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Данная статья посвящена использованию термина "романиот" в современных грекоговорящих общинах Греции, которые считают себя потомками византийского еврейства
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      RomaniotesGreek Jews
this article introduces the reader to the considerations that had to be taken when cleaning and refreshing two of its large display cases at the Jewish Museum of Greece. The staff of the museum planned in advance, ensuring the safety of... more
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      Museum StudiesCollections ManagementPreventive conservationMuseum and Heritage Studies
More than 2 millennia of Jewish presence in Thessaloniki have shaped both the city and its Jews. The Jews of Thessaloniki, in most instances, were subject to the fortunes and misfortunes of their coreligionists in the realms of the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryModern Italian HistoryBalkan HistoryEarly Christianity
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      Jewish StudiesCultural HeritageCultural SustainabilityRomaniotes
[Attention: The attachments contain correct download links to the accompanying presentation in both pptx and ppsx (presentation & show)] ___________________________________ Jewish Salonika is unique: the most cataclysmic and momentous... more
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman HistoryBalkan HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)
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      Jewish StudiesAntisemitism (Prejudice)Jewish HistoryOttoman Empire
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      RomaniotesJews In the Roman and Byzantine Empire
Η Ιστορία των Ιουδαίων της και στη Θεσσαλονίκη είναι ένα ευρύ πεδίο με το οποίο έχουν ασχοληθεί κατά καιρούς ένας αριθμός ιστορικών και ερευνητών. Επιπλέον, είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένη (η Ιστορία) με την Ιστορία των άλλων λαών της... more
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      Ottoman HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Spanish HistoryFreedom of Religion
The Jewish community of Ioannina, Greece is a microcosm of the Greek-speaking Romaniote Jews of the Balkans. Jews have lived in what is now Greece since antiquity.Romaniote communities established in the Peloponnesus were decimated in the... more
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      Jewish HistoryHistory of IoanninaRomaniotes
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      DiasporaJewish LanguagesRomaniotesJewish Greek
More than 2 millennia of Jewish presence in Thessaloniki have shaped both the city and its Jews. The Jews of Thessaloniki, in most instances, were subject to the fortunes and misfortunes of their coreligionists in the realms of the... more
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      Greek HistoryEarly ChristianityJewish HistoryByzantine Studies
published in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift  109 2 (2016), 703-738
Edition with commentary and translations of three Judeo-Greek Wedding Poems from a 15th century manuscript.
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      Medieval Hebrew LiteratureJudeo-Greekmedieval Hebrew poetryRomaniotes
Статья посвящена истории термина "романиоты", истории появления и использования от Средневековья до наших дней. Особое внимание уделяется современному использованию термина "романиот" грекоговорящими евреями в современной Греции.
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      RomaniotesGreek Jews
The history of the Jews of and in Thessaloniki is a vast topic that has been addressed by a number of historians and researchers over the years. After all, it is inexorably linked with the history of the other people of the geographic... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Jewish HistoryOttoman EmpireVenetian History
Greek Jews have lived in Greece for over 2000 years. Despite the uniqueness and importance of this group-few studies have been devoted to understand their identity, their integration/assimilation into the Greek society and their attitudes... more
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      Jewish HistoryByzantine StudiesJewish MuseumsRomaniotes
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      Jewish StudiesIoanninaRomaniotes
23 – 25 Haziran 2016 tarihinde düzenlenen "Dördüncü Uluslararası Sevgi Gönül Bizans Araştırmaları Sempozyumu" için poster sunumu olarak hazırlanmıştır. Fourth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium 23 – 25 June 2016... more
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      Jewish StudiesByzantine StudiesJudaismByzantine studies (Classics)
This article introduces the reader to the considerations that had to be taken when cleaning and refreshing two of its large display cases at the Jewish Museum of Greece. Those display cases contain a mixed collection of variable items... more
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      Materials ScienceMuseum StudiesCollections ManagementPreventive conservation
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      Jewish StudiesJewish Art HistoryRomaniotes
Статья посвящена анализу отношения к романиотскому диалекту в современных грекоговорящих общинах Греции, а также использование знания этого диалекта для подкрепления говорящим своего статуса внутри общины.
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      RomaniotesGreek Jews
The study of the origins of the Karaites in the Byzantine Empire and of its development is hindered through the lack of proper historiographical sources. The actual work is to be considered as an introduction in the matter of the Karaite... more
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