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Imaging in poor weather is often severely degraded by scattering due to suspended particles in the atmosphere such as haze and fog. Vehicles which are travelling in hill stations or in the early morning during winter season will face... more
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      DetectionFog ComputingVehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V)Suspended Particles
Air Pollution Tolerance Index is used to select plant species tolerant to Air pollution. Hyderabad is the capital of Indian State of Telengana and occupying 650 sqkms ,along the banks of Musi river. It is a metropolitan city with high... more
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      BioindicatorsSuspended ParticlesRelative Water ContentSerum Biochemical Parameters
Industrialization and urbanization becomes a bane for the agriculture now days. With increase in industrialization and urbanization, the growth of agriculture sector decline continuously. Large area of land is covered under industry and... more
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The onset of multi-diffusive convection problem is analysed theoretically to include the effects of suspended particles and rotation through a porous medium. In the present paper, Brinkman model is considered for the porous medium. The... more
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      RotationSuspended Particles
Issues of the Study of Detritus in Aquatic Systems. A.P. Sadchikov, S.A. Ostroumov, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 87, No. 13, pp. 3244–3249.... more
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      Aquatic EcologyLimnologyHydrobiologyFreshwater
When the embankments are bare, it leads to erosion of the top soil and exposes the subsoil. The subsoil is considered to have fragile structure which leads to the increased runoff that aids the sedimentation process which is considered... more
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      TurbiditySuspended ParticlesBare SoilSimulated Rainfall
In this paper, the effect of suspended particles on thermal instability of incompressible Walters ’ (Model
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      ViscoelasticityThermal instabilitySuspended Particles