Statistical Distributions
Recent papers in Statistical Distributions
Generative models of pattern individuality attempt to represent the distribution of observed quantitative features, e.g., by learning parameters from a database, and then use such distributions to determine the probability of two random... more
Image blur and noise are difficult to avoid in many situations and can often ruin a photograph. We present a novel image deconvolution algorithm that deblurs and denoises an image given a known shift-invariant blur kernel. Our algorithm... more
Objective-We propose a new statistical method that uses information from two 24-hour recalls (24HRs) to estimate usual intake of episodically-consumed foods.
The aim of steganography is to conceal the very existence of hidden communication, so its demand on security is serious. The security includes both imperceptibility and undetectability. But most steganographic methods didn't pay enough... more
The algebra of qualified relations proposed by Ceri and Pelagatti supports pruning of distributed database queries, minimizing the number of sites involved in evaluation. Domain interval typing in the framework of formal type inference... more
The sum of lognormal distributions is a well-known problem that no closed-form expression exists and it is difficult to evaluate numerically. In this paper, Log Shifted Gamma (LSG) approximation method is proposed to represent the sum of... more
In this study, the authors deal with a wireless healthcare monitoring solution based on a secure technology in hospital context. Actually, radio frequency (RF) networks can present electromagnetic disturbances in hospital environments.... more
Encapsulated microbubble contrast agents incorporating an adhesion ligand in the microbubble shell are used for molecular imaging with ultrasound. Currently available microbubble agents are produced with techniques that result in a large... more
A novel object detection algorithm is developed for automatically detecting road manhole and sewer well covers from mobile light detection and ranging point clouds. This algorithm takes advantage of a marked point process of disks and... more
Prenatal care should improve infant health, yet research frequently finds only weak effects. If there are two kinds of pregnancies, 'complicated' and 'normal' ones, then combining these pregnancies may lead prenatal care to appear... more
Process-induced variations are an important consideration in the design of integrated circuits. Until recently, it was sufficient to model die-to-die shifts in device performance, leading to the well known worst-case modeling and design... more
At the point of common coupling (PCC), the summation of two harmonic voltage vectors at same frequency is only certain if their amplitudes and phase angles are well known. Therefore, there are many cases where the phase angle difference... more
The assumption of normality underlies much of the standard statistical methodology. Knowing how to determine whether a sample of measurements is from a normally distributed population is crucial both in the development of statistical... more
Background: Method comparison typically determines how well two methods agree. This is usually performed using the difference plot model, which measures absolute differences between two methods. This is often not applicable to data with... more
The present review is the first in an ongoing guide to medical statistics, using specific examples from intensive care. The first step in any analysis is to describe and summarize the data. As well as becoming familiar with the data, this... more
When clinical data are subjected to statistical analysis, a common question is how to choose an appropriate significance test. Comparing two independent groups with observations measured on a continuous scale, the question is typically... more
A weighted cepstral distance measure is proposed and is tested in a speaker-independent isolated word recognition system using standard DTW (dynamic time warping) techniques. The measure is a statistically weighted distance measure with... more
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 83-90 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / d e m a A... more
6~1 Estimating p 6.2 Unbiased Estimate of Variance of p 6o3 Confidence Limits on p and Biometrika 'l'able Lr..l
Pembahasan di sini difokuskan pada fungsi kepadatan peluang dari sebuah peubah acak (fungsi dari sampel acak) yang bergantung pada ukuran sampel n.
This paper provides a method for approzimating the probability distributions of stationary statistics in FIFO single server queues. The method is based on the Wiener Hopf factorization technique, and is applied to semi-Markov queues where... more
This paper reviews graphical and nongraphical procedures for evaluating multivariate normality by guiding the reader through univariate and oivariate procedures that are necessary, but insufficient, indications 0± a multivariate normal... more
An increasing number of methods are being developed for the early detection of infectious disease outbreaks which could be naturally occurring or as a result of bioterrorism; however, no standardised framework for examining the usefulness... more
BitTorrent is the most successful open Internet application for content distribution. Despite its importance, both in terms of its footprint in the Internet and the influence it has on emerging P2P applications, the BitTorrent Ecosystem... more
Using the recently developed single molecule force-clamp technique we quantitatively measure the kinetics of conformational changes of polyprotein molecules at a constant force. In response to an applied force of 110 pN, we measure the... more
Data from 1155 Czech women (493 using oral contraception, 662 non-users), obtained from the Czech National Survey of Sexual Behavior, were used to investigate evolutionary-based hypotheses concerning the predictive value of current oral... more
A critique of Hankins, M: 'How discriminating are discriminative... more
In this contribution, we employ the Mellin transform to derive the expressions for probability density function (PDF) of the product of Rayleigh and Nakagami-m distributed random variables. We exploit the fact that the Mellin transform of... more
Affect Control Theory is a mathematical representation of the interactions between two persons, in which it is posited that people behave in a way so as to minimize the amount of deflection between their cultural emotional sentiments and... more
Despite the widespread use of interrater agreement statistics for multilevel modeling and other types of research, the existing guidelines for inferring the statistical significance of interrater agreement are quite limited. They are... more
Unit commitment, one of the most critical tasks in electric power system operations, faces new challenges as the supply and demand uncertainty increases dramatically due to the integration of variable generation resources such as wind... more
We address the problem of selecting which variables should be included in the fixed and random components of logistic mixed effects models for correlated data. A fully Bayesian variable selection is implemented using a stochastic search... more
This paper considers the following questions: (1) what is the relationship between the method of paired comparisons and Rasch measurement theory? what is the relationship between the method of paired comparisons and graph theory? and what... more
In this paper, we provide a unified framework for identifying the source digital camera from its images and for revealing digitally altered images using photo-response nonuniformity noise (PRNU), which is a unique stochastic fingerprint... more