Snake Ecology
Recent papers in Snake Ecology
Captive reproduction of the Papuan taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus canni)
be bright yellow plastic tag, tiny and slim, glistened like a jewel among the gray tones of the fish and snakes in the bottom of the boat-we had recaptured our first tagged sea snake! Success of the mark-andrecapture study on sea snakes... more
The diets of all SouthEast Asian water snakes of the subfamily Homalopsinae are reviewed. New diet observations for 10 species of homalopsine snakes are presented. The data on four of these, Cantoria violacea, Enhydris doriea, E.... more
A short comunication is on occurrence of cannibalism in the lizard Ophisops microlepis from the foothills of Central Aravalli, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India.
The colubrid Pseudablabes agassizii is a small philodryadine snake distributed in open areas in south-eastern South America. We provide information on morphology, habitat use, diel activity, diet, feeding behaviour, reproduction, and... more
We assessed the conservation status of 61 species from a central Brazilian snake assemblage by ranking species according to their vulnerability to ten threat factors that are thought to influence the survival of snake populations. The... more
Prior to entering the Straits of Malacca the Muar River meanders nearly at sea level for about 20 kilometers. Much of this portion of the river is influenced by semi-diurnal tides that occur in the Straits. In the 1970s and 1980s several... more
_______________________________________________ iv À Vívian, minha querida companheira de todos os momentos v Agradecimentos Agradeço imensamente a todas as pessoas que participaram de alguma forma desse trabalho: Ao Alexandre Araújo, por... more
Annual variations of activities of 13 snake species from the province of Có rdoba, Argentina, are described based on the analysis of 6838 records of arrivals to the serpentarium of Centro de Zoología Aplicada (Có rdoba, Argentina) between... more
Reporting an unusual case of the ingestion of a discarded foam ear plug by D.vestigiata in Central Province, Papua New Guinea.
Repeated use of roadside tunnels of the European mole (Talpa europea) as a communal nesting area by grass snakes, Natrix natrix: are there thermal benefits? Abstract-The presence of oviparous reptiles in relatively cool climates is... more
A total of 119 little file snakes (Acrochordus granulatus), collected at Phangnga Bay from February 2002 to August 2003, were studied. The snakes were divided into four groups according to their sex and reproductive stage: 23 juvenile... more
C O N S E R V A T I O N A L E R T World’s Mammals in Crisis ............................................................................................................................................................. 220 More Than... more