers associated with levels of brand equity for consumers' typically patronized... more
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      BusinessMarketingBrand ManagementCustomer Loyalty
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to measure consumer-based brand equity in the supermarket industry and to identify the strategy drivers associated with levels of brand equity for consumers' typically patronized supermarkets.... more
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      MarketingBrand ManagementCustomer LoyaltyBrand equity
This paper explains why some employees who favor unionization fail to join, and why others who wish to abandon union membership continue paying dues. Our explanation is based on a model where employees incur switching (search) costs when... more
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      Union MembershipEmpirical AnalysisSupply and DemandSwitching Cost
Nowadays, protecting market share against rival firms is more important than ever due to the decline in market growth rate and the increase in the competition. The main requirement for protecting market share is to create loyal customers.... more
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      Confirmatory factor analysisİstanbul UniversityCredit CardsMarket Share
The competitive market environment has evolved from a physical market environment (PME) to an Internetenabled market environment (IME) encompassing the physical and electronic marketplaces. At the same time, an increasing number of... more
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      MarketingTourismCompetitive strategyBusiness and Management
To date, little empirical study has tested the effects of service encounter performance, satisfaction, trust, commitment, and switching costs on word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions in a single framework. To fill this gap, this study attempted... more
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      MarketingTourismWord of MouthStructural Equation Model
This paper examines the impact of direct and extra billing on patient demand for medical services as well as physicians' responses to changing patient demand. These issues are examined in the context of a "natural... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyHealth Services ResearchFamily Practice
On the basis of empirical research carried out in the retail banking market, this paper proposes a structural equations model enabling us to reach the conclusions that satisfaction together with personal switching costs are antecedents... more
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      BusinessCustomer SatisfactionCustomer LoyaltyRetail Banking
The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly it attempts to explore the effect of brand image on customer loyalty through service delivery and customer satisfaction. Secondly it explores as to how switching cost as a moderator affects... more
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      Customer SatisfactionCustomer LoyaltyBrand ImageService Delivery