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Resumo: Este artigo analisa a mútua ingerência entre o matrimônio e o compadrio entre membros de uma elite rural do distrito de Piranga, localidade pertencente ao Termo de Mariana em Minas Gerais. Defende-se que estas duas práticas... more
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      Social NetworksSocial Networks (History)History of the FamilySocial History
From 1995 to the present day the number of Internet users has increased from 16 million to 3.7 billion. What are the reasons for such an extraordinary success? This book reconstructs the origins of the Internet from the period following... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryHuman Computer Interaction
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesSocial NetworksMedieval History
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      Social Networks (History)FreemasonryMarseille
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      Economic HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
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      Military HistorySocial NetworksBasque StudiesEarly Modern History
Proceedings of the Conference “Sacred Landscapes: Creation, Transformation and
Manipulation”, School of Classics, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 5-7 May 2014.
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      Classical ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyCultural LandscapesSocial Networks (History)
Ancient economies have been characterized by many researchers as localized, highly controlled by political actors, and static over long periods of time. In Mesoamerica, recent research has cast doubt on these views, with the recognition... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomic Sociology
This article examined how locality influenced the development of the social networks established and cultivated by an extended family of merchants from the island of Chios in the Italian city of Ancona, and the causes behind the evolution... more
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      Social Networks (History)Migration HistoryGreek DiasporaChios during the Genoese Rule
Object provenance is often approached as a linear chain of ownership. Recent increasing interest and research in art market studies—the dealers, mediators, advisors, taste makers, etc.—indicate the transaction of art and decorative art... more
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      Art HistorySocial NetworksSocial NetworkingSocial Networks (History)
Se trata de dar a conocer la interrelación, conexión y comunicación de diversas familias que desarrollan sus carreras, a finales del siglo XVIII, de forma simultánea en la Armada y el Ejército, cuyo horizonte común era ascender,... more
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      Military HistorySocial NetworksEarly Modern HistoryNaval History
El propósito de este libro es trazar un balance sobre los trabajos realizados desde hace unos 30 años relativos al mundo de las élites de la sociedad hispánica durante el Antiguo Régimen. La mayor parte de los textos reunidos provienen de... more
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      ProsopographySpanish HistorySocial Networks (History)Courts and Elites (History)
The study of borrowed vocabulary and language contact in the Old English period is technically problematic in many ways. Surviving texts give us few clues as to how loans functioned outside the clerical communities, what their regional... more
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      EtymologyDiffusion of InnovationsSocial Networks (History)Loanwords, Language contact & change
No Brasil tem crescido o interesse por pesquisas sobre trajetóriais individuais e a formação de redes sociais, as quais tem enriquecido as reflexões sobre estratégias de agentes históricos nos mais diversos estratos que marcaram as... more
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      SlaveryHistory of SlaverySocial Networks (History)Abolition of Slavery
O contexto específico de configuração das elites locais na formação do Estado no Brasil imperial apresenta a família à frente da constituição das estruturas políticas do passado brasileiro. Ao se cruzar documentação cartorial e paroquial,... more
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      State FormationSocial Networks (History)Political ElitesFamily history
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryEconomic History
This is the second of a series of Working Papers produced as part of the Mobile Museum Project ( It represents work in progress and is subject to further revision in the course of the project. We are... more
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      Social NetworksHistory of ScienceHistory of MuseumsSocial Networks (History)
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      Social NetworksSocial Networks (History)Social Network Analysis (SNA)Historical Network Research
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's History
Je voudrais ici montrer que les lettres que le pasteur et journaliste Jacques Pérard (Paris 1713-Stettin 1766) a adressées à Prosper Marchand depuis Stettin et plus rarement depuis Amsterdam et Berlin constituent une mine d’informations... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of the Book
Master thesis, written by Kim Bredesen. An examination of the networks of the shipowner and merchant Hans Herlofsen (1729-1802). I have also analysed how the networks were affected by periods of war and peace in the last decades of the... more
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      Economic HistoryMaritime HistoryWar StudiesTransatlantic History
" Historians and Human Geographers deal with human systems or subsystems of considerable complexity. This situation presents a dilemma to those who use computational technologies, which demand a high level of precision to organize,... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Complex Systems ScienceDigital HumanitiesSocial Research Methods and Methodology
The great Jewish migration to America in the turn of the 19 th century was researched excessively, specifically concerning its causes and the incorporation of the immigrants into the American society. However, research has scarcely dealt... more
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      Historical GISJewish HistorySocial Networks (History)Communications History
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of IdeasBorder Studies
Como han demostrado diversos estudios, los procesos que se desarrollaron en la zona andina a fines del periodo Colonial provocaron el debilitamiento de la figura del cacique en diversas localidades. En los Altos de Arica, la documentación... more
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      American Indian HistorySocial Networks (History)EtnohistoriaAndean studies
The 1860’s saw the first successes of Stefano Bardini’s dealing career as well as the proliferation of professional academic expertise and its concomitant expression in publications. From the early 1870s, Bardini maintained an active and... more
