Recent papers in Slurry
A Jet erosion tester is designed and used to study the relative erosion behavior of high chromium white cast iron (ASTM 532A) at specific concentration of silica sand as an abrasive material, 45° impact angle and two size of abrasive... more
In this paper, a dynamic model of a slurry mixing and pumping process is proposed. The centrifugal pump is modeled based on the hydraulic application, the hydraulic part and the induction motor models, taking into account the pumped... more
This paper examines effective and environmentally friendly materials intended for noise insulation and soundproofing applications, starting with materials that have gained significant attention within last years. Foam-formed materials... more
Platinum-group element (PGE) deposits in the Bushveld Complex and other layered intrusions form when large, incompletely solidified magma chambers undergo central subsidence in response to crustal loading, resulting in slumping of... more
Recently, polyacrylamide (PAM) has been widely used in polymer flooding technology to enhance oil recovery and oil production. However, the difficulty in removing hydrolysed PAM (HPAM) from wastewater still seriously blocks the further... more
In the present investigation, the effect of plasma nitriding on the microabrasion behaviour of sintered unalloyed iron is investigated. Plasma nitriding was carried using two different sets of operative parameters in order to produce... more
The properties, types, and physical and chemical aspects of pig slurry used in the fermentation process were presented. Characterization of the pig slurry microflora for a controlled biogas production process was performed. A pilot biogas... more
The article reviews selected methods and techniques of agricultural biogas desulphurization. Presented is the current state of technological and measurement systems as well as raw biogas purification methods in terms of control and... more
Elevated As concentrations in shallow groundwater pose a major health threat in Bangladesh and similarly affected countries, yet there is little consensus on the mechanism of As release to groundwater or how it might be influenced by... more
Advancement in biotechnology and bioengineering has provided ways that resources, which hitherto were classified as wastes, now form the basis for energy production. Anaerobic digestion is a highly promising technology used for processing... more
The utilization of roadside-green-cuttings (grass) for anaerobic digestion increases provides an additional possible source of organic waste for use as a renewable energy source. Grass can be used as a substrate to increase biogas yield.... more
Production of biogas from animal wastes could lessen the problems of energy shortage and indiscriminate animal waste disposal. A study of anaerobic digestion of selected ratios of cattle, swine, and poultry wastes was carried out to... more
Ceramic layers based on calcium silicate non-substituted and substituted by Zn with different thickness, were developed by immersing porous Y-TZP disks into SiO 2 -CaO-ZnO-P 2 O 5 glass suspensions with ZnO contents in the range of 0-20... more
This paper investigates the impact of atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO2) on the electrical properties, viscosity, and surface tension of Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMCHV) and Polyanionic cellulose (PACLV) when dissolved in water used for oil... more
Organically enriched sediment has been found in water environments. The tsunami originating from the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 deposited large amount of sediment, thus providing evidence about its huge accumulation in coastal... more
Steel corrosion and erosion-corrosion have an important role in oil fields utilizing steel pipelines. Therefore; in the present work corrosion, erosion and erosion-corrosion tests are studied individually to investigate the interaction... more
In order to prolong the shelf life of the pineapple, one of the methods that can be applied is spray drying. Ultrasonic Spray Drying (USD) relies on an electromechanical device that vibrates at a very high frequency. The main objective of... more
This research presents the case for design and development of Coal Water Slurry (CWS) Plant for industrial use in Pakistan. After exclusive comparison between coal quality quantification for CWS it was found that Darra mines at Pakistan... more
Plasma Sprayed coatings provide protection against corrosion, erosion and wear. Inconel-718 is a metallic coating which has good wear and erosion resistance. This is plasma sprayed on to Al6061 substrate and then subjected to slurry... more
The key issue associated with the industries is the transportation and dumping of solids particulates in the form of slurry at the desired place using long length pipelines. In this perspective, numerical simulation of three-dimensional... more
Thermorheological changes in high hydrostatic pressure (HHP)-treated chickpea flour (CF) slurries were studied as a function of pressure level (0.
