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Chronique Vitraux, XIXe-XXe siècle. Louis Léglise : redécouverte d’un peintre-verrier, collaborateur régulier d’Henri-Marcel Magne, p. 3-4. Recension de l'article : Hélène Bocard, «Le peintre-verrier Léglise : des chantiers religieux de... more
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      Art HistoryStained Glass19th Century Stained GlassStained Glass Windows
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtGiovanni BelliniVenice
This article analyses the use of memoria with respect to the Carthusian monastery of Scheut, a few miles to the west of Brussels. The construction of this monastery around 1455 was first intended to preserve the memory of the battle of... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGenealogy
(ITALIANO) Frutto di un’indagine accurata e sistematica, questo studio sull'arte vetraria del Rinascimento nel Comasco e nella Valtellina presenta rilevanti novità sia dal punto di vista metodologico, sia negli esiti della ricerca, che... more
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      Art HistoryChristian IconographyStained Glass WindowsLombard Renaissance Painting
English version, for German version see below: "Licht(t)räume" (Dreams of light – Spaces of light) – The title of the Festschrift in honor of Brigitte Kurmann-Schwarz is more than just a play on words. It is evident to include the term... more
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      ArchitectureThe SixtiesStained GlassStained Glass Windows
The multidisciplinary EC VIDRIO project has the purpose of providing a better understanding of the effect of the environment on glass surfaces and paint (grisaille) and to evaluate the efficiency of the protective glazing system, in order... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage ConservationCultural Heritage ManagementRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
Gotrand Auriane, « De l’esquisse au vitrail : Les processus de création dans l’atelier de Claudius Lavergne », communication à l'occasion du 30e colloque international du Corpus Vitrearum, The concept and fabrication of Stained Glass from... more
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      Stained Glass19th Century Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained GlassHistory of Stained Glass
Chronique Notre-Dame de Paris. Vitraux. Les douze vitraux modernes à la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris en 1935 (Auriane Gotrand), p. 183. Recension de l'article : Bérénice Vallet, « Le projet de vitraux pour la cathédrale Notre-Dame de... more
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      Art HistoryStained Glass19th Century Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
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      Stained Glass WindowsGuillaume de Marcillat
Taller Amigó (1701)1865-1920(1981) (linked to below) Names: Eudaldo Ramon Amigó (1865-85); Hijos de Eudaldo Ramon Amigó (1885-1892); Hijo de Eudaldo Ramon Amigó y compañía, sociedad en comandita (1892-1920); Artes del vidrio y molduras... more
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      19th Century Stained GlassStained Glass Windows19TH-20TH Century Stained-Glass Windows
Ensayo sobre la vida y obra del artista irlandés Harry Clarke (1889-1931), que analiza algunos aspectos de su obra de diseñador de vidrieras e ilustrador, destacando la mezcla de estilos que constituyen el suyo, enumerando sus principales... more
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      Modern IrelandHistory of ArtStained GlassAubrey Beardsley
Coordinación del nº 279, monográfico, sobre "Bellas Artes y Espiritualidad". Las "Bellas Artes" escogidas y los articulistas en este número (se hace constar si es artículo o nota): ARTES MAYORES: 1. PINTURA: Arturo Beltrán Ortells, ocd... more
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      Art HistoryArtArt TheoryContemporary Art
The multidisciplinary EC VIDRIO project has the purpose of providing a better understanding of the effect of the environment on glass surfaces and paint (grisaille) and to evaluate the efficiency of the protective glazing system, in order... more
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      ArchaeologyPhysicsCultural HeritageHeritage Conservation
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      19th Century Stained GlassStained Glass Windows
History of the Catalan Conservation of Stained Glass Windows
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      Medieval ArtTechnical Art History, ConservationStained Glass Windows