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In this paper, a generic multi-tiered reverse logistic model for waste management is proposed in the presence of stochastic waste generation ratio. Various aspects of a comprehensive waste management network such as recycling and... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentWaste ManagementSolid waste management and treatmentSocial Cost of Carbon
In order for the world to stay within the safety threshold of a 2C increase in average temperature agreed by virtually all governments, the transport sector needs to be decarbonized. The two main obstacles that have prevented this from... more
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      Transport EconomicsClimate ChangeClimate change policyTransportation
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      Environmental EconomicsClimate Change ModellingSocial Cost of Carbon
Coal and Health in the Hunter: Lessons from one valley for the world, provides an insight into the evidence of the harm – local, national, and global – from coal production in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, Australia. The report... more
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      Climate ChangeEnergy PolicyHealthPublic Health
We explore the implications of recent empirical findings about CO 2 fertilization and climate sensitivity on the social cost of carbon (SCC) in the FUND model. New compilations of satellite and experimental evidence suggest larger... more
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      Climate ChangeAgricultural ProductivityIntegrated Assessment ModelingSocial Cost of Carbon
Future population growth is uncertain and matters for climate policy: higher growth entails more emissions and means more people will be vulnerable to climate-related impacts. We show that how future population is valued importantly... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial WelfareCO2 emissionsSocial Cost of Carbon
The main purpose of this study is to explore the carbon reduction environmental benefits that can be achieved if carbon benchmarking is applied when semiconductor manufacturers in Taiwan work to improve the technical efficiency of their... more
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      Taiwan StudiesBenchmarkingSemiconductor IndustryDirectional Distance Function
Over the past few decades, we have improved our understanding of the health impacts of climate change.1 Although many public health researchers have contributed to this knowledge, relatively few are aware of how their work may relate to... more
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      EpidemiologyHealthClimate policySocial Cost of Carbon