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      Smart WorkingSmart worklavoro agile
The development of ICTs has significantly contributed to transforming traditional workplaces and work practices; indeed it is increasingly frequent that organizations allow their employees to work remotely, i.e. at a distance from the... more
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      TeleworkSmart WorkplacesSmart work
The advancement of the digital technology and the rise of the knowledge economy have facilitated a growing practice of smart work-working anywhere and anytime. This study approaches smart work as a form of the sharing economy, with a... more
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      Knowledge EconomyKnowledge-Based SystemsCanberraSharing Economy
Dal 2013 è attivo in Liguria il progetto SCINTILLA (SCenari INnovativi di Teleformazione per l'Inclusione Lavorativa in LiguriA), il cui scopo è studiare l'uso delle nuove tecnologie a supporto dei processi di inserimento lavorativo di... more
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      Vocational TrainingFormazione ProfessionaleSmart workEducators training