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Scritto sottoposto a doppio referaggio anonimo -This writing has been submitted to double blind peer review RECESSO DEL CONSUMATORE E NAVIGAZIONE DA DIPORTO SOMMARIO: 1. Rilievi introduttivi. -2. Codice del consumo e Codice del diporto... more
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      Consumer LawRight to withdraw
Free-look provisions in life and health insurance allow the insured to return the policy without giving reasons. This is easier said than done. Click or copy this link for the article:... more
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      Contract LawInsurance LawIndiaHealth Insurance Policy
The right to withdraw from research, along with the necessity of adequately informed consent, is at the heart of the post-Nuremburg code of ethical safeguards in biomedical research on human participants. As biomedical research moves away... more
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      BioethicsMedical LawResearch EthicsInformed Consent