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At present, the production of wood composites mainly relies on the petrochemical-based and formaldehyde-based adhesives such as phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resins and urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins, which are non-renewable and therefore... more
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      Wood ProductsForestry SciencesSodium HydroxideAqueous Solution
Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the conditions for the production of endo ␤-1,4 glucanase, a component of cellulase by Aspergillus nidulans MTCC344 under solid state fermentation, using bagasse as the chief... more
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      Response Surface MethodologyScanning Electron MicroscopyExperimental DesignSolid State Fermentation
ZnO nanoparticles have been synthesized by ultrasonic irradiation of an aqueous-alcoholic/aqueous-alcoholic-ethylenediamine (EDA) solutions of zinc nitrate and sodium hydroxide. ZnO nanoparticles possess hexagonal wurtzite structures and... more
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Sodium n-propoxide and sodium iso-propoxides were synthesized and characterized. Thermal decomposition of these compounds was studied using thermogravimetric technique (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) under non-isothermal and... more
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      Materials EngineeringMass SpectrometryNuclear MaterialsNuclear
AbstractÐSurfactant-modi®ed zeolites (SMZ) have drawn recent attention as sorbents due to their removal of multiple types of contaminants and low material cost. However, like most sorbents, SMZ has a ®nite sorption capacity for dierent... more
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      WaterKineticsWater PurificationMultidisciplinary
This report describes separation and detection of chlorophenoxy acid herbicides spiked in drinking water by the technique combining solid-phase extraction, fieldamplified sample stacking, capillary electrophoresis, and potential gradient... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryTechnology
Lignocelluloses industrial waste flour of olive husk powder (LCF) was utilized as reinforcement in carboxylated nitrile butadiene rubber (XNBR)/Polyamide-12 (PA-12) thermoplastic elastomer composites. To improve the bonding quality... more
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      Materials EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyInfrared spectroscopyStructural Change
The solubility of wheat gluten may be increased greatly by treatment with 0.25 M sodium hydroxide. At temperatures of 40°C and above, the solubility of the protein exceeds 100 mg/ml in a reaction time of 6 hr or less. The products from... more
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      Food Science and TechnologyFood SciencesSodium Hydroxide
The efficiency of raw wheat and soybean straws, corn stalks and corn cobs in removing different heavy metal ions from simulated contaminated water was studied. The investigated adsorbents have shown different adsorption capacities for... more
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      EngineeringAdsorptionDesalinationRaw materials
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      Carbon DioxideColorAnaesthesiaClinical Sciences
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistrySoft DrinksContact angle
A series of biochemical, staining and electron microscopy techniques were utilized to investigate the mechanisms of C-and G-banding. These led to the following conclusions. I. The treatment of fixed chromosomes with 0.07 N NaOH for 30 to... more
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      RNATransmission Electron MicroscopyDNAMice
A new system has been developed for removal of chloride contamination from kraft process liquors. The compact, skid-mounted system which utilizes ion exchange columns only 24 inches in height, is shown to be capable of removing 90-99% of... more
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      Ion ExchangeSodium HydroxideSodium Chloride
Sulfur dioxide, N,N-diallyl-N-carboethoxymethylammonium chloride and the hydrophobic monomers N,N-diallyl-N-dodecylammonium chloride or N,N-diallyl-N-octadecylammonium chloride were cyclocopolymerized in dimethyl sulfoxide using... more
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      EngineeringPolymerCHEMICAL SCIENCESWater soluble polymers
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      PathophysiologyReactive Oxygen SpeciesGlutathionePediatric Surgery
Background: Lipid-based drug delivery systems are widely used for enhancing the solubility of poorly water soluble drugs in the gastro-intestinal tract. Following oral intake, lipid systems undergo digestion in the stomach as well as the... more
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Dihydroboration of propargyl bromide with 9-BBN-H followed by treatment of the adduct with aqueous sodium hydroxide aords the hydroxy(cyclopropyl)borate complex (1), which undergoes ecient palladiumcatalyzed cross-coupling to produce a... more
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      Organic ChemistrySodium Hydroxide
Medical-grade poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) was chemically modified to study how the incorporation of monovalent silver influences Pseudomonas aeruginosa adhesion and colonization. The modification investigated consisted of a radio... more
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      BiofilmsBiomaterialsMultidisciplinaryCell Division
