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"This book explores the phenomenon of silence in schools, considering a wide range of its appearances and uses. Starting from a discussion of the negative and coercive aspects of silence in schools, the discussion moves quickly onto... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologySocial SciencesAdult Education
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      Research MethodologySilent Way
Paper devoted for the analysis and summary of several methods and approaches for teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) based on a series of videos by Diane Lasen-Freeman. This paper was elaborated as a compulsary assignment for the... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLearning and TeachingLanguage Teaching MethodologyTeaching Methodology
Abstrak Silent Way is a language teaching method invented by Caleb Gattegno. This method creates new things by remembering and repeating what is learned, learning by using physical objects, and solving problems that involve the material... more
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      Silent WayKajian Bahasa ArabMetode PembelajaranAnalisis Karya Sastra Secara Reseptif dan Produktif
According to the approach, the students must take their responsibilities to be more active in the class. They must discover the rules of the target language by themselves. Mistakes is seen inevitable and it seen as usual process of the... more
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    • Silent Way
Methodology upon language transition refers to a set of activities regarding what, how, and when language features are exposed to learners. These activities involve several matters: syllabus, approach, strategy, and method due to language... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageMethodologyLearning and Teaching