Most cited papers in Schistosomiasis
From an analysis of the distributions of measures of transmission rates among hosts, we identify an empirical relationship suggesting that, typically, 20% of the host population contributes at least 80% of the net transmission potential,... more
Human schistosomiasis-or bilharzia-is a parasitic disease caused by trematode fl ukes of the genus Schistosoma. By conservative estimates, at least 230 million people worldwide are infected with Schistosoma spp. Adult schistosome worms... more
Previous studies in school children have demonstrated the slow development with age of resistance to reinfection after chemotherapy of Schistosoma mansoni infections, and have indicated that inappropriate (“blocking”) antibody responses... more
Heat shock proteins (hsps) occupy a central role in the regulation of intracellular homeostasis, and differential expression of individual hsps occurs in a broad range of neoplastic processes. This study was performed to test the... more
Schistosomiasis is a disease caused by parasitic trematode worms (schistosomes) that currently affects 200 million people living in tropical and subtropical environments. It is a chronic disease and the latest estimates for sub-Saharan... more
The major antischistosomal drugs that have been or still are in use against infections with schistosomes are considered here together with some compounds that have not been in clinical use, but show interesting characteristics. Each... more
Schistosomiasis continues to be a significant cause of parasitic morbidity and mortality worldwide. This review considers the basic features of the pathology and clinical outcomes of hepatointestinal and genitourinary schistosomiasis,... more
points Schistosomiasis, or bilharzia, is a common intravascular infection caused by parasitic Schistosoma trematode worms It is prevalent in Africa, the Middle East, South America, and Asia Acute schistosomiasis, or Katayama syndrome, can... more
We previously developed GoMiner, an application that organizes lists of 'interesting' genes (for example, under-and overexpressed genes from a microarray experiment) for biological interpretation in the context of the Gene... more
This report describes a cross-sectional survey of the prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) in a rural Egyptian community in the Nile Delta. One half of the village households were systematically selected and examined... more
The efficacy of praziquantel against a Puerto Rican strain of Schistosoma mansoni was assessed using both in vivo and in vitro approach. The drug effective dose (50%) in the infected mouse model was about 30 times higher when determined... more
In a series of 1095 Egyptian patients with carcinoma of the bladder treated by radical cystectomy, 902 cases (82.4%) contained schistosome eggs in the specimens, and 193 (17.6%) were egg-negative. The different tumor parameters were... more
Since no vaccine exists against schistosomiasis and the molluscs acting as intermediate hosts are not easy to attack, chemotherapy is the main approach for schistosomiasis control. Praziquantel is currently the only available... more
OBJETIVOS: Descrever as características clínicas dos pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar de dois centros de referência para tratamento de HP no país. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de prontuários. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 123... more
This paper describes the design of a study on immunity to reinfection after treatment of children with Sckistosoma munsoni infections, the initial observations on transmission that led to the selection of the study population, the effects... more
Evidence is accumulating in support of a role for reactive oxygen species in the etiology of cancer. Inflammatory cells, such as neutrophils, macrophages, and eosinophils, are an important endogenous source of oxygen radicals. Stimulation... more
Schistosomiasis is a major neglected tropical disease, with more than 200 million people infected and close to 800 million at risk. The disease burden is estimated to exceed 70 million disability-adjusted life-years. The anthelmintic drug... more
The propensity of helminths, such as schistosomes, to immunomodulate the host's immune system is an essential aspect of their survival. Previous research has demonstrated how soluble schistosomal egg antigens (SEA) dampen TLR-signaling... more
A newly developed reagent strip assay for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis based on parasite antigen detection in urine of infected individuals was evaluated. The test uses the principle of lateral flow through a nitrocellulose strip of... more
Guy-Grand and P. Vassalli for discussion and critical reading of the manuscript. I also thank M. Tsuji for constant support and many debates, and D. Littman for introducing me to ROR-γt. Competing interests statement The author declares... more
A novel method for the detection of Schistosoma mansoni in human samples that is based on the amplification of a highly repeated DNA sequence has been developed. By use of simple DNA extraction techniques and a rapid 2-step polymerase... more
Control strategies to reduce human schistosomiasis have evolved from ‘snail picking’ campaigns, a century ago, to modern wide-scale human treatment campaigns, or preventive chemotherapy. Unfortunately, despite the rise in preventive... more
In the past, the transgenic soybean Roundup Ready was the predominantly cultivated transgenic soybean. With the announcement of Monsanto Corp. that this trait will be replaced by Mon89788 and the release of other company's transgenic soy... more
In artikel 2 van het Raamverdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake klimaatverandering (UNFCCC) komen de onder tekenaars overeen actie te ondernemen om stabilisatie te bereiken van de concentraties broeikasgassen in de atmosfeer op een... more
Background: Access to ‘‘safe’ ’ water and ‘‘adequate’ ’ sanitation are emphasized as important measures for schistosomiasis control. Indeed, the schistosomes ’ lifecycles suggest that their transmission may be reduced through safe water... more
Ultrasonography (US) is suitable for diagnosing schistosomiasis-related organic pathology and is particularly useful to assess its evolution after therapy and/or interruption of exposure to the Schistosoma parasites.
Accumulation of extracellular matrix components secreted by fibroblasts is a normal feature of wound healing during acute inflammation. However, during most chronic/persistent inflammatory diseases, this tissue repair mechanism is... more
In Tanzania, the first cases of schistosomiasis were reported in the early 19th century. Since then, various studies have reported prevalences of up to 100% in some areas. However, for many years, there have been no sustainable control... more
Background: The Pomatiopsidae are reported from northern India into southern China and Southeast Asia, with two sub-families, the Pomatiopsinae (which include freshwater, amphibious, terrestrial and marine species) and the freshwater... more
Introduction: Schistosomiasis (bilharzia), one of the most relevant parasitoses of humans, is confirmed by microscopic detection of eggs in stool, urine, or organ biopsies. The sensitivity of these procedures is variable due to... more
Ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeylerini sosyo-ekonomik verilere göre ölçen rapora göre; 1990'dan bu yana dünyada yoksulluk ve açlık sınırının altında yaşayan insan sayısı azalmakla beraber, hâlâ nüfusun önemli bir bölümü yoksulluk sınırının... more