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Art and entrepreneurship, individually, are not new area of investigation, but are far from constituting consolidated topic 'Artrepreneurship', especially in start-up India and Skill India. Despite the perceptible similarities in... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEducationPerforming ArtsArt Economics and Markets
The fine print of the National Education Policy 2020 introduced by the RSS-BJP government in July 2020 as well as the track record of successive Indian governments in education reveal that some of the very ideas that are causing much... more
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      Political EconomyEducationFascismCultural Nationalism
Inclusive growth necessitates an economic growth process ensuring broad improvements in the quality of life providing equal opportunity to all citizens for overall development. Such initiatives include employment opportunities, access to... more
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      SOAR modelSkill India
"Around thirty thousand employees of state enterprises were relieved of the jobs owing to industrial sickness or privatization in Andhra Pradesh. These units in some locations were hub of the economic activity in the region and... more
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      ResilienceLabour StudiesVocational TrainingPublic Sector Reform
There is rising unemployment in India, which does not bode
well for the future. With a major chunk of population in the
young cohort, the challenges in the current system of skill
development need to be revisited.
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      Higher EducationSkills DevelopmentHigher Education PolicySkills Training and Development
Skills such as  puppetry and impersonation arts of Hampi present an interesting amalgam of mythology and performance skills that can augment sustainable responsible tourism by also the idea of Incredible India
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      Mythology And FolkloreHampiIncredible IndiaSkill India