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      Art HistorySocial NetworksItalian StudiesNineteenth Century Studies
From 1858 to 1880 the Daughters of Charity religious order held an annual "fancy fair" in Los Angeles to support the work of its orphanage and school. The women of the town's elite families—Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish—managed the... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistorySocial Networks (History)
This book concerns the role of 'religion' in daily life in late antiquity. It springs out of an engagement with documents found in a small town in Roman Egypt, and their relationship to a lost religious tradition, 'Manichaeism' , that... more
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      Social Networks (History)History of ReligionsAncient ReligionSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
In the course of sorting research for an article on the bronze doors of the Morgan Library which were transacted from Stefano Bardini’s Villa Marignolle in 1901, several figures came to populate the immediate social network of that... more
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      Art HistorySocial NetworksNineteenth Century StudiesSocial Networking
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSocial Networks (History)
Photo sharing is a captivating feature which popularizes Online Gregarious Networks (OSNs). Lamentably, it may leak users' privacy if they are sanctioned to post, comment, and tag a photo liberatingly. In this paper, we endeavor to... more
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      Social NetworksSocial Networks (History)Collaborative Learning (Education)Online social networks
The authors use a social network analysis to map the changing patterns of obsidian supply among the Maya during the period of Classic to Postclassic transition. The quantity of obsidian received from different sources was calculated for... more
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomic SociologySocial Change
Sul finire del 1918 Rudolf Rocker tornò in Germania dopo un lungo esilio 1 . Stabilitosi a Berlino insieme alla compagna Milly Witkop e al figlio Fermin, Rocker era rapidamente diventato un punto di riferimento per l'organizzazione... more
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      TransnationalismAnarchismSocial Networks (History)Anarchist Studies
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      Medieval HistoryWomen's HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGender History
The Greeks were one of those outgroups to whom the Anglo-Saxons had reasons to look up to, because of the antiquity of their culture and the sanctity of their language, along those of the Hebrews and the Romans. Yet as a language Greek... more
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      Greek LanguageEtymologySocial Networks (History)Old English Language
Uno de los rasgos más llamativos de la vida religiosa de la Baja Edad Media fue el espectacular incremento de las mujeres consagradas a Dios, la diversificación de sus formas de vida y el gran peso de lo femenino en la simbología y el... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's History
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      Tourism StudiesHistory of TourismSocial Networks (History)National Identity
El presente trabajo indaga el papel que los desembolsos de la Real Caja de Buenos Aires tenían sobre la actividad económica de la comarca durante el siglo XVII, identificando la incidencia que dichos flujos de recursos fiscales tuvieron... more
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      Economic HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistorySocial Networks (History)Social Network Analysis (SNA)
By reinterpreting a set of correspondence between Chinese and Japanese monks, this article gives a “thick description” of a lumber transaction between a prestigious monastery in Hangzhou, China, and a newly established monastery in... more
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      Economic HistoryBuddhist StudiesJapanese HistorySocial Networks (History)
Este artigo problematiza as estratificações sociais no passado brasileiro a partir da análise das relações de compadrio e das sociabilidades cotidianas de um domicílio chefiado por um indivíduo livre, pardo, que desenvolvia a atividade de... more
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      DemographyHistorical DemographySocial Networks (History)History of the Family
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      Early Modern HistoryMediterranean StudiesSocial Networks (History)Historia Social
École française de Rome Fabrice Jesné Directeur des études, Époques moderne et contemporaine Claire Challéat Assistante scientifique, Époques moderne et contemporaine Piazza Farnese, 67 -000186 Roma -Italia T. +39 06 68 60 12 44... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySocial Networks (History)Political History
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      Human Computer InteractionLawInternational RelationsWeb 2.0
Este artículo analiza la red social del pintor romántico Federico de Madrazo durante sus años de pensionado en París y Roma. A partir de la correspondencia con su padre, José de Madrazo, se reconstruye el mapa relacional del artista y se... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistorySocial Networks (History)Romanticismo
A los pocos días de su llegada, el conde de Baños se enfrentó con los habitantes de su Virreinato: le culparon de ser arrogante, despectivo y de llevarse el dinero del rey. Tal concierto de quejas y denuncias en contra de un personaje tan... more
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      Social Networks (History)Political History
In this article, the author proposes some solutions to our modern seemingly intractable economic problems. Keynesian theories, the bug-bear of modern economics, seem to hold little water nowadays. Modern economies appear to be in need of... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness EthicsSociology
The goals of this chapter are two-fold. First, we provide a description of what communities of practice are. What are their defining characteristics? What excludes certain groups of speakers from being members of a community of practice?... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationLanguage and GenderSocial Networks (History)Communities of practice
During the post-Byzantine period of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in certain areas of Greece, back then, under Ottoman occupation, a particular form of cooperative organization was developed. Rural regions-networks of adjacent... more
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      EntrepreneurshipHistorical GeographySocial NetworksSocial Entrepreneurship
Como han demostrado diversos estudios, los procesos que se desarrollaron en la zona andina a fines del periodo Colonial provocaron el debilitamiento de la figura del cacique en diversas localidades. En los Altos de Arica, la documentación... more
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      American Indian HistorySocial Networks (History)EtnohistoriaAndean studies