Restorative Design
Recent papers in Restorative Design
The Restorative Urban Design (RUD) calls for a new urban design and planning approach targeting environmentally responsible re/development of urbanized areas through ecologically responsive impact mitigations. If implemented in a... more
One of the key conclusions is expected to be the realization that environmental restoration is not only possible but also highly achievable if properly designed and planned for. This research is designed to heighten the contemporary goals... more
Recognizing the interdependence between the natural habitat and its inhabitants the restorative agenda seeks to identify and restore the diminishing balances, resuscitating the lost harmony of humans with natural systems through... more
Human developments impose a multitude of adverse effects on natural environment. Beyond principles of sustainability, restorative urban and architectural design strategies should aim to reverse the impacts of these developments by... more
In today’s increasingly complex urban environments the concepts of urban growth and sprawl are particularly relevant to the long-term sustainability of urban areas. Development and use of effective urban design methods to... more
Are the urban design and planning strategies of the prominent environmental performance assessment systems appropriate methodologies to not only reverse the accumulating degradation in the natural environment but also to restore... more
We are just beginning to comprehend the extent of environmental impacts our modern civilization has been causing on the natural balances of the Earth. And, Nature is bound to come back with an equal and opposite force. As we slowly... more
The greatest challenges of the 21st century will presumably require tremendous shifts in the way cities, neighborhoods and buildings are formed, designed and shaped. While the regulations and constrains predicated primarily by... more
What are the most effective strategies of sustainable architecture and urban design in reversing the adverse impacts of human developments and restoring the natural environment?