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Аннотация. Анализируется оправданность использования понятия «незавершенный проект» в применении к советской градостроительной практике 1920-1930-х гг. Обращаясь к опыту социалистических городов, автор показывает, что сама попытка оценки... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryUtopian StudiesUrban Planning
Im Zentrum des Beitrages steht die Analyse der Kategorie des „Vertrauens der Partei“ in der Etablierung der sowjetischen Subjektivitäten im frühen Sowjetrussland. Basierend auf den verschiedenen Typen von Bittschriften der BürgerInnen an... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryGender HistorySubjectivities
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      Soviet HistoryHistóriaRussian and Soviet HistoryHistoriografía
Bushuev A.S., Tagirov I.R. Politicheskoe razvitie postsovetskogo Tatarstana: ot sovetskoy avtonomii k sovremennoy modeli [Political development of the post-Soviet Tatarstan: from Soviet autonomy to the modern model]. IN: Gasyrlar avazy –... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesContemporary HistoryRussian Politics
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyRussian intelligentsiaSoviet FilmCulture in the Soviet Union
Avant-garde, Art-deco, Eclecticism

The discussing on the content and destiny of concepts "eclecticism", "art deco" and "avant-guard" applied to 20--30s soviet architecture
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      Cultural HistoryRussian StudiesArt HistoryArchitecture
The article discusses the phenomenon of slavery from the point of view of social anthropology. Here, the slave appears as a person who has lost his/her right to autonomous social self-representation and, correspondingly, to forging any... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologySlaveryRussian RevolutionMicrosociology
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      Russian StudiesSoviet RegimeSoviet HistorySubjectivities
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      CensorshipSoviet HistoryPopular CulturePropaganda
Contemporaries and historians of the Russian revolutions have often made a great deal of the Jewish role in the events of 1917. In late 1917, for instance, it was commonplace to assert that the Bolsheviks were simply part of a Jewish... more
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      Russian and Soviet History19th and 20th Century Russian/Soviet HistoryRussian and Eastern European Jewish History
This article examines the nature of Soviet consumption and technological development through the history of milk and milk packaging between the 1950s and 1970s. Based on published and archival materials, the paper focuses on the role that... more
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      TechnologyPackagingHistory of the USSRTechnology transfer
SANTRAUKA Iš užkariautų kraštų įkūrusi imperiją carų valdžia jos administraciniam padalijimui skyrė nuolatinį dėmesį. Prie Rusijos mokslų akademijos 1739 m. įsteigtas Geografijos departamentas, kuris vadovavo visiems geodeziniams... more
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      HistorySoviet HistorySecond World WarRussian History
This paper presents an oral history by an Imperial German Navy (Kaiserliche Marine) U-boat sailor, Max Krems, who claimed that the Russian dreadnought, Imperatritsa Mariya, was sunk by torpedoes launched by the U-boat, Seiner Majestät... more
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      Maritime HistoryBalkan HistoryOral historyBulgaria
Аннотация. Статья представляет собой хронику семьи Лаппо-Данилевских, к которой принадлежал выдающийся русский историк Александр Сергеевич Лаппо-Данилевский (1863–1919). В ней рассмотрена история двух ветвей рода, полтавской и... more
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      Russian HistoryRussian Intellectual Historyтеория и методология истории и гуманитарного знанияRussian and Soviet History
showing cover and sharing discount code!
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      MusicologyRussian MusicSoviet Union (History)Russian & Soviet Art
This memo describes a case study of using modern maps APIs to geocode historical addresses of the victims of political terror of 1930-s in the USSR. Using regular expressions, we assigned a historical district to each address. Afterwards,... more
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      Digital HistoryStalin and StalinismRussian and Soviet HistoryGeocoding
Sandro Teti pubblica in questi giorni Miti e contromiti. L'Urss nella Seconda guerra mondiale, di Vladimir Medinskij, ministro della cultura del governo russo fino allo scorso Gennaio e consigliere di Vladimir Putin. Un libro destinato a... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesFascismEurasia
Премия Просветитель
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      SociologyRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureAnthropology
Immediately after the start of the Great Patriotic War, the Stalinist state undertook a purge of the country from suspicious elements, reminiscent in a number of parameters of the Great Terror: arrests took place throughout the country,... more
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      World War IIStalinismRussian and Soviet History
Etica di Machiavelli. La fortuna di Machiavelli in Russia dal XV al XXI secolo.  2 monografie (del 1980 e del 1998) su N.Machiavelli riedite sotto il titolo "Machiavelli. Morale, politica, fortuna".
