Sound design,Soundscape Ecology,Soundscape Composition
Recent papers in Sound design,Soundscape Ecology,Soundscape Composition
Dieser Beitrag zeigt auf, dass sich Sound Design gegenwärtig nicht mehr nur auf die Produktion von Filmmusik oder Popmusik beschränkt, sondern dass die klangliche Gestaltung von Alltagsgegenständen seit längerem in den Fokus von... more
Taking the term soundscape as a starting point, this essay by José Manuel Berenguer addresses a number of concerns relevant to understanding the listening experience within art and everyday life. Tackling questions such as phenomenology,... more
Having to arrive late, I miss the usual rituals of conference registration. A volunteer greets me and another lost latecomer with smiles, and directs us to Murray Schafer's outdoor workshop. It's a nice way to begin-a short walk in the... more
In film and media production, ambient sound is a standard term that denotes the site-specific background sound component providing locational atmospheres and spatial information of public places. In this article, the specific role of... more
The sounds of the natural world have served as a key source of musical inspiration for composers throughout history; and for the last century, recording technology has enabled the utilisation of the sounds themselves as compositional... more
Recent years have seen an exponential increase in the number of composers and sound artists directly responding to global environmental issues, such as biodiversity loss, pollution and climate change, through their creative practice. The... more
Landscape planning and design involve decisions that have far-reaching effects, positive and negative, on the soundscape. However, landscape architecture and related disciplines have not fully recognised the possibilities of considering... more
The aim of this paper is to present the research activities I have participated in and organised at the University of Edinburgh during the second semester of the academic year 2015/2016. The following examples can be understood and... more
I am a human being. I am also an artist, and as such, my work entails an understanding of how to feel and interpret things. The planet on which I was born will radically change within my lifetime, and the decline of the entire biosphere... more
Forests, deserts, rivers, and oceans are filled with animal vocalizations and geological sounds. We postulate that climate change is changing the Earth’s natural acoustic fabric. In particular, we identify shifts in acoustic structure... more
The sonic transparency of their community makes of their village a concert hall, the seasonal organization of songs makes of their year a concert series (or a single piece of music), and their rites of passage make of their live a process... more
This paper reviews current approaches to designing virtual environments and investigates aspects of influence in designing auditory spaces to support novel forms of interaction in virtual places. Initial research on human imagined sounds... more
Entre el 18 y el 24 de Julio de 2011, José Manuel Berenguer fue invitado por la Embajada de España en Venezuela a dictar un seminario de Arte Sonoro en el contexto del festival Parlante. Aprovechando la presencia de este integrante de la... more Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione potrà essere riprodotta, fotocopiata, archiviata in sistemi di ricerca o altro senza il permesso scritto dell'editore.
Dans son travail artistique, le compositeur d'origine californienne David Dunn fait dialoguer l'étrangeté de langages non-humains avec les ressources sonores d'un monde où les effets de l'activité humaine sont omniprésents 1 . En... more
Σκέψεις και αντιπαραθέσεις σχετικά με τον ορισμό του ηχοτοπίου ως μουσικό είδος.
Costa Rica es un país pequeño que aloja múltiples contextos geográficos y humanos. En esta campaña, decidimos abarcar tres zonas distintas con paisajes sonoros que previamente habíamos asumido como especialmente diferenciados.
Ya estamos en conversaciones muy avanzadas para la realización de tres campañas de toma de sonido durante el año 2010. Estas campañas tendrán lugar en :
O objetivo deste artigo é investigar uma alternativa metodológica para as práticas ecocomposicionais através da utilização da sistemática da comprovisação. Procurando embasamento nas perspectivas filosóficas, em manifestos e nos produtos... more
The concept of phonosphere is presented and considered. The study of a soundscape or any conceptual sonic space is based on an understanding of its structure and specificity. We consider the definition and implementation of the concept in... more
Strata Sequence is a body of work comprising a range of creative outputs, including compositions and installations. The work represents a series of collaborations with museums and festivals related by the theme of geology. The first... more
In recent years, is establishing a cooperation between secondary schools and universities for the development of methodologies that encourage pupils to comprehend their acoustic environment and incorporate it in creative projects 1. These... more
5o μάθημα. 08ΤΒ10 ΕΠΙΛΟΓΕΣ: Ο ΗΧΟΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΗ Αναγνώριση ήχων (πηγές, φαινόμενα, ηχοτοπία). Ηχοδιαδρομή μέσα στο απθ, ηχογράφηση πεδίου, λογισμικό επεξεργασίας ηχογράφησης και φασμάτων (audacity), σύνθεση ηχοτοπίων, αντιστοίχηση... more
B I O M I M I C R Y " Doing it nature's way has the potential to change the way we grow food, make materials, harness energy, heal ourselves, store information, and conduct business. " — Janine Benyus The Biomimicry Institute defines... more
Classificação de Paisagem Sonora - conceitos iniciais e tabela.
El río Baker nace del desagüe del lago Bertran, que se encuentra al sudoeste del mucho mayor Lago General Carrera, el segundo más grande de Sudamérica. Desde ese punto hasta su desembocadura, el trayecto tiene 175 km, si bien se considera... more
In this paper I will present some aesthetic and technical aspects of my work related to real-time composition of sound environments (soundscapes and vocalscapes) through two recent works: “Geografia Sonora”, a sound and video installation... more
Campaña de recogida de datos en Quilino -Salinas Grandes y El Soberbio -Saltos del Moconá. Argentina
AppStore της Apple, πρώτες θέσεις στην κατηγορία "health and fitness", εφαρμογές που έχουν να κάνουν με λευκό θόρυβο και δημιουργία φυσικών και τεχνιτών ηχοτοπίων.
The emerging field of soundscape ecology views ecosystems in terms of biophony, geophony and anthrophony. Soundscape ecology considers the effects of sound on fauna, and this research focuses on anuran breeding lek soundscapes. The... more
Sound Art has become a new genre of Art in today. What we so called "sound art" now is closely related to the avant-garde art movement since the 20th century, and also has a lot of overlap with modern music, experimental music and other... more
The effecting factors of soundscape perception and space experience have a very close relationship. This study aims to synthesize the diversity of soundscape classifications and schemes and unify such factorial variations in order to... more
The essays collected here draw on diverse archival source materials and provide a variety of methodological approaches, ranging from microhistories, sonic archaeologies, spatial mapping, Geertzian thick descriptions, and sensory... more
Este artículo explora el desarrollo del concepto de mapa sonoro ligado al de paisaje sonoro. Este género se presenta como un cruce entre la militancia contra la contaminación acústica y la creación artística desde el ámbito de la ecología... more
Sound is an integrated part of our urban society. This thesis focuses on urban soundcapes in the fields of landscape architecture and urban planning. It is based on notions that the acoustic aspects of the space in urban areas should be... more
Presentation of some “tactile sonic sculptures” and “tactile sonic interventions” in the (semi) public space and the use of a www.soundmap during community sound art - projects. Introduction of my ongoing artistic research about what I... more