Ceramic slurry wastes have a significant hazardous potential when dumped. Their recycling as raw material is a sustainable approach for the development of nature-friendly applications. The microstructure and mechanical properties play a... more
Ferrous particles are usually found in atmospheric particulate matters due to the cars chassis oxidation. These particles are able forming conglomerates with the other mineral particles. Thus, the investigated carwash slurry (CS) reveals... more
This paper deals with a comprehensive study of the semi-solid metal extrusion and deposition (SSMED) process and influencing parameters. This process could be considered as a non-powder based metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) method.... more
Exploration and production as one of the most important parts of the petroleum industry encounters different problems, usually resulting in nonproductive time and additional expenses. The most common and most expensive of them are related... more
When tunnelling with a TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) in rock and soil, mostly the machine is described and often reduced to a slogan. Such descriptions say little about geotechnical processes at the tunnel face that are key to the success... more
The present investigation aims at determining the optimum quantity of saw dust that can be substituted to the secondary ceramic slurry for increasing the porosity of the destroyable investment casting ceramic shells without affecting its... more
for vertical flows of slurries of particles with diameters between 1.37 and 3.4 mm in pipes of diameter 26 and 40 mm. By expressing the wall shear stress as the sum of fluid and particle components, the wall stresses for the particles... more
The study deals with experiments and predictions on turbulent flow and heat exchange in a fully developed slurry flow in a vertical upward pipe. Four slurries were considered: two with glass spheres particles with diameters of 0.125 mm... more
The study deals with the modelling and experiments of vertical solid-liquid turbulent flow with narrowly sized solid particles of average diameters equal to 0.125 mm, 0.240 mm and 0.470 mm, and solid concentrations by volume from 10% to... more
Slurry flows commonly appear in the transport of minerals from a mine to the processing site or from the deep ocean to the surface level. The process of heat transfer in solid–liquid flow is especially important for the long pipeline... more
The paper deals with simulation of mass and heat transfer of Kaolin slurry with a yield stress. The yield stress is caused mainly by very fine solid particles which are of non-settling type. Slurries with the yield stress appear... more
The paper presents validation of a mathematical model describing the friction factor by comparing the predicted and measured results in a broad range of solid concentrations and mean particle diameters. Three different types of solids,... more
The paper deals with the mathematical modelling of fully developed turbu-lent flow of a Bingham hydromixture in a pipe. The mathematical model is based on time averaged Navier-Stokes equations and uses the apparent viscosity concept. The... more
The paper deals with a solid-liquid turbulent flow with moderate and high solids concentration, which appears widely in chemical and mining industries. The slurry transported through a straight pipe contains medium solid particles of... more
The paper concerns simulation of fully developed and axially-symmetrical turbulent flow of coarse-dispersive slurry if all solid particles have similar size and shape with particles diameter from 1 mm to 5 mm, solid density from 1045 kg/m... more
Limestone slurry appears in the lime production process as the result of rinsing the processed material. It consists of particles with diameter smaller than 2 mm and the water that is a carrier of solid fraction. Slurry is directed to the... more
for vertical flows of slurries of particles with diameters between 1.37 and 3.4 mm in pipes of diameter 26 and 40 mm. By expressing the wall shear stress as the sum of fluid and particle components, the wall stresses for the particles... more
The paper deals with fully developed steady turbulent flow of slurry in a circular straight and smooth pipe. The Kaolin slurry consists of very fine solid particles, so the solid particles concentration, and density, and viscosity are... more
The article deals with the transportation of lime slurry from the reservoir to a settler in a chosen industrial enterprise. The slurry is non-Newtonian and viscoplastic. Such a slurry emphasises high viscosity and is difficult to... more
The soil slurry-sequencing bath reactor (SS-SBR) was studied to treat poorly graded sand with clay (SP-SC) contaminated by aged petroleum hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with concentrations of 23000 mg/kg and 750... more
Polythionic acids, whose general formula is H 2 S n O 6 , with n greater than 2, were discovered in the aqueous solution of SO 2 and H 2 S, known as the Wackenroder liquid. Their reactions with each other and with other reagents are,... more
Slurry-phase hydrocracking is the most suitable technology for the conversion of heavy oils/residues. However, with conventional processes, the production of low-quality by-products is unavoidable. The newly developed Eni Slurry... more
The effective detachment of ink from the fibre surface and the prevention of its redeposition onto the surface before its removal in the flotation cell is important in deinking old newsprint (ONP). Magnesium Oxide (MgO) has been found to... more
The dihydrate phosphogypsum (PG) based binder workability kinetics were investigated regarding to waterbinder ratio (W/B) and chemical admixtures added to the composition of PG paste. PG was dried at 60 °C and homogenized to powder like... more
To determine residence time distribution (RTD) in the phosphate treatment reactor we apply radiotracer method. However this method becomes effective and profitable only if the radiotracer is the suitable one. The problem to resolve in our... more
Os meus agradecimentos são dirigidos a todos os que permitiram a realização deste trabalho e que, de uma forma ou de outra, nele estiveram envolvidos, mas em especial: À minha orientadora Prof.ª Drª Elizabeth Duarte e Drª. Rita Fragoso... more
Fine-grained hematite ore can be concentrated by the process of selective flocculation and dispersion, which relies on proper reagent selection and control of water chemistry. While many previous studies have been performed analyzing the... more
Filtration of hematite ore slurries can be a bottleneck in some hematite processing plants due to inadequate filtration rates caused by the dispersion of fine particles. Flocculation of fine particles in the slurry decreases the specific... more