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      HistoryPolitical TheoryRenaissance StudiesHistory Of Political Thought (Political Science)
Статья содержит новые сведения о деятельности в Симбирске-Ульяновске известного музейного деятеля первой половины ХХ века, пушкиниста Михаила Дмитриевича Беляева (1884-1955).
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      Intellectual HistoryRussian StudiesMuseum StudiesHistory of Museums
History Coursework A2 Part B: The impacts of the First World War, 1905 Revolution, Stalinism, and the final Russian tsars (Alexander II, Alexander III & Nicholas II) on the modernisation of Russia.
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryPolitical SociologyRussian Studies
La composizione etnica della popolazione è quella premessa importante senza la quale è impossibile procedere alle più concrete ricerche etnoantropologiche. Per capire questa realtà non basta normalmente conoscere la distribuzione dei... more
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      Ethnic HistoryRussian and Soviet HistoryRussian anthropology
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      ConstructivismModernismRationalismModern Movement
During the Russian Civil War (1918–20) Russian Jewry suffered a tragedy comparable to the period of Hetman Bohdan Khmel'nytskyi and surpassed only by the Holocaust. Historians differ in their estimates of the number of victims of... more
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      Russian and Soviet HistoryRussian and Eastern European Jewish History
В истории советского диссидентства исторический сборник «Память», пять выпусков которого вышли в 1976—1982 годах, занимает особое место. «Память» отличалась от других самиздатских и тамиздатских публикаций стремлением к научному,... more
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      Russian LiteratureSoviet HistoryRussian HistorySoviet Union (History)
In 2014 America's export item №1, "democracy, " produced a neo-Nazi putsch in Kiev, and a civil war in Ukraine /1/. After 8 years of futile Western-mediated peace negotiations, while waging a war against the rebellious "new republics of... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceUkrainian StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish History
In the 1920s, with the end of the revolution, the Soviet government began investing resources and energy into creating a new type of book for the first generation of young Soviet readers. These early books for children were the ABCs of... more
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      Visual StudiesVisual AnthropologyMedia StudiesSoviet History
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      History of FlorenceRussian HistoryRussian and Soviet History19th century Russian History
Монография посвящена философскому учению архиепископа Никано-ра (Бровковича) (1826–1890) в аспекте его восприятия в русской мысли вто-рой половины XIX–XX вв. Его философию предлагается рассматривать как онтологическую гносеологию, имеющую... more
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      Russian StudiesPhilosophyTheologyPhilosophical Theology
Ilya Gerasimov's article discusses the parameters of a new Soviet history that would critically deconstruct the prevalent historical master narrative, which still bears traces of late twentieth-century Soviet and Western... more
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      Soviet HistoryRussian HistorySoviet Union (History)Soviet Historiography
Suomen marsalkka Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim syntyi 4. kesäkuuta 1867 Askaisten Louhisaaressa, jonka hänen isoisänsä isä Carl Erik oli hankkinut suvulle 1795. Kun Pohjolan geopoliittinen asema nyt muuttuu, on paikallaan kunnioittaa... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryInternational RelationsInformation Security
Н ачиная с периода поздней перестройки и по сей день судьба тела Ленина, хранящегося на протяжении почти 90 лет в мавзолее на Красной площади, не перестает вызывать яростные споры. В последние годы в попу лярных и академических... more
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      ReligionFuture StudiesSociology of ReligionSoviet Regime
Over the course of the Great Patriotic War, fought from 22 June, 1941 to 9 May, 1945, there was a dramatic transformation in the way the Red Army conducted battle. From an army on the cusp of annihilation to one that quickly recovered to... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)
Instructions to the Red Army Commanders Assuming Authority on Polish Territory in 1944–1945 The rapidly advancing digitisation of Russian archival collections opens up new possibilities for Polish historians. The Red Army troops entering... more
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      Military HistorySoviet HistoryWorld War IISoviet Union (History)
