Sensory Social Sciences
Recent papers in Sensory Social Sciences
Ciò che di più importante si è ereditato dal secolo dei lumi è l’esercizio critico della ragione. Esercizio che al pari di tutte le facoltà umane,se non allenato e quotidianamente usato, tende ad atrofizzarsi. Questa facoltà deve essere... more
The formation of customary international law has long been criticized for its lack of a clear methodology, characterized by an ambivalent relationship with state consent. Although customary international law seems to be entirely a... more
In this article the problem of perception is highlighted from a philosophical, physiological and psychological point of view. The essay (second update) is followed by a list of publications, journals and websites about perception. The... more
Brazilian multicentric study of psychiatric morbidity. References Article cited in: permissions Reprints/ [email protected] to To obtain reprints or permission to... more
"This article offers an approach to writing about the qualitative experience of change in an educational context. The analyst spent four years studying how children use technology to augment their literacy practices in the Midlands of the... more
Sensorial interfaces are based on augmenting existing physical objects with digital information. We propose sensorial activity theory to relate multisensory mappings to the context of device physicality and rituals of use. We share a... more
To address the research question, “How can the processes of computer-mediated communication be analyzed, described and understood through a natural history, microanalytic, structural approach?” a new analytical instrument that... more
Throughout what is now the more than 50-year history of the computer a great number of theories have been advanced regarding the contribution this machine would make to changes both in the structure of society and in ways of thinking.... more
The emergence of social media has created a new medium for administering surveys for tourism research. While social media has great potential for tourism researchers, several aspects need to be considered. In the case of backpackers, a... more
Many types of human interaction are mediated processes. However, regarding the details of human description, the mediating unit structure and dynamics is not developed appropriately. The explicit concentration on mediators contributes to... more
. An example of moving information off the screen space. The e380 phone has tri-color sidebands and vibration to light up and shake depending on ringtone.
Brazilian multicentric study of psychiatric morbidity. References Article cited in: permissions Reprints/ [email protected] to To obtain reprints or permission to... more