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This paper analyses New Persian words transcribed in Chinese script in huihuiguan zazi 回回館雜字, a New Persian-Chinese glossary compiled in Ming China. The analysis reveals a correspondence between the vowel contrasts of modern Tajik and... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Translation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
Fantian dongshi bing dilian hua Gongyuan 400-700 mian Zhong Yin diaosu yishu guoji xueshu. Beijing, 2016.
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      Iranian StudiesSilk Road StudiesIndian ancient historySasanian History
Çin ve İran geçmişten günümüze köklü uygarlık ve geleneklere sahip Asya’nın iki önemli ülkesidir. Çin ve İran arasındaki ilişkilerin geçmişi yüzyıllar öncesine dayanmaktadır. Dünyada büyük değişimlerin yaşandığı 19. yüzyıl sonunda Çin... more
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      SinologyIranian StudiesSinology, Ethnology, DaFChina-Iran relations
""The US currently sanctions trade with Iran and does not support the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq’s attempts to trade energy independent of central government control from Baghdad. Furthermore, the US has recently warned... more
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      ProductionHistoriographyLabour historyEnergy
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      Iranian StudiesChinaChina studiesContemporary China
The implications of the newly signed Sino-Iranian deal go beyond economics. The deal also covers security matters pertaining to intelligence and military cooperation that provide both Iran and China with advantages over rival states.
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisChinese StudiesIranian Studies