The quick decline of party authority, ethnic conflicts that could no longer be suppressed, perestroika and the disintegration of the USSR - all the social upheavals that led to the crash of “the last empire” have triggered sweeping changes... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryLanguage and IdeologyRussian Politics
Siberia is the landmass of Asia east of the Urals, which extends to the Pacific coast. It contains nearly three-fifths of the land of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), with a population of around 30 million. Overall, the... more
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      Landscape EcologySocial ProblemsSustainable DevelopmentSiberia
The 2d part of the article about the conflict of interests among those historians, journalists and politologists who support persecution of independent historians and the limitation of an access to archival files of Soviet special... more
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      Russian StudiesCensorshipSoviet HistoryPropaganda
В книге в доступной форме освещаются различные аспекты жизни населения Татарской АССР в годы Великой Отечественной войны, оценивается вклад республики в Победу над фашизмом, рассматриваются вопросы сохранения памяти о ратных и трудовых... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryRussian StudiesWar Studies
The author conducted a comprehensive study of the everyday life of the higher pedagogical schools’ staffs in 1953-1964 on the basis of a wide range of published literature and archival documents. The thesis solves issue of the evolution... more
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      Soviet RegimeSoviet HistoryHigher EducationIdeology
Книга посвящена исследованию механизмов стимулирования труда рабочих-текстильщиков дореволюционной России на основе сочетания принципов микро- и макроанализа. В качестве объектов микроанализа в данной работе выступают отдельные крупные... more
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      Economic HistoryBusiness HistoryRussian HistorySocial History
This paper deals with the background, role players, sequence of events, geopolitical considerations and history of the Angolan War which took place from 1975 to 1990 between the Soviet Union and its allies & proxies on the one hand, and... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsAfrican Studies
This article explores the enduring popularity of Scriabin's music in the decade after his death, when Soviet cultural officials sanctified his works as national treasures. It debunks the myth of the disappearance of the composer's music... more
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      Reception StudiesRussian MusicAlexander ScriabinAnatolii Lunacharskii
In Eastern Europe, the energy crisis has led to large-scale environmental damage, and the ways in which energy sources are exploited and used have a dramatic effect on the environment in terms of pollution to air, land and water. During... more
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      Landscape EcologySustainable DevelopmentEnergy SecuritySiberia
Abstract The article focuses on the concepts of empire, national identity and Soviet nationalities policy in the framework of center-periphery relations in the USSR. The author illustrates through various examples why Soviet policy in... more
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      Soviet HistoryRomanian HistoryBorder StudiesNationalism
Представлены рефераты и обзоры новейших зарубежных работ по истории советской науки и техники, а также медицины и психиатрии. Рассматриваются особенности государственной научной политики, роль экспертного знания в формировании... more
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      History of ScienceRussian and Soviet History
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      Russian StudiesPolish HistoryRussian and Soviet HistoryPolish-Soviet Relations
The efforts of the Nazis
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      Comparative ReligionRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryHistory of Religion
Ohne das Engagement vieler mutiger Frauen hätte es in der Sowjetunion der 1960er bis 1980er Jahre keine Dissidentenbewegung gegeben. Über diese Streiterinnen für Menschenrechte und Demokratie ist bislang jedoch wenig bekannt. Auf der... more
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      Gender StudiesOral historyBiography and Life-WritingSoviet Dissidents
Throughout its history, Russia has repeatedly faced the challenge of armies returning from campaigns abroad posing a potential threat to its leadership and political system. The conflict in Ukraine risks presenting Russia with the same... more
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      Russian HistoryRussiaRussian-Ukrainian RelationsRussian and Soviet History