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In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionHistory
In his later years, Maslow divided self-actualizers into two levels, the ordinary self-actualizers and the self-transcenders. This marks his movement into transpersonal psychology and his interest in LSD, particularly the work of... more
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      PsychologyMotivation (Psychology)Transpersonal PsychologyPsychedelics
This paper investigates the relationship between psychoactive substances and so-called paranormal phenomena falling within the study of parapsychology. It is primarily concerned with extrasensory perception (ESP)—telepathy, precognition,... more
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... The past is resolving itself, allowing the meditator to live more fully in the present moment. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS I have not intended to suggest that all involuntary tremors and seizures which occur during meditation derive from... more
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      SociologyHistory of ReligionTranspersonal PsychologyPsychedelics
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      SemioticsReligionNew Religious MovementsParapsychology
Originally published in 2001 as Psychoactive Sacramentals then in 2012 as Spiritual Growth with Entheogens All proceeds support the work of the Council on Spiritual Practices More than 25 spiritual leaders, scientists, and visionaries... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsSociology of ReligionAmerican Studies
Pierre Weil apresenta as principais hipóteses da Psicologia Transpessoal e as principais pesquisas.
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      Jungian psychologyMeditationFilosofia da ReligiãoPsicologia Transpessoal
Expanding the set-and-setting idea, Hartogshon broadens it from its original meaning of indicating two major influences on each individual person's psychedelic experience; he applies "set and setting" to analyze how society's reactions to... more
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      Intellectual HistoryAmerican StudiesPopular CultureEntheogens
Links to a lecture/discussion Nov. 30, 2021 for
The Hamilton College Alumni Association

Presents 4 stages of the psychedelic renaissance and examples of how psychedelics can enrich religion, the humanities, and mind development.
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      Philosophy of MindHigher EducationTranspersonal PsychologyMindfulness
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      AristotleTranspersonal PsychologyRudolf SteinerJean Gebser
A brief account of the origins of rebirthing style breathwork and some of the key issues raised by its practice.
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      Prenatal and Perinatal PsychologyStanislav GrofRebirthing Breathwork
The purpose of this essay is to review the Grofs' model of spiritual emergencies. The authors ask: Has the model been useful for identifying and treating psycho-spiritual distress? Should it be amended? Spiritual emergency can be defined... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologyPsychedelicsLSDSpiritual
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      PsychedelicsTranspersonal StudiesNatureHolotropic Breathwork
Comments and excerpts from Michael Pollan's book "How to Change your Mind -- What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us about Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence"
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      NeurosciencePhilosophy of MindDrugs And AddictionMental Health
Jelen dolgozat a pszichológiai tanácsadásba könnyen beépíthető, negatív érzelmi állapotokat módosító neuro-lingvisztikus programozás módszertanához tartozó technikát, az intrapszichés interakciót mutatja be esettanulmányokon keresztül. Az... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthSpiritualityHumanistic psychologyPsychosis and Spirituality
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      MycologyNeuroscienceChemistryOrganic Chemistry
Spiritual emergence is a natural part of the human developmental experience. The process is unique to each individual and may gradually unfold or suddenly arise. Yet, because there is no mainstream cultural framework to provide context... more
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      PsychologyTranspersonal PsychologySpiritualityPsychosis and Spirituality
From the moment they occur, crisis events involving personal loss can disrupt people's lives and irrevocably change how they engage with the world. In this brief paper, an autobiographical account of tragic loss demonstrates how exposure... more
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      TransformationAutoethnographyBereavementSpirituality & Counselling & Psychotherapy
A novel published in 1933, describes the isolation of a hallucinogenic drug from an ergot-type fungus. It remarkably predates the discovery the hallucinogenic properties of the ergot-derived alkaloid lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) by... more
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Many theoretical approaches to alcoholism consider this condition to be a disease, yet one of the best known methods of treatment for alcoholism, that of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), considers a higher power, or God, to be central in... more
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      History of ChristianityDrugs And AddictionJungian psychologyAlcoholism
Shamans and artists have been perceived as similar across a variety of dimensions. Nonetheless, these similarities have not been systematically explored and are poorly understood. This study was designed to investigate these... more
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The psychoanalytic viewpoint proposes that insight into one’s unconscious thoughts, feelings, and motivations can be helpful in understanding and changing personal constructs (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013). Conversely, anything that... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologyHolotropic BreathworkConsciousness studies;depth, transpersonal, and integral psychology; addiction, entheogenic studies (psychedelic research)Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness
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      Transpersonal PsychologySpiritualityPsychedelicsLSD
Gustav Fechner, the German experimental psychologist, coined the term psychophysics in 1860, publishing the first mathematical equation to model human consciousness. Fechner assumed that any future approaches to consciousness would... more
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      Comparative ReligionPsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysics
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      Complexity TheoryTranspersonal PsychologyComplexityTranspersonal Psychotherapy
Uses Grof's map of the mind developed through his psychedelic psychotherapy to interpret the movie "Snow White". An example of Grofian psychocriticism.
