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According to Penrose, the fundamental conflict between the superposition principle of quantum mechanics and the principle of general covariance of general relativity entails the existence of wavefunction collapse, e.g. a quantum... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of Physics
On a two-dimensional quasicrystal, a Penrose tiling, we simulate for the first time a game of life dynamics governed by non-local rules. Quasicrystals have inherently non-local order since any local patch, the emperor, forces the... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsParticle Physics
It is suggested that Charles Sanders Peirce’s triadic semiotics provides a framework for a diagrammatic representation of a sign’s proper structure. The action of signs is described at the logical and psychological levels. The role of... more
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      Process PhilosophyCharles S. PeirceRoger Penrose
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"Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.), Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind, Albany, New York, State University of New York Press, 2009. (484 p. ; ISBN 978-1-4384-2941-0 ; 65,32 €) (Jan... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyNeuropsychologyHuman Evolution
In this paper, the author introduces the reader to Roger Penrose´s program against the dualism mind-world and discusses the most important philosophical consequences of Penrose´s program. The subject of the analysis is the constitution of... more
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      Philosophy of MindComplexity TheoryDualismRoger Penrose
"Layman's Abstract: This dissertation looks at how there is a texture to our temporal experience, how sometimes time seems to go faster, or slower, and how, on rare occasions, it seems to stop altogether. I suggest that this is a... more
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      Cosmology (Physics)ConsciousnessFractalsFractal Space-Time
In this paper, I discuss an argument inspired by the relativity of simultaneity (RoS). That argument purports to establish views such as four-dimensionalism, eternalism and, chiefly, determinism. I will present the most important versions... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceHilary PutnamKurt Godel
Inspired by the Penrose-Hameroff thesis, we are intuitively led to examine an intriguing correspondence of 'induction' (by fields), with the complex phenomenon of (metabolism-sustained) consciousness: Did sequences of associated induction... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPerceptionSoft Condensed Matter PhysicsOrigins of Life
There are many layers to our understanding of the world. There are things that are immediate to our senses, which we know (or think we know). There are models we construct to explain, and which correspond with, the physical world that we... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of MathematicsConsciousness
The reason for this work was to reconsider our intuitive vision of the Penrose's mosaics, addressing them from Transcurssive Logic (TL). The aesthetic, and even artistic-decorative effects that these geometric developments generate, it is... more
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      Recreational MathsQuasicrystalsRoger PenroseTranscurssive Logic
Stephen Hawking admired A.K. Raychaudhuri’s contributions to Physics. His contributions are widely recognized by the international scientific community. But AKR remains a hidden figure in his own homeland. Link:... more
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      History of Science and TechnologySocial SciencesGravitationGeneral Relativity