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The present critical inquiry of the theory of democracy starts from the perspective that much of what is widely considered as known, unavoidable or factual is not written in stone and that democracy (theory and practice) must strengthen... more
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      PopulismParticipationDecentralisationEpistemologies of the South
In a manner similar to the postcolonialitalia research project, in my work I have been dealing with the South of Europe. I come from Portugal, where the conception of Southern Europe, even though it goes back centuries, has become current... more
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      Southern EuropeIndigenous KnowledgePortugalItaly
A “epistemologia do Sul” que tenho vindo a propor visa a recuperação dos saberes e práticas dos grupos sociais que, por via do capitalismo e do colonialismo, foram his-tórica e sociologicamente postos na posição de serem tão só objecto ou... more
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      EpistemologyPostcolonial StudiesEcologia de los saberesEpistemologias Do Sul