Imaging in poor weather is often severely degraded by scattering due to suspended particles in the atmosphere such as haze and fog. Vehicles which are travelling in hill stations or in the early morning during winter season will face...
moreImaging in poor weather is often severely degraded by scattering due to suspended particles in the atmosphere such as haze and fog. Vehicles which are travelling in hill stations or in the early morning during winter season will face problems due to fog formation in the atmosphere. In this method various methods have been used to clear the fog and to get a clear view of the road. The system uses a camera to detect the object present in the foggy region. The object can be a human or any inhuman material. The video captured by the camera is processed to detect the object. If the object is detected then that data will be given to the controller and it will be intimated to the driver by voice. Vehicle to vehicle also established in this system. If any vehicle goes near to another vehicle in foggy areas the two vehicles will communicate each other through WSN and it will be given by voice play back. Using this system accident can be prevented. Keywords: Suspended particles, fog, detect, Vehicle to Vehicle, WSN. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays public places are monitored by several CCTV cameras in order to increase public safety. In many applications, the trained and experienced human operators can do this monitoring very well. However, watching multiple camera images at the same time is not only too expensive but also practically impossible. Moreover, surveillance video data is currently used only "after the fact" as a forensic tool, thus losing its primary benefit as an active, real-time medium. The goal of visual surveillance is not only to put cameras in the place of human eyes, but also to accomplish the entire surveillance task as automatically as possible. Thus intelligent visual surveillance (IVS) becomes an active research topic in computer vision. Detection of foreground objects of interest from a surveillance video sequence is a key step for an intelligent visual surveillance system. Unfortunately, this is not always true, such as when videos are taken under bad weather conditions, such as on a foggy day. The image suffers degradation and severe contrast loss. These low quality images are a nuisance for conventional object detection algorithms. Similarly, Murk is a thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere which obscures visibility. Diverse weather situations such as murk, smoke, rain or snow will cause multifaceted visual effects of spatial or temporal domains in images or video. Such artifacts may appreciably humiliate the performances of outdoor vision systems relying on image/video feature extraction or visual attention modeling such as event detection, object detection, tracking and recognition, scene analysis and classification, image indexing and retrieval. They generally fail to correctly detect objects due to low scene visibility. In order to get clear surveillance frames, enhancing visibility is an inevitable task. In recent years, as an active research topic in computer vision, considerable work has been done on haze removal techniques. Unfortunately, most countries in the world has an alarming record in number of death/disability due to tremendous number of accident. Accidents are occurred because of unawareness of the people. Researchers found that 57% of accidents where due to solely driver factors, which include his behaviour, decision making ability, reaction speed and alertness. The studies show that the accidents can be avoided if driver was provided with warning message few seconds before so that, they can take some alternative route or be cautious to avoid traffic congestion or accidents. The vehicular adhoc network was adopted to mimic the adhoc nature of highly dynamic network. In this network two vehicles can communicate with each other. For Vehicle safety a new technique can be created. VANET Communication is classified into two different types Vehicle to Vehicle communication and Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication. The vehicle to vehicle communication is a communication between two vehicles (i.e.) one hop communication, such as car to car communication. The vehicle to Infrastructure communication is communication between vehicle and road side Infrastructure. It acts as a multi hop communication. The vehicle to vehicle communication is a system designed to transfer basic safety related with vehicles to provide warning to drivers concerning accidents. The main objective of this system is to alert drivers when he closes to front vehicle. The communication between the vehicles takes place by means of LI-FI. The distance between two vehicles is measured using Ultrasonic sensor. The microcontroller controls the entire circuit and is programmed to notify the driver with a message when the vehicle comes within the Line of sight.