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      PsychologyLiterature and cinemaTranspersonal PsychologyPsychedelics (Psychology)
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      AristotleTranspersonal PsychologyRudolf SteinerPerennial Philosophy
Stanislav Grof's map of the mind offers transpersonalists — and further, humanists and all professions working with the human phenomenon — a new kind of intellectual effort. Just as Freudian and Jungian psychologies enriched 20 th... more
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      MythologyHumanitiesTranspersonal PsychologyLiterary Criticism
This study uses a model of consciousness derived from LSD-assisted psychotherapy to illumine an enigmatic set of painful experiences that occur on the mystic's path known in Western circles as the "dark night."... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophy Of ReligionTranspersonal PsychologyAltered States of Consciousness
Plato’s story, as it appears in the Republic speaks of both the human desire for liberation, and our inherent need for transcendence. The fact that such a description of human existence still rings true for us almost 2500 years on is a... more
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      MythologyFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPlato
Tibetan Buddhist Tantra and Jungian depth psychology represent two of the world’s most dynamic psycho-spiritual traditions. This study explores their respective insights, cosmologies, and sometimes striking similarities, with particular... more
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      Jungian psychologyMandalasSpirituality & MysticismTibetan Buddhism
This paper charts the development of transpersonal psychology as it grew out of and in relation to the main branches of psychology. It contextualizes the need for a psychology that addressed aspects of lived experience often neglected by... more
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      PsychologyHumanitiesPsychotherapy and CounselingTranspersonal Psychology
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present study was to explore the subjective effects of Holotropic Breathwork (HB), specifically looking at the incidence of mystical experiences or peak experiences , in a Russian sample in the context of a... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologyAltered States of ConsciousnessPeak ExperiencesHolotropic Breathwork
There is a central human experience, which alters all other experiences ... not just an experience among others, but rather the very heart of the human experience. It is the center that gives understanding to the whole. Once found, life... more
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      Higher EducationPsychedelicsAldous HuxleyDrugs and drug culture
This article explores the dynamic of death and rebirth in LSD therapy beyond ego-death. Drawing upon my experience in 73 high dose LSD sessions conducted between 1979 and 1999, it asks three questions: (1) Why does death become as large... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologyPsychedelicsPsychedelic therapyConsciousness studies;depth, transpersonal, and integral psychology; addiction, entheogenic studies (psychedelic research)
The principal aim of this essay is to explore the influence of chemically-altered, or alchemical consciousness, not only on the founding and ongoing articulation of transpersonal theory, but on the origins of spirituality more generally.... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologyPsychedelicsTranspersonal StudiesReligious Studies
The famous Romanian historian of religions Mircea Eliade presents in the novel "Nineteen Roses" a view on theatre less explored by his critics, in which we can find the seeds for a possible theory and practice of the sacred theatre. By... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy Of ReligionTheatre StudiesTheatre History
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      Complexity TheoryTranspersonal PsychologySelf-OrganizationComplexity
Tesi di fine Triennale in Psicologia delle relazioni interpersonali e delle differenze individuali, presso l'Università di Padova
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      PsychologyHealing CeremoniesStanislav Grof
Journal of Near Death Studies, 1994: 25-45. ABSTRACT: While endorsing several of Kenneth Ring's conclusions in "Solving the Riddle of Frightening NDEs: Some Testable Hypotheses and a Perspective Based on A Course in Miracles," this study... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of ReligionTranspersonal PsychologyAltered States of Consciousness
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      Transpersonal PsychologyPsychedelicsLSDEthno psychopharmacology
Proposes an understanding of the human being as inherently spiritual and thus sketches a psychological treatment of spirituality that would be relevant to all religions Spirituality has recently become an acceptable topic of popular... more
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      Sigmund FreudScience and SpiritualityCarl G. JungSpirituality & Psychology
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      ReligionFuture StudiesPsychologyCognitive Science
"Michel Weber et Vincent Berne (sous la direction de), Chromatikon IX. Annales de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, 2012 (224 p., 23 €, ISBN 978-2-930517-44-5) Jean-Marie Breuvart, À Xavier Verley, en forme... more
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This sludy uses a model of consciousness derived from LSD-assisted psychotherapy to illumine an enigmatic set of painful experiences that occur on the mystic's path known in Western circles as the "dark night." It argues that the dark... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionTranspersonal PsychologyAltered States of ConsciousnessPsychedelics
Final chapter of "MindApps: Multistate Theory and Tools for Mind Design"
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      ReligionSociologyFuture StudiesPhilosophy of Mind
Selects benefits to the humanities and social sciences to claim that Grof's theory enriches them and inspires a new intellectual direction.
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      ReligionMythologyPolitical PhilosophyHumanities
Drawing from Alan Watts’s philosophy of paradox, this essay aims to articulate an integrative framework of ontological paradox (i.e., that all aspects of existence feature distinct and integral dimensions). The metaphysical tenet of... more
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      MetaphysicsTranspersonal PsychologyPsychology of ReligionExistential Psychology
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      Philosophy Of ReligionTranspersonal PsychologyAltered States of ConsciousnessPsychology of Religion