Security Officers
Recent papers in Security Officers
This cross-sectional research examined the deployment of police and security officers in the 300 most densely populated U.S. counties. Controlling for indicators of population structure, race, income, and the underclass, there is a clear... more
Profesionalisme militer Indonesia selalu menarik untuk dijadikan bahan diskusi. Pertama, karena dilihat dari berbagai kriteria obyektif, militer Indonesia belum pernah dianggap betulbetul profesional. Kedua, ada warisan sejarah pahit masa... more
A public policy report that addresses a major element of the Trump administration's border and immigration plans.... more
Позитивн правни прописи који регулишу приватни сектор безбедности у Републици Србији донети су након двадесетак година правног вакуума у овој области. Њима је уређен и процес лиценцирања службеника приватног обезбеђења. Циљ овог рада била... more
Legal laws which regulate private security sector in the Republic of Serbia have arrived after twenty years of legal vacuum in this area, and they have been the object of expectations of many private security experts and practitioners in... more