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      RomanticismLiteratureDesireRomantic poetry
Himmelsvorstellungen als Sehnsuchtsbilder
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      Rainer Maria RilkeSehnsuchtHimmelfahrt
This paper seeks to problematize certain aspects of the notion of saudade, a peculiar Lusophone word known for being a " cultural symbol " of the Brazilian-Portuguese subjectivity, yet intricate to translate. The main purpose is to shed... more
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      NostalgiaSaudade, Etimologia, HistóriaSehnsucht
This paper is a presentation of the argument from desire which has been distilled from Lewis' extensive writings on longing, joy, Sehnsucht. Presented at Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary in Tallinn, Estonia.
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      C.S. LewisSehnsucht
C. S. Lewis (1898–1963) was one of the most influential Christian thinkers of the twentieth century with continuing relevance into the twenty-first. Despite growing academic interest in Lewis, many fields of inquiry remain largely... more
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      Theological AnthropologyLovePhilosophy of LoveAgape
The paper presents a Jungian interpretation of a famous poem by the Romantic German poet Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857). The poem is called 'Sehnsucht' ('Longing' or perhaps 'Yearning' or even ‘Melancholy’). After a short introduction... more
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      Jungian psychologyJoseph von EichendorffSehnsuchtJungian literary criticism
Though originally derived from eighteenth century German Romanticism and present in cultural and literary spheres since then, the concept of Sehnsucht, or life-longings, has only been explored within psychology since around 2007.... more
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      American LiteraturePsychologyLiteratureScience Fiction
In der arabischen Dichtung werden oft Themen, die sich auf die Bedeutung des Heimatslandes, die Liebe und die Sehnsucht nach dem Land beziehen, umfangreich angesprochen. Die arabischen Dichter interessierten sich seit jeher für das Thema... more
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      LiteratureTopographische Dichtung, Naturkonzepte, RaumsemantikArabischFremdheit
This is the preface to the new Finnish edition of C. S. Lewis's spiritual autobiography Surprised by Joy (Kirjapaja, 2013) .
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      J. R. R. TolkienAugustineAugustine of HippoChristian Spirituality
Eden für jeden? Dieser Band eröffnet ein Panorama des derzeit sehr produktiven Forschungsfeldes der Tourismusstudien zum östlichen Europa und gibt der Forschungsdebatte neue Anstöße. Mit der Frage nach den Sehnsüchten, die dem... more
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      Anthropology of TourismHistory of TourismPost-Socialist SocietiesNostalgia
Kleiner Einführungstext in 10teilige Filmreihe: Das Kino ist der ideale Ort, um gemeinsam zu träumen. Traum und Kino selber sind Ausdruck einer uralten Sehnsucht: wo anders zu sein, als man eigentlich ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund des... more
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Sehnsucht / Glädje / Joy är namn som C.S. Lewis använder för att beskriva en religiös erfarenhet som så småningom ledde honom till tro på Gud. Idén och erfarenheten bakom ligger sedan som grund för mycket av Lewis alster.
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      C.S. LewisCS LewisSehnsucht
While my father was dying of Alzheimer's he underlined seven Bibles-all 8000 pages-every verse neatly underlined with a pen and ruler; every jot and tittle. This was his final act as dementia slowly carted off the memories of his PhD, his... more
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      George SteinerCS LewisSehnsucht
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This article explored the experiences shared by four artists during their processes of creating an art work which represented a specific art song or Lied. During 2015, South African artists Marna de Wet, Kevin du Plessis, Jean Lampen and... more
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      Contemporary ArtTransdisciplinarityMusic and EmotionsInterpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Jörg Albrecht, geboren 1978, seit 2001 Studium der Philosophie und Religionswissenschaft in Leipzig. Revista.doc Ano IX  nº 6  2008  Publicação Semestral NOSTALGIE ET LE RÊVE EUROPÉEN SEHNSUCHT UND DER EUROPÄISCHE TRAUM... more
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      Social PhilosophyPhilosophy of Social ScienceAffect TheoryBaruch Spinoza
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      RomanticismPlatoHopeRudolf Otto
Book review of Joe Ricke & Ashley Chu’s The Faithful Imagination: Papers from the 2018 Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C. S. Lewis & Friends (Hamden, CT: Winged Lion Press, 2019)
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      C.S. LewisThe InklingsCS LewisSehnsucht