Rural women's empowerment
Recent papers in Rural women's empowerment
Self Help Groups have been a part of rural employment in India since 1985 (Nair,2015). While the purpose of these groups is to employ and empower rural populations, especially individuals that either have no economic means; or those who... more
This report is the result of the recognition of both the New Zealand Agency for International Development and Bris Kanda Governing Council and staff that its facilitation of better economic opportunities for smallholder producers in Huon... more
—The mobile phone is an essential part for human life all over the world. From developed to developing, developing to under developed countries are affected by the mobile phone usages, each and every corner of this universe. In every... more
Este trabajo se realizó en Salvatierra, Guanajuato, responde a la pregunta de ¿qué es lo que cambió y qué lo es que permaneció en la propiedad de la tierra por parte de las mujeres, en el municipio de Salvatierra, Guanajuato?, el... more
Education is conceivably the most deliberate area of intervention for the empowerment of girls and women in any society. The usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as an education tool helps in the promotion of... more
Gender Relations in Land Rights is a work of organisations working on Women and Land issue under the umbrella organisation of International Land Coalition. This is a five country study in which partner organisation shared the best... more
The study has assessed the determinants of fertilizer and improved chicken use and their impact on the livelihoods of poor women households using the data collected from two locations in Degua Temben district, central zone of Tigray... more
main objective of this program is to bring the assisted poor people, particularly the women of families below the poverty line by ensuring appreciable sustained level of income over a period of time. The assisted families may be... more
This thesis, based on a case study of a women’s herbal products micro-enterprise in a rural community in Mexico, examines the factors that enable or constrain the women’s participation and analyses the social networks that surround the... more
Democracy means the Government by the people and for the people remained an un-accomplished dream after each election in Pakistan since 1947. Sometimes a democratic government taken over by the army and sometime the elected... more
What is the 17 Days Campaign? As a WWSF multi-issue Call to organize for action providing advocacy tools, strategies and recommendations for action, the 17 Days Campaign targets, in particular, rural women leaders and their communities... more
The Forum of Rural Women of Kazakhstan is being held for the second time, this year for two days experts, businessmen, and politicians intend to identify the most effective mechanisms for supporting business ideas for strengthening and.... more
In this book, the authors present materials for the course of General Methods of Teaching, relevant for secondary, primary, and pre-primary schools. This book presents practical examples and case studies that enable both teachers and... more
Se presenta a continuación el Informe sintético: casos de buenas prácticas de La Evaluación Final del Programa “Ampliando las oportunidades económicas De las mujeres Rurales emprendedoras en América Latina” realizado por las Evaluadoras... more
Women play a major role in livestock farming in Pakistan. They assume many activities relating to livestock production like feeding of animals, cure of animals, watering of animals, collection of fuel, milking, feeding, and cleaning of... more
The study was undertaken to assess the health and nutritional status, dietary intake patterns among 115 rural Dalit women of age group 21-50 above years in the village Kalittheerthalkuppam, Puducherry. A cross-sectional study was... more
Biljana Brankovic, nezavisna istraživacica -konsultantkinja Nikšic, 2011. BUDIMO REALNE, OSTVARIMO NEMOGUCE Kvinna till Kvinna Biljana Branković, nezavisna istraživačica -konsultantkinja BUDIMO REALNE, OSTVARIMO NEMOGUĆE -Romkinje i... more
Like many other concepts it is also difficult to define the environment. In most cases environment is basically understood as the nonhuman world and sometimes it is used as a synonym for the nature. However the relationship between... more
[email protected] Website: / For information on the Women's Travelling Journal project: www. This book is a collaboration of the Asian Rural... more
Progressive participation of women in agriculture is evident throughout the Globe. Their participation in fisheries and livestock sector is well recognized but less perceived due to paucity of sufficient data. Considering this fact the... more
Gender disparities in India, gender inequality of health & nutrition, educational variations in gender disparity, Gender disparitiesof Women's Employment & Economic Status. Objective of the Research: - 1. To the study of women Empowerment... more
In this article I show on the case of Armenia how low opportunities result in low outcomes for women's economic advancement and freedom.
Criteria of Contemporary Context of Women Empowerment Research Objectives 1. To study the concept of women empowerment. 2. To study the contemporary criteria or basis of women empowerment. Research study methods The dissertation presented... more
This book is about the experience and social impact of training farmers as agricultural technologies trainers at andean rural communities in the southern region of Peru. The rural development approach is named farmer to farmer... more
Apresentação | Marlise Matos Resgatar a memória, além de um direito, é uma ação de justiça e de reconhecimento. Este livro tem a incontestável bravura de cumprir bem uma função social e política ao mesmo tempo. Função social porque... more
Rural girls and women from marginalized deprived communities take charge of their lives by by getting access to education and an opportunity to complete grade 12. After which some moved on to complete Masters degrees. Many semi literate... more
The study utilized a descriptive research design to determine the participation of rural women specifically on their economic activities carried out in the community, their involvement in protecting and conserving Olot River Watershed... more
India is a developing country where still many people are below the poverty line. Some people in villages like laborers and migrant workers who come from other states to work, and the people below the poverty line don’t even have the... more
Rural women's practices tend to be ignored by the common definitions of knowledge, nevertheless the acknowledgement of maternity and social reproduction are basic for understanding the importance of the subjugated knowledge for survival... more
. صندوقهای اعتبار خرد، یک سازه اقتصادی- اجتماعی در سطح محلی است که به دنبال تحقق اهداف توسعهای در راستای توانمندسازی اقتصادی- اجتماعی است. از سال ١٣٧٨ برنامههای اعتبارات خرد روستایی در ایران از سوی دستگاههای دولتی، غیردولتی با حمایت... more
The present study was conducted during 2009, with the objectives to examine the health services of public sector for womenfolk in district Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The primary data were collected from 210 females... more
... emphasize the importance of "seeing things in context," especially in trying to understand women cross-culturally.17 Accounts by white male explorers, archeologists, police,... more