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The relationship between Serbian archaeology and ethnology, ever since the 19th century, have been demarcated by the respective theoretical frameworks of the disciplines. However, due to the specific developments in the country, the... more
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      History of ArchaeologyArchaeology and AnthropologySerbian ArchaeologySerbian Ethnology
Зайковский Виталий, Свинья в обрядах и обычаях юго-восточной Сербии и юго-восточной Европы: общее и особенное // Етнокултуролошки зборник за проучавање културе источне Србије и суседних области. Књ. 3. Сврљиг 1997. – С. 177-181. / Vitali... more
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      EthnographySerbian Ethnology
Par tekstova koje sam napisao za potrebe gradskog KUD ''Sombor'' tokom 2013. god. Tekstovi: ''Polivači'', ''Špaciranje'', ''Moba'' i ''Prosidba''.
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      Creative WritingFolkloreEthnographySerbian
Татьяна Зайковская, Роль колючих и жгучих растений в духовной культуре юго-восточной Сербии на балкано-славянском фоне // Етно-културолошки зборник за проучавање културе источне Србије и суседних области / Главни и одговорни уредник... more
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      Serbian folkloreSerbian EthnologyGreek EthnographySlavic folklore
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      EthnographyEthnologyHistory of weavingWeaving
FOREWORD by the author: This book covers in 15 relatively independent chapters various aspect of unifying features and structural organization of FYROM, following the application of anthropological analysis, rather than comparative... more
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      Political AnthropologyByzantine HistoryElite TheorySerbian Ethnology