The effects of treating the alloy powder of an electrode with 6 M sodium hydroxide solution containing y M (y ¼ 0.0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05) sodium borohydride (NaBH 4 ) on the kinetics of hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at the... more
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The corrosion behavior of unalloyed and alloyed ductile irons (as cast, annealed, and cold worked) in sea water, dilute sulfuric acid, and dilute sodium hydroxide solutions was assessed. Specimen history had a significant effect on the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterialsIronSea Water
Background: Esophagus tissue engineering holds promises for esophageal replacement after severe caustic injuries. The aim of this study was to determine whether viable esophageal epithelial cells could be isolated from an esophagus... more
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      Tissue EngineeringCultureBiopsySheep
The first stages of the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles by forced hydrolysis of ZnCl2 with NaOH and water in ethanol have been investigated using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. At sufficiently low water concentrations, focusing of the... more
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Raman spectroscopy, plasma emission spectroscopy, electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), elemental analysis, solution conductivity and pH, were used to characterise the solutions and the acid, base and silane-treated E-glass... more
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      EngineeringRaman SpectroscopyPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The effect of pulsed flow on mass transfer in an electrolytic reactor was investigated using carbon felt electrode arranged in a way that the electrolyte and the current flows were parallel to each other. In these experiments, a solution... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMass TransferPotassiumSodium Hydroxide
A continuous flow sensor for the determination of thiamine was constructed by using controlled-reagent-release technology in a FIA-CL system. The analytical reagents, luminol and KIO 4 , were both immobilized on an anion-exchange column.... more
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      Analytical ChemistryFlow Injection AnalysisCalibrationContinuous Flow
Two southern pine kraft pulps with kappa numbers of 30.0 (SW1-0) and 48.0 (SW2-0) were oxygen delignified by 30-60% by varying the reaction temperature (78-110 C) and charge of sodium hydroxide (1.6-4.4%). O-bleachability was found to be... more
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      Materials EngineeringWoodForestry SciencesSodium Hydroxide
In order to compare the dermal changes after exposure to direct current (d.c.1 with changes after influence of acid and base influence, the skin of fully anaesthetized Danish Landrace pigs were exposed to acid and basic solutions.... more
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      Forensic ScienceMultidisciplinaryElectricityCollagen
There is a gap in the literature concerning the chemical effects that household products may produce on human remains. The present study examines the effects of household chemical products on teeth. A total of eight chemicals were... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyForensic ScienceForensic SciencesTeeth
A rapid fusion method was tested on concrete and brick samples. Actinides were determined rapidly using the fusion plus extraction chromatography and alpha spectrometry. Stacked TEVA, TRU and DGA rein cartridges were used with rapid flow... more
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      Analytical ChemistryEmergency ResponseDigestionEmergency
The conversion of alicyclic and aliphatic carbonyl compounds as well as aromatic aldehydes into the corresponding oximes (up to quantitative yields) was achieved by simply grinding these reactants, hydroxylamine hydrochloride and sodium... more
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      CHEMICAL SCIENCESSilica GelSodium HydroxideCarbonyl compound
Spherical water microtraps were prepared via a two steps process, which comprises the preparation of crosslinked poly(methacrylic acid) spheres by distillation-precipitation polymerization and the subsequent conversion of carboxylic... more
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      Materials EngineeringCollagen Cross-linkingCorrosionNon crystalline solids
This study is to improve the digestion pattern of miniprepped plasmid analyzed on gel. Frequently, some ambiguous DNA bands, which are suspected to be denatured DNA molecules, appear during electrophoresis of enzyme digested miniprepped... more
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      TechnologyBiological SciencesEscherichia coliPlasmids
Silica nanoparticles have been prepared through dissolution-precipitation process from rice straw ash (RSA) for different electronic applications. The dissolution of silica from RSA was carried out using alkali leaching process by sodium... more
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      EngineeringSilicaPhysical sciencesSpecific surface area
Background and Objectives  Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are fatal neurodegenerative diseases caused by aberrantly folded cellular proteins (PrPSc; prions) that are generally resistant to conventional... more
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      Prion DiseasesClinical SciencesSarcosineSodium Hydroxide
Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) treated rice husks, followed by carbonization in a flowing nitrogen were used to study the adsorption of malachite green (MG) in aqueous solution. The effect of adsorption on contact... more
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      MultidisciplinaryAdsorptionActivated CarbonCharcoal
The simultaneous determination of several odorous trichlorobromophenols in water has been carried out by an in-sample derivatization headspace solid-phase microextraction method (HS-SPME).The analytical procedure involved their... more
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      EngineeringWaterMass SpectrometryInstrumentation
With advances in the development of DNA vaccines and gene therapy, there is a growing need for plasmid DNA with high quality for fundamental research and clinical trials. In this report, a scalable automated process for large-scale... more
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      Clinical TrialGene TherapyMultidisciplinaryAutomation
In this research, the variations produced on the mechanical, morphological and thermal properties and on the melt index (MI) of a composite of polypropylene and wood¯our (WF) by the modi®cation of the ®ller were studied. The ®ller was... more
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      EngineeringCompositePolypropyleneComposite structures
Total and surface charge of unbleached and bleached softwood kraft pulps of different levels of freeness were determined using three different techniques-potentiometric titrations, conductometric titrations (with NaOH and NaHCO 3... more
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      EngineeringPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESRefining
The effect of itaconic (IA) and fumaric (FA) acids, in the emulsion copolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) with n-butyl acrylate (BA) is presented in this work. The effect of functional monomers on the overall conversion, on the... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemical EngineeringSodium Hydroxide
To investigate the role of major non-protein and protein sulfhydryls and disulfides in chemically induced gastric hemorrhagic mucosal lesions (HML) and the mechanism of gastroprotective effect of sucralfate. Rats were given 1 mL of 75%... more
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      LiverGlutathioneEthanolClinical Sciences
We conclude that perfusion of a partial occluded central venous catheter (defined as 25-60 drops/min) used for parenteral nutrition with 0.1 N NaOH is safe and shows a significant long term improvement in catheter care, by preventing... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsSafetyClinical NutritionRisk factors
In France, fatty residues considered as ''non-ultimate'' waste will not be accepted in landfill from 2002, in accordance with French legislation. Anaerobic digestion appears as an alternative process to mobilize and profitably use such... more
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      Water PurificationMultidisciplinaryAnaerobic DigestionLegislation
Paracetamol IP traditionally considered as a NSAID, is an effective analgesic and antipyretic drug available as over the counter without prescription. Paracetamol IP is used widely in all age groups and it has intensely bitter taste... more
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      Sodium Potassium-Activated Adenosine TriphosphataseSodium NiobateSodium Antimony GluconateSodium sulphite
The present study adapted the HotSHOT method, a technique which has been successfully applied on different kinds of tissues, to studies of Sarcoptes. Some modifications of this technique were made which allowed the quick preparation of... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMolecular BiologyMedical Microbiology
We present the controlled solution-phase synthesis of several sheet-or rod-like bismuth oxides, BiOCl, Bi 12 O 17 Cl 2 , a-Bi 2 O 3 and (BiO) 2 CO 3 , by adjusting growth parameters such as reaction temperature, mole ratios of reactants,... more
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      Inorganic ChemistrySolid State ChemistryPhotoluminescenceNanostructures
Solubility measurements of Au in dilute to concentrated aqueous NaOH solutions at 25°C have been carried out. The data were fitted to the general half reaction Au(c) + 2 HZ0 * Au02H:1E + nH+ + ein order to identify the stoichiometry and... more
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A very sensitive analytical method is proposed for the determination of lithium based on the reaction of Li + ion wiht 1,4-dihydroxyanthraquinone (Quinizarin). In dimethylsulfoxide medium (90%) and in the presence of sodium hydroxide and... more
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      Analytical ChemistryResponse Surface MethodologyExperimental DesignAnalytical Method
This paper presents a microfluidic mixer that uses acoustic stirring created by ultrasonic waves. The ultrasound is introduced into the channel by integrated piezoelectric transducers. The transducers are made of a zinc oxide thin film,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryMicrofluidicsUltrasound
As revealed by NMR spectroscopy (after ultrasonic degradation) and HPLC (after total hydrolysis) an arabinoxylan (AX) containing 74.8% Xylp and 23.2% Araf was isolated from Ispaghula (Plantago ovata) by soaking the seed husk with water,... more
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      Organic ChemistryNMR SpectroscopyComparative StudyHPLC