Relational Models Theory
Recent papers in Relational Models Theory
The project of this thesis is topically and methodologically based on Hydronymia Slovaciae, a project being composed by Slovak linguists whose aim is to exhaustively map Slovak hydronymy according to individual instructions and which is a... more
i I dedicate this work to my parents, Joe and Stavroula Akinyode and sister, Sophia Osawe-Akinyode who contributed immensely to my pursuit of a Masters degree. I would have not been able to reach this far without the support of Maria... more
Conceptual representations of warmth have been shown to be related to people's perceptions of ambient temperature. Based on this premise, we hypothesized that merely thinking about personality traits related to communion (but not agency)... more
The present research investigated whether accommodation, typically formulated as the tendency to deliberately inhibit a destructive reaction in response to a partner’s destructive behavior, could also occur spontaneously. Supporting this... more
The article adopts a socio-psychological perspective to approach financial regulation in the European Union. While behavioural approaches to finance have expanded the understanding of markets’ dynamics, the analytical tools of behavioural... more
Humanist conceptions of the person evolve across history. Whereas humanism has served a pivotal role in the caregiving professions, its individualist emphasis now stands as an impediment to its future. Proposed is a relational... more
„There are few theoretical approaches to which historian respond so negatively as to the explanation of historical processes by such theories“, the German historian Rainer Waltz states most accurately in his study on „Theories of Social... more
We, humans, are social creatures. Most of the time, we are rather good at understanding others and we efficiently coordinate our behaviour with friends and strangers. But how do we do this? What are the psychological processes that enable... more
Literature in interpersonal relations has described the sense of intimacy towards others in terms of physical closeness and warmth. Research suggests that these descriptions should be taken literally. Past work (IJzerman & Semin, 2009)... more
A graph can be used to represent a system of arbitrary re- lations. The infinite Relational Model (IRM) finds clusters in such graphs revealing relationships within clusters and amongst clusters in the form of link probabilities. A... more
Two experiments analyzed social conflicts based on A. P. Fiske's (1991, 1992) four relational models: communal sharing, authority ranking, equality matching, and market pricing. Because each model has a distinct logical structure, it was... more
This paper develops a theoretical and methodological application of Tilly's [Tilly, C. (1998). Durable inequality. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press] assertions that inequalities are inherently relational and categorical. We... more
Conceptual representations of warmth have been shown to be related to people's perceptions of ambient temperature. Based on this premise, we hypothesized that merely thinking about personality traits related to communion (but not... more
Conceptual representations of warmth have been shown to be related to people's perceptions of ambient temperature. Based on this premise, we hypothesized that merely thinking about personality traits related to communion (but not... more
General Game Players (GGPs) are programs which can play an arbitrary game given only its rules and the Game Description Language (GDL) is a variant of Datalog used in GGP competitions to specify the rules. GDL inherits from Datalog the... more
The present paper reports results of empirical investigation for a model that posits a complementary relationship between self-blaming and other-blaming emotions and suggests that distinctive relationships between them depend on the... more
Relational models are commonly used in scene analysis systems. Most such systems are experimental and deal with only a small number of models. Unknown objects to be analyzed are usually sequentially compared to each model. In this paper,... more
We show how to translate games defined in the Game Description Language (GDL) into the Toss format. GDL is a variant of Datalog used to specify games in the General Game Playing Competition. Specifications in Toss are more declarative... more
We show how to translate games defined in the Game Description Language (GDL) into the Toss format. GDL is a variant of Datalog used to specify games in the General Game Playing Competition. Specifications in Toss are more declarative... more
Twins are two extensions onto SQL to support user privacy in social networks: one is corporate-based and the other is user-centric, corresponding to well-known mandatory access control and discretionary access control models-respectively.... more
In this article, a relational model of inequality is applied to understand organizational wage inequality patterns. The authors begin by laying out a relational model arguing that wage distributions emerge from actors within workplaces... more
What leads people to describe some of their interpersonal relationships as "close" and "warm" and others as "distant" and "cold"? proposed that conceptual metaphors facilitate social cognition by allowing people to use knowledge from a... more
Conceptual representations of warmth have been shown to be related to people's perceptions of ambient temperature. Based on this premise, we hypothesized that merely thinking about personality traits related to communion (but not... more
Consonant with a functional view of moral emotions, we argue that morality is best analyzed within relationships rather than in individuals, and use Fiske's (1992) theory of relational models (RMs: communal sharing [CS], authority... more
According to appraisal theory, emotions result from an individual's meaning analysis of the implications of his/her circumstances for personal well-being, and individual differences in emotion arise when individuals appraise similar... more
Achieving goals in a complex environment in which many players interact is a general task demanded from an AI agent. When goals of the players are given explicitly, such setting can be described as a multi-player game with complete... more
I. INTRODUCTION The derivation of Situation Assessments from signal data is a key tactical military decision making task. We are studying the use of automated reasoning techniques to provide dynamic decision support to commanders in such... more
General Game Players (GGPs) are programs which can play an arbitrary game given only its rules and the Game Description Language (GDL) is a variant of Datalog used in GGP competitions to specify the rules. GDL inherits from Datalog the... more